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Everything posted by 45catfan

  1. And here we go with the ole Huddle "you don't understand" fall back argument. Yes, I know what semantics means, however, I would say to you that the average person takes prevention as a literal meaning to STOP. So no, I don't think you chose that word by accident. Mask do not stop the spread, it reduces the spread. It's not really a tom-A-to; tom-a-to thing. Even when I do go out with a mask, I still know there's a very real chance I may catch it and that mask isn't preventing crap.
  2. Just used Huddle logic in that instance. Sometimes satirical statements reach people better here.
  3. So other people can still get it even with a mask? Man, I thought a mask was a COVID-19 silver bullet.
  4. It's only a semantic if you want it to be. I know the difference, but if you choose not to, so be it. Reduction of spread sounds so less effective than prevention, wouldn't you say?
  5. Typical comeback. Outside of N-95s, the effectiveness is as low as 50%, homemade cloth coverings even less. While masks help reduce the spread, they do not prevent COVID-19 spreading.
  6. Nope, but the intent was implied. Literal definition from Websters dictionary of prevent: to keep from happening or existing
  7. Masks R-E-D-U-C-E chances of getting a respiratory illness, they do not PREVENT. FYI, I do wear a mask when going to places with a lot of people.
  8. NYC is only now really reopening, just give it time. They are behind the curve, literally, based off reopening later than just about everyone else. All they did was delay what is bound to eventually happen. Just give it a few weeks (see, I can play this game too). Smart decisions like sticking COVID-19 patients in nursing homes?
  9. It's amazing the number of outlets where you can easily find accumulative case counts and number of deaths, but you have to really dig to find the number of recovered cases. Secondly, you would think total case count (while important) would be secondary to the active case count. But, you know, that doesn't drive headlines and fear mongering.
  10. Not going to happen, so don't count on it.
  11. Dude, masks kills COVID-19 and hiding in the basement makes it go away, why are you still not on board with this?
  12. They will be saying that until November. Just wait 3 more weeks, you will see!!!!!
  13. I know his game and ignore him most of the time, but the really, really dumb takes I like to call him out on them.
  14. A few things here. Firstly and most importantly, the medical community knows how to treat this better than they did 3 months ago. Initially, if people had a good amount of trouble breathing, a vent was the go-to method. That has been shown to have horrendous results. There are several methods of treating this now as long as the patients are not too advanced in their sickness. Secondly, we know that testing was scarce initially and the number of tests were tied to those being admitted to the hospital for COVID-19...even then they were only taking the most dire cases. Many of those people died. So yes, the early deaths rates looked scary as heck! Lastly, if you quarantine the entire country cases are going to be predictably less than not closing things down. However, society can't be cordoned off forever, so as the country reopened, of course cases were going to spike. Minimizing exposure does NOT eradicate the virus, it just delays the inevitable until vaccine is developed and widely available.
  15. And less deaths in the entire state of Florida than NYC alone.
  16. Dude will have to be seriously put on suicide watch if Trump wins. If somehow Trump could magically come up with a vaccine tomorrow for coronavirus, this guy would find a reason to crap all over it.
  17. The University of Oxford experimental COVID-19 vaccine seems to be very effective on test animals. I'm not sure if they have moved on to human testing yet, but if they get the same results, it's a matter of clearing regulation hurdles and getting production started. That still puts it out at least six months. VERY promising Coronavirus Experimental Vaccine
  18. A ton of anecdotal stories going around like this. Due to the uncertainty of everything going on in the country right now I wonder if people are just sitting on what they know and keeping quiet. In the end, those folks tied to wrongdoing (profiteering/gross negligence) during this pandemic needs to see their day in court.
  19. And you think early in the pandemic when people were dying at home the coroners cared to make that distinction? Sure, if admitted to a hospital they would have made the distinction. Not everyone went to the hospital. Anyway, nice try.
  20. That got me thinking on strains of viruses; I wonder how the scientific community is going to back and break down the seasonal flu deaths against the coronavirus deaths in retrospect? I doubt it is even attempted to any real degree, I would be willing to bet they all will be COVID-19 deaths. It's not like the seasonal flu just disappeared in February *poof* once Covid-19 became the main focus. Yes, the seasonal flu causes tens of thousands of deaths every year in America. Anyway, just a thought.
  21. This is why until a quicker, cheaper and widely available antibody test becomes available, we won't have any clue to how many people have had this. Even then it will only be an educated guess. Still only 2.2 million people nationwide have tested positive. Yes, I said ONLY because that's not how many people who have contracted this disease. It's honestly some figure with a multiplier higher than that. The 13 of the 16 that were asymptomatic is right in line with the high end of the conclusions of studies conducted I've seen highlighted in a couple articles being as high as 80%. I'm assuming since we are talking about construction workers, these people are younger and fairly healthy men. So that is not surprising at all.
  22. Exactly and why it looked so grim early on. That didn't keep the brainless media from running with the narrative though. Most realistic people acknowledge this virus spreads easily and is very contagious. However, the way the media sensationalized the early death rate, willingly or ignorantly, infuriated me. It was very obvious the disease was taking the toll on the weakest of the population (elderly and/or compromised immune systems) and those were basically the only ones tested initially. So an elderly person comes into the hospital displaying symptoms, gets tested and then later dies...right there is 1:1 ratio. Until testing began in earnest besides people being admitted to hospitals and folks in nursing homes, the death rates were always going to be high.
  23. The coast is where a lot of this is coming from now. People are vacationing now that grade school is out.
  24. Italian waste water samples confirm COVID-19 in Italy mid-December 2019. The first confirmed case wasn't until 2 months later in mid-February. Our first confirmed case in America was a month earlier than the Italians so in theory this could have been stateside sometime in November. So who is still buying China's BS timeline on when they knew about this? https://medicalxpress.com/news/2020-06-virus-italy-december.html
  25. The death rate in SC keeps trending down and I suspect as much nation wide. This based on how they scared the absolute POO out of everyone in the beginning by dividing deaths by confirmed cases. When testing was extremely scarce at the outset and the death rate calculation was as high as 6% in some places (looking at you NYC) and the media ran with that narrative. I kept saying as testing increased the death rate would slowly drop and it has. In SC it is now 2.8% from about 5% early on (still too high based off the faultiness of the method) and *knock on wood* if the daily casualties don't start to consistently trend worse, drops a tenth of a percent about every other day now since testing has been in high gear. Granted, this virus is still not to taken lightly, but it is not the near death sentence that the media made it out to be in March. I suspect this viruses true mortality rate is no higher than 1% and probably a little lower.
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