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  1. They'll probably get a jail sentence and then immediately released bc of fears of "covid" ... Meanwhile hard working small business owners defying health officials for keeping their businesses open to simply feed their families get fined and even put in jail. In those cases, there is no "fear of covid." What a backwards ass world we live in. Crime and murder has skyrocketed ever since the whole "defund the police" narrative has swept the nation. We all know very well who needs the police more than anyone, yet the media and other bureaucrats stay silent while they continue to feed us false narratives that are causing more harm and devastating these communities. Accountability only applies if ur a police officer. If you're a perp committing a heinous crime, ur a hero in some eyes.
  2. Patrick jeffers Rocket Ismail Rae carruth No particular order Edit nvm they played in the nfc west
  3. Yeah I was kinda joking when I made that comparison. Dilfer was pretty atrocious, and sam is definitely more talented. I just think Sam will be at his best if he doesn't try to do too much, be a game manager, feed CmC and Hubbard, sustain drives to keep the defense fresh and just let our guys feast on opposing offenses. I think if we average a measly 22-25PPG, we'll be a playoff team. Not too much to ask for
  4. This panther defense can be elite, I'm talking 2000 baltimore ravens elite. Can sam darnold be the next trent dilfer? Not a high bar at all, but could be all we need to get us to the promise land.
  5. Also by next year, do you mean this coming season or the following, bc I can definitely see this team as superbowl contenders in 2022
  6. Not 100% sold on a superbowl win, but this team defintley has playoff potential
  7. Damn tremble, arnold, marshall, robby and DJ to go along with CMC?!? If darnold has time (oline still a ?), there's no reason we shouldn't be a legitimate playoff contender, especially given the enormous ceiling with our defense
  8. These are 3rd round picks, not 7th rounders. Or sarcasm?
  9. Move down 7 spots for an extra 3rd. I'll take it!
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