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Everything posted by 45catfan

  1. 1. OT 2. Linderbaum 3. Trade down
  2. A substitute RB as our full-time one has been MIA for quite sometime now.
  3. Do teams still have to forfeit games due to an outbreak? If so ...and I know CMC is straight,but he should kiss every player square on the mouth! That is how bad I want Rhule gone!
  4. Tepper was figuring how much of Rhule's salary can be written off as a tax deduction when he cans him.
  5. Yeah, the Chiefs had the staff and players to turn it around. This team? Pffffft, that's a different story.
  6. Yup, looks like Rhule is losing the locker room when players are starting to act like this. After a complete drubbing by the Bills this week, the wheels should come completely off. After that, we welcome in the defending SB champions fighting for the #1 seed. I wonder if they will just quit on him by then?
  7. The reason we didn't bite on the Bears offer is because the team was stuck on a CB and was worried both of the guys they were targeting would be gone. Surtain went the very next pick. That part, they correct on.
  8. True, but that would have been a reach based on his value and ultimately where he was drafted. Once the team decided Fields was not going to be the pick, we could have shopped the #8 pick instead of taking a corner.
  9. One Lance was gone, and Sewell too, I wanted us to trade back and take Slater. Could you imagine if we had Slater and an extra day 2 pick this coming draft? We could trade back, get another day 2 pick and still probably get Linderbaum. That would have been Slater, Brown, Linderbaum, Christensen and Moton for next year.
  10. Lol! You haven't been to Charlotte in the past 35-40 years, have you? Well, has the crime at least stayed low in Wilmington?
  11. Boy is he going to use that injury bug as a crutch.
  12. The problem with the defense is no identity, no nasty, and undisciplined. It is NOT a lack of talent. Get a NFL caliber--old school 'tough as nails' DC in here that instills that nasty demeanor and discipline, we won't have to change much...if anything on the defensive side of the ball personnel wise.
  13. Rhule needs to take himself and merry band of college coaches BACK TO COLLEGE. He will be doing himself, the players, Tepper, Charlotte, the Carolinas and this fan base a MASSIVE favor.
  14. Hitting on a franchise QB is much harder than it seems. Saying one of these 2022 QBs is going to succeed is just a blind stab in the dark. There is no generational-type guy in this draft. Actually, this is a JAG QB draft. But sure, ONE of them may pan out. If one does, the 20/20 hindsight crew will be in full effect. If the QB class turns out to be, well...JAG's, then you won't hear a peep out of them.
  15. Yeah, the nearly impossible part is not the teams ahead of us inexplicably tanking...could very well happen, it's the necessity of US winning out. That's the impossible part.
  16. We have two former top 3 selections at QB on the roster right now Yes, QB play has been bad, but is that completely on the players themselves or on the supporting cast and coaches? I honestly think our QB play would be drastically improved with a different staff, an actual OL and a fresh start to a season.
  17. Pickett is a one-year wonder, but he had the best year of the three. Corral and Howell were more consistent over their careers. Corral did it against tough opponents year in and year out and that's why he's the top QB in most early mocks. Both Howell and Pickett played in the ACC (the lesser division at that) and outside of local homers, most people believe that the ACC is the worst of the Power 5 conferences. It actually continues to get worse; so much so that even Clemson was vulnerable this year. That said, above average QB play versus completely average schedules very much can call players resume's into question.
  18. Tepper just now realizing this.
  19. Nailed it! I said this in the 90's, why I left, and why I have never returned to live...only to visit. EVERYONE I know well that lived/grew up in Charlotte has fled to the 'burbs or the area altogether. Charlotte is a top transplant city in the country and the older locals, the REAL Charlotteans, aren't having it and thus they move. Charlotte has become a big city and along with it, big city problems. I now live in a large town/small city and it has the feel of 70's/80's Charlotte before the construction boom and transplant migration began. While having a downtown area, it's dwarfed by the size of Charlotte's even back then. While downtown here is small, there's still stuff to do.
  20. I think with a competent coaching staff, rebuilding the OL and keeping key FAs this team is a playoff contender next year. Yup, I said it. That's how badly this roster is being mismanaged. Lack of talent is not the main issue here ( except on the OL) coaching is.
  21. There's zero reason to keep Rhule at this point. We are not going to the playoffs and likely not going to win another game. We are catching a pissed off Bills team right now, a Saints team trying to stay in the playoff hunt and the defending SB Champs x2 a game back of getting a bye (not resting their starters). Keeping this dude around is killing the moral of this team. I understand the optics around the League canning another coach with games remaining, but there is literally no positives for keeping him. If Tepper does retain Rhule for the last 4 games, I hope he pulls the trigger the VERY NEXT DAY after the Bucs game in January. Heck, Tepper should call him to his office at BOA after the plane lands back in Charlotte.
  22. Therein lies the rub. I don't think there's a franchise QB in this draft. Will one of them turn into a franchise QB? Possibly, but which of the three it will be is the problem. Scratch Willis right off the bat. Dude was a big fish in a little pond and when he made it to the big pond, he looked lost. Howell is #3 in the class and has huge questions. He's Trubisky 2.0, it just so happens they went to the same school. You are down to Corral and Pickett. I haven't done a ton of research on the draft yet (I usually wait until bowl season is winding down) but it seems initially, they have question marks as well and in a strong QB draft, they would be late 1st or even 2nd rounders. They will go in the top 15 or maybe even the top 10 JUST because a QB needy team will take a flyer on them. Are we a QB needy team? Absolutely. The #1 rule of the draft, however, is never, EVER, reach for need over value.
  23. This was the most winnable game left on our schedule and couldn't even handle business--at HOME. So we have the Bucs (twice), Bills and Saints. Is there one win in there? Only if we bring our 'A' game and one of those other teams brings their 'C' game. Other that that, this team shouldn't see another win this season. I hoping for that #5 draft slot and an OT.
  24. I wish I could--off the record. What they say publicly and when the microphones/recorders are turned off are likely totally different.
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