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Everything posted by GEM

  1. The best plan is to tank about six years in a row.
  2. Even before this, I can hardly watch a game because of penalties on every play and on stuff that had nothing to do with the play itself. I have noticed that SEC games are better to watch. They really just let the games play out. VERY pissed!
  3. These guys must have been taken by the body snatchers.
  4. Yep, don't want to be around losers.
  5. Sorry, lock the locker room doors.
  6. We can pay someone to lock the locker room doo
  7. Trade everyone. We want to lose every game. That's how it's done.
  8. Yep! If this team keeps developing and wins the division and who knows what else. Would people be very proud of them or hate them for winning? I would be very proud and happy. I hope I am seeing something good happening. I am pulling for THIS coaching staff and TEAM. WINNING? That is what I WANT! This is the last thing I am saying about playing to lose and worrying about draft place. I think I also should stay off social media.
  9. Not only are we not doing this stupid tanking thing, we could win this conference.
  10. I want no part of being a loser. If loser is not a dirty word to you. You will always be one.
  11. I woke up refreshed and what ever I I think is right, I am going to do the opposite.
  12. GEM


    I think the 16 year old that died was his brother.
  13. GEM


    I happen to be on a UNC forum last night and a shooting in progress topic started. Someone gave the link to police channels. I listened and they had a drone over the 15 year old shooter, saying he was still moving his hand. Then they called in a robot. I didn't sleep very well last night. The REAL HEROES we're all the people in law enforcement trying to stop a terrible situation. I feel for the sudden shock of waking up this morning family members gone. That's just all I had to say.
  14. When he was at Dudley in Greensboro, he reminded me of a baby Randell Cunningham. What in world happened at VT. How did they let him go to Tennessee?
  15. No doubt,we all feel screwed. We loved this team. It just been very disappointing. Now, we don't like hearing that people don't like playing on our field. We should have the best!
  16. I think we would have more than one win if PJ was quarterback. Not saying he is the answer,but we have just had bad quarterback play.
  17. I can't watch. But, I will get this started. " Well that's another one batted down. No first downs yet"
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