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About Sapper

  • Birthday 06/15/1984

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  1. Why all the blind hate for our picks before stepping on to the turf people- I’m going to go ahead and continue to follow the Hurricanes
  2. I’m thinking Aho gets 2, Jarvis 1 and Joekel 1 and we win 4 - 0
  3. Does anyone know if they’ve started printing trading cards of Brandon Miller yet that he autographed and he’s in his Hornet's uni? Or do I have to get it the old fashioned way?
  4. Learn back end programming and join the teams. Obviously it isn’t AI, but it’s the best thing until AI is a reality. go to boot.dev and learn something like python.
  5. here’s the vulnerability: The curl vulnerability is a heap-based buffer overflow within hostnames of SOCKS5 proxies via the command-line flag. This happens due to curl switching to a local resolve mode if the name is too long. Easily fixable.
  6. It’s going to be pretty lame.stock(minus the movies, games and panarama). FaceTime looks decent too. I’m mainly looking forward to future updates.
  7. Anyone else going to get one? $3499.00 $291.58 for 12 months $
  8. I guess either it didn’t happen, or it wasn’t a big deal? I’m a programmer, just never coded much in cURL, and I never heard much about news.
  9. Sabor Street Latin Grill Nachos and Paulener Oktoberfest.
  10. Sapper

    Diablo IV

    I rolled a Barb and went WW and am not going to lie, in spite of all of the constant nerfs I have found it easy and so much fun to get through the game!
  11. Sapper

    Diablo IV

    Cool- I won’t be able to get on til Friday, but this is great news!
  12. Sapper

    Diablo IV

    It is a pretty penny, but I’ve played the first 3. Tomorrow, I plan to preorder the Ultimate Edition and partake in the beta. Anyone else going to be playing?
  13. I’’n really happy for Staal getting a goal.
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