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Everything posted by 45catfan

  1. If we are looking a street FAs at this point, I'd take a swing a RB and TE. There are some decent ones still unsigned. As far as WRs, the only way to upgrade is to trade. It bare out there. Yes, some old, washed up, former stars are available, but the washed up part should be a sign to stay away. 1) Sign a bruiser RB 2) Sign a TE 3) If feasible, trade for a WR.
  2. Dang man, diving in early aren't you? I will be watching for WRs, CBs, TEs and IDL studs. It sucks not having a first round pick since the WR class is loaded, especially at the top.
  3. People's passion wanes over time. Twenty years ago I was an insane Panther's fan. Now, still a fan, but not nearly with the amount of energy and intensity.
  4. The same with TEs, there are better guys sitting on their couch right now than Ian Thomas and Tremble.
  5. Go out and sign a guy like Fournette to a reasonable 1-year deal. At least there are decent RBs still out there. I looked at the FA WRs and woof, the cabinet is bare.
  6. Hurst played well and the secondary. That's it. The OL played decent and our pass rush was effective early on. Outside of that, it's a matter of what group's sucky play was not as as bad as the others.
  7. Dude, if Rhule got to at least dip his toes into year 3 after that train wreck, Reich should at least be afforded the same grace.
  8. And a QB that threw two bad picks? No shame in pulling him to keep from crushing his confidence with a potential 3rd pick? I get it dude, you want Thomas Brown to be the play caller, but you don't need to throw Reich under the bus to get your wish.
  9. Two of my three concerns going into the season. A short yardage back was my third concern and the failed 4th and short attempt proved that point.
  10. Okay, bench the rookie and see if the veteran QB can do any better. I would go that route before the HC tucks his tail between his legs and relinquishes play calling duties. The ONLY call I had a real problem with was the 4th down call. Going for it wasn't the issue...that was fine, but the play itself with Hubbard as the guy. The rest was on execution, which is NOT on the play caller, but the players.
  11. That was Peyton Manning. Also Dan Marino lost his first 3 games, even the one where he played most of the game. Go look at Troy Aikman's first game...U-G-L-Y. Again, I'm not a Young apologist, even though people are pushing in that direction. Rookie QBs struggle, period. Will Young be the savior of the franchise? I dunno, but banking that decision based off today is ludicrous.
  12. Sure, because two picks and a fumble as well as your #2 WR not knowing where in the hell on the field he should be is on the play calling.
  13. We need to seriously upgrade next year in the offseason at WR. Mingo and maybe Thielen as the lone holdovers. Scrap the rest. This group is atrocious.
  14. Same, I said 7-9 wins, but now at the lower end of that range.
  15. I can't believe you guys are making me defend Bryce Young. Whose stats are these for their first game? I was mid on the Bryce selection, I didn't hate the pick, but didn't love it either. Rookie QBs struggle. Bryce, CJ and AR ALL lost today. It's a process. Calm down. Now, if Young looks like this by the end of the season, then panic.
  16. All happened under the Rhule administration. I'll wait for judgement until after year two of the Reich era.
  17. He's accurate when he has time and can process his reads, but while processing stares them down. Bryce has got to scan the filed with his eye and not with head movement.
  18. I was sounding the alarm on this. When 88 is your starter along with rookie, that's not a good omen.
  19. The same things that worried me in the offseason leading up the the regular season came home to roost. #1) No true weapon on the boundary. Chark? Possibly if he could suit up on Sundays. #2) No short yardage back. Chuba put on weight to be more of a between the tackles carrier, but alas, a zebra can't change their stripes. #3) No beef in the middle of the defense. While it wasn't horrible today, we will continuously get gashed for huge gains as long as we don't have a run stopper plugging the interior of that defensive line. Until at lest TWO of those 3 things (preferably all 3) get resolved, it's going to be a long season.
  20. The '01 Panthers couldn't seal the deal; MANY of their games were winnable. The players finally gave up in the last quarter of the season though.
  21. Nah, I was 50/50 on that game. Had it been in Charlotte, I would had actually favored the Panthers. We are cursed in the ATL. I would love to find the source of the jinx so we can do some kind of voodoo ritual to reverse the hex.
  22. Note to self during the Burns contract negotiations. First play post contract is probably a busted tackle on a run play for a TD.
  23. All 3 first round QBs lost. I think they said the last rookie QB to win their debut was...ironically enough, David Carr in 2002.
  24. Right now our most competent 'receiver' is Hurst. That's freaking scary.
  25. How many times has Bryce had to throw the ball away because nobody can get open?
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