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  1. I really hope VT scores quick here so we can see how Ward handles pressure
  2. Guess I’m watching a different game. If this dude is available, draft him.
  3. I can't keep up with all the 2nd round pick swaps we did between Bryce, Giants, Rams, etc. but will just assume the trade was basically Brooks for Burns. Burns has looked like ass this year at $30M and Brooks is only $2M so if he's even just average we def won that trade. Hopefully Brooks is a mf dawg
  4. I'll give you the first 3, the last 3 are big reaches at this point even tho i hope you are right. I like what he's done, getting the OL fixed in 1 offseason is huge. Don't forget to also add fleecing the Rams out of a 2nd round pick.
  5. I don't think we do this I believe Bryce has played his last snap here unless Dalton goes down, but if we did the prove it thing there is no way you can do 1 game. You would HAVE to do 4-6 games minimum. Imagine if we let him start week 17 and he lights it up and we decide to roll with him in 2025 and let Dalton walk as a FA, that's worse case scenario.
  6. I think we're saying the exact same thing? Like I said, in some situations (like long passing downs), they are going to double DJ and challenge our young WRs to beat us. But yeah I 100% agree, they are going to struggle you don't just come into the league and dominate unless you're a Nabors type.
  7. Dang, once Brooks and Crumdey are back we’re really going to find out if this draft class can play. Think that’s everyone now who will be getting game time experience now that Trevin is being eased in
  8. DJ legitimately needs to be double covered in some situations so there's definitely going to be opportunities for him. Would be huge for us if XL, Mingo, and Coker all are legit
  9. He played. Believe had 2-3 tackles
  10. I don’t know it could work well but on the flip side if it doesn’t we would be taking on a massive contract and then no money to spend elsewhere
  11. I was just thinking about this yesterday. Yes all the new rules benefit passing so that took a huge leap forward initially, but now defenses have adapted by going smaller and faster and passing numbers are way down. We’re shifting back to control to LOS and pound the rock and then setup play action. Our team is built well for this which is why I feel if Dave and Dan are both the real deal we will be competitive in the division by next year. #RTGDF
  12. Dan has been impressive so far. I’m excited to see how he builds this roster over the next 11 months
  13. Gentlemen, we have a head coach
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