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Everything posted by GEM

  1. That is a good question. I am waving it. There is nothing fun about being a Panther fan. This has really sent me over the edge of no return. Good luck to all you guys.
  2. Guys, I really can't take anymore. Just not worth it. Just too painful.
  3. Heart break! And the roughing call just kills me. I am out.
  4. I think the same company that owns Charlotte Motor Speedway owns it. This it part of "Build Back Plan". Jr. Did have a lot to do with this idea. Race fans love this news! Great idea to do All Star Race here. Lots of history and really good track. Tickets will be hard to find.
  5. Oh sorry, wrong forum.... I thought I clicked on the carolinahuddle.
  6. Holy crap!! That's scary. Long ago, when I was younger. I did a ten day backpack in the North Cascades. We were having lunch and looking at a mountain side where all the trees were broken in half. We finally figured out it was an avalanche that did it. What power!
  7. Yep, what an off season! Something is wrong with these guys. I like smoke, but I don't drive around with 5 pounds of it. At this level and where we are at. These guys are professionals, I would like to think that they are all in working to get better and get us on our way.
  8. I couldn't even watch that. Love playoff basketball.
  9. GEM

    Formula 1

    I don't think many people know that Haas is headquartered in Kannapolis NC. The NASCAR building next door is incredible and is fun to visit, if you like motor sports. I do,the sounds make my blood pump more.
  10. I see we are still at it here. I guess there are worse topics. Glad I live in NC.
  11. Your right. The season was really bad.
  12. Everybody just settle down. Great season and great retirement tour.
  13. It was a beautiful, great, UNBELIEVABLE season and you got the BIG retirement tour to say bye to everyone. Everyone is happy.
  14. Saturday night was a damn good night ! And they say it's hard to beat a team twice.
  15. It's real tough today. Putting one foot in front of the other. BUT, there are just to many things to be proud of. My man Manek took one hell of a shot. Looked like he got hit by Mike Tyson and got up and just played his heart out. Others played thru injuries too! We are still making tough kids.
  16. Very proud of these Tar Heels!! Their first possession in the second half you could tell that they were going to work clock and take good shots. But,it never works out to take foot off gas. Kansas was deeper and stronger. It might have hurt less getting blown out. BUT, it was a GREAT EFFORT!!
  17. I kinda agree on not reaching for a guy now. After last year. I would be good with a great blocker or defense guy, that would be there for years.
  18. We might not have Super Bowl wins(Right now) but we seen Basketball Champions!
  19. Well , you have to be pumped no matter who you want to win. Getting closer. I will stop interrupting now. Carry on.
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