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Everything posted by 45catfan

  1. Why? The season is wrapped, so at this point he's either going to get better or collapse. If he folds, we need to take a QB at #33 in April and not waste another season on this dude.
  2. She was probably the one that pressed Dave to ditch Frank for making her Brycie look bad. Frank's gone now, Lil' man still can't win and she's upset.
  3. Last drive, two solid run plays and then two consecutive pass plays with only 1 yard...the last ending with a pick. Yay, new OC!!!
  4. So when Frank handed over play-calling duties to Brown, who honestly thinks he was trying to pass the baton? It's becoming clearer by the day Tepper TOLD Frank to make the switch and that Dave was meddling VERY early on in the season. If Reich thought Brown was 'ready' I doubt he resumes the duties only after a few games. No wonder Frank was looking miserable and why the parting of ways was a mutual agreement. I would want out of this dumpster fire too.
  5. Nah, we might win in a low scoring game like the Texans. We hit the bulk of the division schedule coming up so outside of the Saints, even we have a chance versus the Bucs and Falcons. The defense is finally getting healthy and Eddie is money (not Eddie Money.) if we can hold the Bucs to 17 points or less, we have a shot even with this putrid offense.
  6. That's the sad part is if we sat Bryce all season brought him along slowly, all we had to be was a mediocre football team to win this horrible NFC South, possibly even with a losing record.
  7. Agreed on the disagreement. I don't know how one gets handed a heaping serving of chopped liver and is expected to make filet mignon out of it. Frank had his faults, but he also wasn't a miracle worker either.
  8. Would Tepper allow us to draft a QB at #33 if one falls? You know dude has ZERO accountability and thus if Bryce still continues to struggle making it even more obvious the NFL is too big for him, Tepper will likely pass on a quality QB if there at #33 just to save face, IMO.
  9. Name this coach. It's a two way road. People can't say give the rookie time because all rookies struggle, but then say the coach of said rookie is supposed to have a decent record. That makes no sense.
  10. 100% agree and I've been saying this as well. Dalton is collecting easy money holding a clipboard and while we would still not be a good team with Dalton, a win here and there does wonders for moral--the team and fans.
  11. Question, would our record have been 1-10 if Dalton started the last 5 games? Again, the man was in a no win situation. Tepper wouldn't let him bench Bryce an Bryce isn't NFL ready.
  12. Yup. Reich couldn't win with the rookie and couldn't bench him either. Frank was in a no win situation...as I stated numerous time.
  13. I hate to say told you guys so, but I TOLD you guys so. No wonder Frank wanted out.
  14. I know who I wanted and it was a QB in this coming 2024 draft. Frank had the right instincts to go after Carr. Yeah, I know, another bridge QB, but you don't have a brand new staff hitch their wagons to a QB that's not generational. I get Bryce is super smart, but nothing in his play even a 'Bama says he was a generational QB. For the record, even though Stroud is doing well, there was not generational QB this draft in the mold of Manning, Luck, or even as recently as Trevor. The plan was to get a new staff get their bearings, familiarize and mold this first season, THEN get the rookie QB once the staff has a year under their belts as a unit. Again, impatient Tepper blew the whole thing up.
  15. That's what you get when you hire a head coach and immediately neuter him by not letting him take his choice of QB(s). Frank wanted Carr, then Stroud and had to settle for Young. You're right, it was never going to work.
  16. Tepper getting dragged all day has been the best part of my day!
  17. Yup, Frank is a good dude and at least should have had the dignity to finish out the season. Nope, mid-season firing, another might I add. You can only treat people so bad before that crap catches up to you. Apparently it's not just coaches that Tepper treats like poo. No coach had been here for over 10 years when Tepper took over. That was either a scout or someone on the business side that lady was posting about.
  18. Greg isn't Tepper's booze brother, so the correlation isn't there.
  19. Two bum shoulders and two bum knees. Dude has been sliced and diced on more than a Thanksgiving Turkey. I love the kid, but his injury history is going to scare off a lot of teams.
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