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Everything posted by 45catfan

  1. So we get one good year out of him before he bolts in FA. Great! Y'all make it look like dude actually wants to be here and will be a Panther for life. Report after report shows we are WAY down his list. You think three years in this carnival is going to change his mind and actually want to re-sign here when he can test the open FA market???? Homerism meets man-crush at it's finest. His choices and market are limited right now. In three more seasons that dynamic changes drastically especially after his legal troubles die down over time.
  2. That sucks, because the Eagles have the draft capital to make it work.
  3. Answer me just one question, if you somehow could foresee the future and if was going to take the Panthers until 2024 just to make the playoffs with Watson, would you still make the trade?
  4. Bridgewater was absolutely impatience. The front office thought they would get a capable QB that would keep us at least competitive through the roster rebuild that would resemble more of a re-tooling. That blew up. Then they doubled down with Darnold. Remember, we could have had Fields or Jones and not have to gave up a single THING. But, Tepper wanted to try to stay competitive as the rebuild went on. Now, we have to give up a TON of draft capital as this doubling down on stupid continues. Also, please tell me how the Bucs, Broncos and Chiefs rosters resembled anything like our roster right now? The Chiefs being the weakest of the three. The Bucs and Broncos rosters were stocked. Again, you are willing to let the Panthers build around Watson because the team is NOT a contender currently...even with Watson. I get it, you have a man-crush on Watson. That doesn't acknowledge this roster is has major holes, a coach that makes it up as he goes along and an owner that keeps sticking his nose into things making it a lot worse.
  5. Correct, one QB with a competent staff and solid supporting cast around him. Watson would have neither here. You are seemingly willing to wait for the Panthers to build around Watson, so why not wait for us to draft a guy next year? My only rationale is you feel that Watson has this well of untapped potential or either a die-hard Clemson fan. I've stated my case against the Watson trade and my points are numerous. Your point is the belief he will turn this organization around...seemingly almost by his presence alone.
  6. Impatience got us Bridgewater and Darnold. I'm sorry, what was your point about urgency in the NFL?
  7. No, no I give up because obviously I don't understand that inept coaches can win Super Bowls with QBs that have proven they can't do it with much better rosters. The funny thing is you think Watson is going to crown this franchise like Stafford did the Rams and like Brady did the Bucs. That's what is tragically funny about this whole situation is our front office is so freaking incompetent that they to are trying their best to make that correlation.
  8. These are the same dudes that camp outside of Gamestop the night before for a new Call of Duty release. They have no patience. To quote the infamous line of Varuca Salt: " I want it, and I want it NOW!" Big picture concepts are lost on them.
  9. Worse coaches? I guess the QB sets the game plans. I suppose Watson with all his SB rings and appearances will help the coach along. What Watson doesn't have any? You don't say.....
  10. If we have to trade up some to get a franchise QB next year, then so be it. It's not THREE first rounders, a 2nd, 3rd and two key defensive players. Oh by the way, clown-boy is roaming the sidelines. I am nearly certain that if Watson goes elsewhere this team will be bad enough to get a top 15 pick. Zero doubt in my mind. Will we have to trade up for a QB? Possibly, but it won't be for the stupidly-insane amount we are willing to give up for Watson.
  11. You really want Rhule to stick around, don't you? Watson will do nothing but keep this team middling enough to keep that clown around. I can tell you this much, give Rhule his full 7 years, even with Watson, and this will be one more seriously clinically depressed fan base.
  12. The Seahawks rebuilt under Carroll and he drafted Wilson. They won the SB in a couple of years of together. While the Chiefs were decent under Reid, they were in purgatory until they drafted Mahommes. The Bengals drafted Burrow and the Bills Allen under new/newish staffs and their fortunes have changed without going the crazy route the Panthers are attempting to take.
  13. So Burrow carried that team all by himself? I'm pretty sure the defense was pretty solid and they went out and got Burrow some weapons. If anything Burrow developed a season quicker than most would have thought. For Bengals' fans, that's a great thing.
  14. The Seahawks a while back and more currently the Chiefs. It appears the Bengals and Bills are about there as well.
  15. You shot your down your own argument and didn't even realize it, lol! Quick fix trades are not the right way unless all the organization is lacking...literally the missing link, is the QB. The right way is to draft a guy, but unfortunately that's a year away. This team is a dumpster fire, heck even Aaron Rodgers couldn't save this team right now. But sure, let's go for the 'quick fix' wit a dude that has legal issues.
  16. There's plenty of QBs in next year's draft and we can get one on a rookie deal and not mortgage the future in the mean time. Some Panthers' fans are so desperate, they can't see the forest for the trees.
  17. If we strip this team of talent and future talent (all the draft picks) to get Watson which leads to just a good enough record for Rhule to keep his job, will that be worth it? With this staff sticking around and lacking draft capital, do you trust this team is REALLY that much better in the long run? I don't.
  18. Years? Nah, just like 2 or 3. I'll patiently wait a couple of seasons if things are done the correct way. It will be worth it.
  19. Did he use the "N" word? Prove it. The racial 'slur' I read about was a comment about the scout's facial feature which was deemed making fun of African Americans. If JR was this unabashed racist, there should be plenty of evidence out there on the web besides this one account in a non-disclosure. Again, I find it funny that the 'morality' here is 22 sexual complaints < 1 racial slur complaint.
  20. I will still be a fan, but my fandom may have to be shelved for a while. I've never done that, not in 2001, not in 2010. It's not a fair weather fan thing, it's a contempt for the brass of the Panthers right now. I hope we miss out on Watson, take our lumps this year, Rhule gets fired, we get our franchise QB in the 2023 draft and the next head coach is devoid of final say over roster while Tepper takes a step back from dabbling in football ops.
  21. Dude, it literally was in the headline. "and on at least one occasion directing a racial slur at an African-American Panthers scout." Again, I gave you the layup...now find me the evidence he was this unfettered racist. You can't. It's a strawman because you didn't like him. People's biases makes them put some really thick blinders on. It's so funny. TWENTY-TWO sexual improprieties is better than one 'supposed' racial slur. Did JR get convicted of this supposed racial slur? Oh, I guess it didn't happen, then.
  22. Based on what? What you will find is many articles with variations of the EXACT same occurrence...when JR was under scrutiny it was "said" he made ONE comment about ONE scout and it could have been implied to be racist. Please, outside that one allegation that was hearsay, provide me with evidence JR was this renounced racist. I'll wait. JR was on the outs with the League and it was a power grab, I have no doubt. Yes, he sold on "his own terms" but he was being forced out. I have not doubt his tenure with the Panthers was coming to it's natural end, but I also have ZERO doubt in my mind if he had the choice, REAL CHOICE...to sale the Panthers on his own terms, David Tepper would have been at the BOTTOM of his list.
  23. Oh, the change. That's right. He it didn't get charged, so it didn't happen, right? Lol. Do I think some of the 22 women were gold diggers? Sure. Do I think all of them are? No. I bet you were one of the completely outraged fans about "jeans Friday" too.
  24. Anyone that wants Watson near his wife or daughter has a screw loose.
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