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Everything posted by 45catfan

  1. Yup, about how I see it, unless Tampa sits most of their starters the last week. Possibly 3 wins then.
  2. There is a small "fee" probably Ticket Master's cut, so like 98% of the sell goes to the PSL holder. The team doesn't get anything. They could care less because the season ticket package is already paid for in full prior to the season. The team already has their money, it's just the bad optics of empty seats is their primary concern.
  3. PSL owners have no idea who they sell to on Ticket Master. We have 3 options when selling and only one can guarantee a Panther's fan in those seats. That is we have to KNOW beforehand the person is a Panther's fan and sell/donate/give directly to them. By donating tickets or selling them through Ticket Master, the purchaser is anonymous. The real problem as I see it isn't the PSL owners not trying to get butts in their seats, I attempt to sell mine each and every week that I don't attend. The problem is apathy with this team because they are SO BAD that unless you figuratively...sometimes literally give the seats away, the fair weather fans won't even bite. I listed my tickets yesterday at just about 50% off face value and they didn't sell. So is it my fault the team is so bad that even heavily discounted ticket go unused?
  4. Yes, I'm curious why they did not try Moton at C? I mean every other guy was a bad fit for the spots they were playing. Why was he left out of the poo shuffle?
  5. Stats, especially about intuitive things, usually only reinforces what most reasonable-minded people informed on the subject matter already know. Did the Huddle really need that chart showing the Panthers had the worst offense in the League? Thanks for making it crystal clear and leaving zero doubt though!
  6. Yeah, I was a bit baffled when people here were claiming this past draft was better than the 2020 draft this off season. I didn't see it then, and sure as heck don't see it now.
  7. I bet more butts in seats would be more appealing to Tepper than a top selling jersey for your star player. Wait, if you win football games, more butts are in seats AND merchandise sells increase. What a concept!
  8. Igo talking about very high workplace tension there, it's implied, yet not sourced.
  9. That was one of the reasons he was forced...oops, I mean willingly sold the team. That, jeans Friday and making a supposed remark about a black scout's nose.
  10. The most pressing question: Did you wash your hands before picking your phone back up?
  11. LOl, how 24 hours changes everything! Just yesterday people counting the teams we needed to beat to get into the playoffs and how plausible it was. Today it's tanking for draft position!
  12. A half game from being eliminated? Whew, now I can find something productive to do with my Sunday afternoons!
  13. It's like a serial killer giving you the choice of drowning, stabbing or strangulation. Sure there are choices, but is there really a good one? The staff can go with PJ, shuffle the OL around yet again, tell Joe Brady to call a some more run plays, but is outcome really going to be any different?
  14. I mean, we knew this OL sucked in the off season and literally had NUMEROUS threads about it. The staff went out and signed a couple of cast-offs and thought they fixed the issue. So yeah, in seems the Huddle has more of a clue how to fix this team than the brass.
  15. There sure was. The first sign was Darnold struggled behind a bad OL with the Jets, then we bring him here and did next to nothing to fix our putrid OL. Not only were there signs, but big, flashing, neon ones, but our staff put on blinders to block out them out because those signs were annoying.
  16. True, everyone calling for Sam to be benched is just pissed and being narrow-sited. Does anyone REALLY think PJ will turn this offense around? Let Sam do his thing this year and we will, unfortunately, have to revisit the starting QB situation in the off season and either cut Darnold or make him the backup. Throwing mud at the wall at this point accomplishes nothing.
  17. I'm pretty sure the job of a coach is to improve a player's game. By your sentiment, coaches never elevate the level of a player's game based on talent or ability; if they suck, they will always suck or marginal athletes can never be successful. Why even bother coaching then?
  18. They don't have to play like Pro Bowlers, but they have to play like they belong in the NFL at minimum.
  19. I thought Richardson was the one who created the hostel work environment?
  20. I see a lot of folks are coming around to this idea. I like it. It starts with the OL folks. I know some UNC homers are frothing at the mouth about the prospects of Howell. Take him out of the equation (significant injury/stays in school) and they would see the light as well. If a veteran QB can't get the job done behind this OL, how in the heck is a rookie supposed to do it? Fix the OL via the draft and FA, get a veteran QB, make Sam the #2, cut PJ and keep Morgan on the practice squad as the #3 next season. In 2023 with ditch Sam, draft a rookie QB to learn behind the veteran for a year and hopefully by 2024 we have a solid OL and franchise QB. I know that's a long term plan, but slapping band aides on these wounds when they really required stitches has only prolonged the agonizing bleeding.
  21. Hurney magic was re-signing Jake when they knew his arm was busted. Prior to the injury, Jake was better more times than not. We were at least winning, if not playoff contenders with him before he blew out his elbow.
  22. The first part you got correct, not so much the second part. In 2003, for example, the stadium was mostly full especially as the season wore on and we were winning. By season's end, the place was packed. Playoffs? The place was wall to wall with Panthers fans. Nobody really knew about Jake or cared about his weird cajun accent, but he was winning football games. It's hard to say that Jake was some kind of marketing gem. Heck, even his Bo Jangles commercials were goofy as heck.
  23. Can someone find the clip of Daley escorting the rusher to Darnold late 3rd, early 4th Quarter? Literally shadowed the guy but didn't so much as lay a finger on him.
  24. LOl, dude...eBay? That's not where people sell their PSLs. How much time do you have to sift through all these listings? Countless number of PSLs for sell Oh, and those are just the ACTIVE listings. They have an expiration date and then they have to be re-listed. There are probably thousands more (like myself) that want to sell but don't have a listing up currently.
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