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  1. I know Rashad ain't happy about this.
  2. I'm still trying to figure that out. He was the main reason UNC was any good last year. I think that Tech game had a lot to do with it.
  3. I feel for Jets fan. Was looking forward to seeing what Wilson would do this year. Jimmy G will be a Jet tomorrow, confirmed.
  4. Just to understand, are they claiming the firm running the RH project (which I believe was a Tepper firm IIRC) was just taking money out of the Panthers to line his own pockets? If so that's messed up, and the NFL should look at Tepper immediately. That's some poo I expect from Dan Snyder.
  5. Though he had a decent year with LV last year. Had 34/571/3 last year. Came up big for the Raiders in some situations. Might be a player to look out for when we play them.
  6. I mean it worked out in the end. He was a good corner, just not top end money good.
  7. We know how bad Sam has been, and Walker isn't much better. Does Corral have a decent shot to win the job?
  8. Called it (albeit it about a round later) I knew Hurney couldn't resist
  9. He reminds me a lot of Tony Romo. Same play style, both quick releases, smaller stature, and Sadly could be injure prone as well.
  10. I can live with that. If we suck next year I'm confident Fitt would trade down in the 2nd and recoupe
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