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  1. The steelers are as much a contender as the seahawks are, meaning neither of them are winning poo right now. He just wanted the bag
  2. Pretty much everyone, it was a typical fitterer/Tepper draft, even though Morgan was running it
  3. Horn is under contract still anyway, we cannot afford to pay him 25-30m a season to go ride IR. I like him, but dont trust him to stay healthy or play thru the pain. I suspect he would get the bag and go nurse a minor injury every chance he gets.
  4. I could see it, Tepper era is all about RAS guys. I dont like it though.
  5. I would bet on Skattebo, I was just throwing something out there for worst case scenario.
  6. That still wont stop them from going Starks, Conerly Jr., Skattebo
  7. He played 5 games last season and 4 the year before, if he cant suit up why pay him at all, dude has played 9 out of 34 games since signing here. I dont care how healthy he was for another team, the fact is he has not been healthy at all for our team.
  8. So when we go S, OT, RB in the first 3 rounds none of us should be shocked right?
  9. All pro center in the 2nd round??? fug that give me a RB who cant play for 2 seasons.
  10. If we know that this dude is going to be Mike Evans 2.0 then sure take him at 8. If he is anything less than that we need Defensive guys that can stop the run, we arent doing poo until we can stop teams from running all over us.
  11. Not if we are trading way back in the first, if we are just dropping back a couple spots then sure. Im not dropping down to 20+ for a 2nd and some throwaway picks. If its a playoff team they def have to throw in next years first.
  12. Brady couldnt beat the Foles eagles, no way he beats this team with that KC roster.
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