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Everything posted by Proudiddy

  1. Captains log... wait... okay, so here is my long ass update. To preface this, I'll open by saying I have had a rough few weeks recently in terms of my lifestyle. My wife and I are both starting new jobs, my oldest child started school back, etc., so it has definitely taken a toll on my regimen and diet to some degree. I was in my 2nd week of the 2nd month of Insanity when these recent events all kind of impacted what I had grown accustomed to over the summer. So, over the last few weeks, I have ate more fast food than I would like - usually pizza or fried chicken is the worst of it. But, I've limited myself for the day if I HAD to eat fast food. If I had to go to chickfila or something, I opt for the grilled chicken nuggets, which nutritionally are amazing aside from the sodium. Also have mixed in Subway. And if I have to eat pure crap, like fried chicken, I eat one piece and leave it at that. I'd also say, for the most part, I'm undereating. Some days ill eat just one meal and a snack or two. Thats not by design, I just haven't had much time to preplan or cook lately. Furthermore, I have restarted this same week of insanity for probably a month straight, lol. I'll get in like 2 days and then I have to take a day off or so and feel like I'm way off track and then just start it over the next week, only getting 2 or 3 days of it in each week. So, that leads me to this... I had to go to the doctor's for a physical for the job I just got on Tuesday or Wednesday of this week. I knew going in that they apparently put a monitor on you and make you do a step test. So, I go in, the doc is real cool. They out the monitor on me and I'm a little anxious, but all it was, was stepping up and down on a stool and they wanted your heart rate to stay below a certain number to pass on to the next phase of it. So, I stepped the first 3 minutes and he says,"what do you do to stay in shape?" I told him insanity. He says,"you can tell." So then he tells me that my HR barely moved and if I make it past the next phase, ill reach a level that he's only seen 22 times in 4 years of doing these physicals IIRC. SO, then I get a little nervous. I start the next 3 minutes, this time stepping faster. I get done and ask him if I made it, he said the limit for that phase was a HR of 128 and mine reached 133. I was so pissed at myself. Why? Because I had literally done nothing but ab exercises, pushups, and pullups for the last 5 days or so leading up to the appointment. If I had done insanity like I should for thr last week, I'm absolutely certain I would've made it under that rate easily. He tells me the guys who have made that level consisted of former pro athletes and special forces guys. He then tells me if I want, I can stop by the office again down the road and he'll do it again for me to see if I make it. So close... But, I was still proud of myself because I've been slack but still making sure I do something EVERYDAY. And apparently, the 2 or 3 days I've been doing insanity each week has maintained my level of fitness since I got to that week of the program. And, I guess the undereating has helped in some way as well, although unintended... I'm hovering around 181-184 everyday after starting the year st 195 completely sedentary. So some of that weight is muscle and I still have lost that much fat. And you can tell... I've also been using an ab wheel as I did back in the day when I was really cut up and you can now see each and every ab muscle. Now my goal is to complete the rest of insanity, clean up my diet a little more, and then start the new FocusT25 program, for the immediate future at least. I still have to get a layer of "extra off" before I'm ready to post the pics here though... I'm thinking another 10 lbs and I'm ready and I can see the light! I feel young, attractive, and virile again lol.
  2. No but they made no adjustments to what Seattle was doing to convert 3rd downs. Same crap as last year. I guess we were making them systematically beat us again. Lol.
  3. I don't care, I fuging hate Rivera. And I'm starting to hate everyone that allows these incompetent people keep their fuging jobs. This is like a fuging snowball. I don't feel like reading a others week's worth of "it's just one game." I'm fuging tired of this poo. It always rolls downhill. And yet another year will be wasted, so we can all put all of our hopes into another mediocre team and coach next season, only for them to come out like fuging robots and do the same poo all over again.
  4. They ran the same fuging play on 3rd down, depending on formation. Snugs or bootleg to the flat and we made no adjustments. Wasted timeouts, letting the clock run out to end the first half. Typical Rivera. And here we are, 0-1 again.
  5. Shula cuffed Cam. Rivera is a fuging brain dead idiot. Our franchise is fuging hopeless.
  6. And the media will continue to prop up Wilson and forget about Cam.
  7. Corners again. Captain is fuging horrible. Same poo every time. Snugs in the slot.
  8. It's so hard to stay optimistic when we keep seeing the same fuging bullshit. This is just like a 5 year running Punk'd prank.
  9. Also, outstanding effort by Smitty... Smh. If he was actually blocking that might not have happened.
  10. You could've lined up the mascot out there and he would've scored. Thomas got beat like a drum.
  11. The problem is, after those epic fails by Armond and J. Thomas, it has now set in that we have done absolutely nothing on offense for almost 3 quarters... That's not good.
  12. Godfrey would've had to have been lined up directly behind Thomas to help him on those last two passes because he was burned as soon as it was snapped. Thomas sucks.
  13. Our corners are a joke, and so is Gettleman right now for not addressing them.
  14. Josh Thomas should be fuging cut. No, I'm not exaggerating. He has cost us so much this game.
  15. I will punch Gettleman in his fuging muffin top if this motherfuger doesn't address the corner after this game. poo is killing us.
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