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Everything posted by GEM

  1. GEM


    I understand. I would like to see them win that division. They have had a lot of injuries too, but just seem to be playing with a lot of heart. I really respect that. If you have to get four yards a play and keep the other teams offense off the field and just win. We could learn something.
  2. GEM


    I know this is not going to go over well,but I like the way Washington is playing. It looks like they like the way they are being coached. And who would want to play quarterback for us right now??
  3. I also think people lose their silly minds on here. BUT, I can understand the feelings today. We really want to feel good and cheer this team and it has been up and DOWN season. I can take losing, but don't like getting beat by a team that wants it more than us. They really played well and seemed to really be all in on their PLAN (Running the ball). I don't think we need to fire everyone. I understand that the fans really wanted this one! It hurts!!
  4. Everyone needs to be fired! No wait! Extension on their contracts!
  5. This place is brutal. Panthers win! And we will be back talking playoffs.
  6. Late last night on ESPN radio someone said that Texans liked the Carolina deal,but still thought there was a 75 percent chance he would go to Miami.
  7. Long time Vikings fan, before Panthers. I love both teams. 0-6 in Super bowls. Still special to see them play for me. We(Panthers) need this one though.
  8. Yep!!!! I need to let it go. Even in High School. If he can't kick, Go!!!!!! It's football!
  9. I have to admit that it pissed me off and had to take a walk. It is just not how I would play. The defense was kicking their tail. And now I won't to see if they keep struggling scoring points. Coaching is a question. They need to STEP UP TOO.
  10. I didn't get this at first. That's very funny!!
  11. I agree. He must have been great at WV. I have just not seen that he is a gamer and just does not give us a chance. I am going to say again that this is going to be a good team. It drives me crazy the down talk on here. I am all in. I have run over 20 marathons and know when to stay tough. It's a mental thing and I am on board for a good ride. We are going to work hard and MAKE it work. NOT getting off this train till we get to the station.
  12. Being a Vikings fan before the Panthers. I am 0 and 6 in Super Bowls. Very painful topic. For me, I will put this one on coaching. I really thought we had a great chance to be champions. The tears have just screwed up my phone........
  13. Panthers are GOING to be good. Tired of of all you pusswacks. I really want to be around real fans. Out of here. GO PANTHERS!!
  14. I am glad we have good people that can make good decisions. I liked the effort I saw last year and don't think we are far off. I think we are going to keep being in games now and we just have to win the close games.
  15. I really like the Kyle Bailey show. He is always prepared and it's not stupid small talk. That would hurt.
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