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Everything posted by Proudiddy

  1. Great job Oher... smh... Thats likely a td if oher just got out on heyward.
  2. Hey you guys, wanna see a replay of monday night? It just started.
  3. Who didnt see that coming... fug this staff man... quit being pussies and do what got you the lead. We go through thia poo everytime we get a fuging lead early.... damn man... the other team makes adjustments, we just lay down and wait for the game to end.
  4. Keep the foot on the gas fellas... theyre gonna come out gunning!
  5. Did Chud break into BOA and lock Shula in a closet?
  7. Welp, this possession was treated like it was free lol
  8. Damn, so close to another TD. But, we'll take the three.
  9. I have to give it to funchess. I did not think he would make any catch like that at any point for the rest of the season. He has dropped wide open passes repeatedly, but hauled that,one in while being held and interfered with deep downfield. Good on you funch.
  10. Peppers trying to play up the heel role today. Hardest iver ever seen him play lol... oh well, scoreboard bitch...
  11. Love Cam's presence today... the whole team feels like they have a killer instinct... gotta keep it up. Now some housekeeping - Peppers is a petty bitch ass motherfuger.
  12. Really enjoying all of the cheers in between plays there at Lambeau Southeast.
  13. This "home" crowd is embarrassing. Like, i want to mute my audio. Ive never heard it this bad. Not even against Steelers.
  14. I fuging hate our recievers. Butterfinger, choking ass motherfugers. But hey,Funchess is the next fuging Michael Irvin right?
  15. Good luck with 1) this offense sustaining a drive AND 2) Gano actually hitting a FG. We either hit on one big play or the game is over.
  16. fug these refs, fug the nfl and their luck slurping hype machine, and fug our motherfuging pussified, passive ass, bitch ass,scared shitless coaching staff for putting us in this position.
  17. He clearly trapped it,bl but theyre going to give it to him.
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