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Everything posted by 45catfan

  1. That sealed it for me as well. Until then, I was still on the fence with Scott, albeit on the other side hanging on by one arm. Throwing Frank under the bus was the final straw. At that point, I knew he was in 100% arse saving mode and would say/do anything to keep his job. Once in survival mode like that, you are functionally inept in your job capacity because everything is viewed through the lens of "will this save my job?"
  2. I run ideas past my boss all the time, it doesn't mean he uses any of them. It may be sad, but a billionaire and lackey can be stubborn.
  3. I think Kraft is listening to trade offers before pulling the plug on Bill. Almost a quarter century for a HC in one job is mind boggling in today's NFL. They haven't been much without Brady and Kraft know this...now. He needed some time to figure out if it was Brady or Bill behind the success and it was mostly Brady.
  4. I think Frank bent to the pressure in the building. I think he knew where other people were at even though they 'supposedly' didn't know each other's pick. That's the reason both Frank AND Josh got fired because neither were firmly in Young's camp. I think it was well established that McCown was smitten with Stroud during the pre-draft process.
  5. The Jets ans Browns always managed to find another victim, uh, head coach. If the buyout is big enough, even a good candidate will want to take a swing.
  6. Yes, it was a slippy slope. Fallacy #1: We were only a QB away. True, the defense was in good shape and would need some time to adjust to the 3-4, but the offense was not nearly as complete as Scott had thought. Fallacy #2: Thinking Bryce was mentally ready to start day 1. No rookie QB is. The best you can hope for is to insert him into a complimentary system with nice weapons at his disposal and let him grow while taking his lumps. Fallacy#3: Our offensive weapons were 'good enough.' Scott honestly thought that what he brought in this offseason was good enough to support a rookie QB.
  7. Eh, fully done growing? No, but you don't see dude's blow up in the NFL...that's in college. I just don't see the alpha in him to commit to such an endeavor. Bryce says he's dealt with this stigma of being small his entire life. If true, where was the drive to hit the weights and supplements in high school and college when they could have actually benefited him the most? He's always has relied on the mental side of the game. Unfortunately in the NFL you have to smart and an athletic specimen.
  8. Nope, I see it the other way around. Fitterer is gone, so no need to defend him. I think Tepper told Fitterer to move up for a QB. He did. I think Tepper and his analytical side got sucked in by the S2 test. There is NO WAY Frank wanted a 5'8" QB. If you somehow honestly believe that, I've got ocean front property in Kansas to sell you.
  9. Shockingly, Hurney is being retained...for now.
  10. Again, just rumors amongst the talking heads. Of that list, Belichick is the only one I expect to go. Vrabel is probabaly 50-50 and Carrol isn't quite ready to retire yet, I wouldn't think. Pederson is likely safe this year, but he can't afford to miss the playoffs again in '24, especially in a repeat fashion of this season.
  11. Other rumored possible departures were Belechick, Vrabel and Carroll (retiring). Another name that has popped up in recent days is Pederson whose Jags fell apart down the stretch (except against us).
  12. I'd keep him around is some capacity, just not the GM.
  13. Yep, we need a 1st round WR. It's a deep draft, but there's no getting a top 15 WR talent at #33.
  14. I'm not sure the vacancies make it 8, but it's eerily consistent how many HC openings there are each year.
  15. With all that offensive talent, QB withstanding, they should not have been this bad. Goes to show how important the QB position is.
  16. His drafts got worse, not better.
  17. He's under contract two more seasons and next season is a big cap hit. He'd have to be traded.
  18. He's not that old white guy. They got the one gone they wanted out.
  19. The offense played so much better after Frank got fired the Huddle said. Two shutouts later.....
  20. I try using stats to prove a point and people are like: STATS LIE!!!! Stats can lie, but when you pull from sites that crunch the entire NFL, it's not they have an ax to grind versus the Panthers. The numbers are objective. But don't tell that to Young supporters.
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