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Smohn Jith

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About Smohn Jith

  • Birthday 08/21/1987

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  1. Today's game should be a reminder that, no. Just no. But also, like Cam always says on his show "4th and 1, where I. ALWAYS. GOT. IT. DONE"
  2. I would have agreed with you....except Brian Thomas Jr. is a freak of nature, putting up star numbers even with Mac Jones as his quarterback.
  3. so...I dont mean for this to come off harsh, but what the heck are you talking about ? Saquon came into the league with a poor Giants offensive line, Quarterback play and was able to overcome that for many years, injuries not withstanding.
  4. https://imgur.com/82YLjpW
  5. Are we in mid-season form if we have them thrown at us ?
  6. when it comes to statistics, people are always gonna value sacks more then anything. especially PFF
  7. I see. I was confused before, but now I am certain. You are a Troll....and a rather poor one too.
  8. No, thats Shaquem Griffith. He played Linebacker we signed his twin brother, Shaquill. Cornerback.
  9. And thats the sad fact about the relationship with Sports and how its covered: We'll never truly know all the details. ....not until a couple of books come out in the next decade or so.
  10. I kinda turned off on Pat during the offseason last year, when every show was "dudezzz, when are the panthers gonna finally trade for OUR BOI Baker Mayfield !!!1" ....and then proceeded to be quiet once everyone realized it wasn't a good fit.
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