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Everything posted by 45catfan

  1. So he's basically being compared to his draft class. Earth shattering!
  2. I fart sunshine!!!! Truth is not fun....
  3. Running QBs are all the rage now. Dude's actual QB stats...you know the ones that matter most are mediocre at best. But sure, let's be wowed how he ran circles against mostly lower level opponents...yeah, yeah, with a good opponent sprinkled in here and there.
  4. Please!!!!! Dude is over-the-fug-hyped!
  5. Please do. I'd love for them to waste a pick on one of these guys.
  6. We traded our 4th rounder for the best kick holder in the League. I mean think about the odds of a bobbled snap? It keeps Rule up at night....or it could just be the meat sweats.
  7. Actually, no I won't be okay with it, but stupid moves is becoming the hallmark of this organization. Yes, the '23 class has tons of potential. Unless it's a Tua type of injury (potentially career ending) then I'm not worried about it. Now that Covid has chilled out, kids won't be staying in school anymore. They will have two solid years of full-schedule football on tape. The dip in draft eligible kids staying in school we had seen will go away. Up until Covid, the pool of underclassmen declaring for the draft had been going up year over year. Unless one of the top draft eligible QBs has a really down year (or misses significant time due to injury), I suspect nearly all of them will declare.
  8. Good plan in general if you want decent season a Rhule around in 2023. Also, Fitts made it no secret he plan to build the Panthers like the Seahawks did. Build a solid team, then draft a rookie QB and have them on the cheap for 4-5 season. We are still a year away from that becoming a reality. This team is still work in progress and none of the QBs in this draft are Russell Wilson.
  9. You do understand that prospect's value is based on projection, correct? You are right, nobody knows the future, including Miss Cleo. I have a feeling you do not follow the draft closely at all. I mean what is the point in scouting if you don't need to know how prospect looks up until midway through their draft year? I do it that way as hobby, but hey, I'm not getting paid or on a team's staff. Professional scouts go a bit deeper and need more than just one season worth of tape to get a good read on prospects. The word out there...even though we realize the season has yet to be played, is the 2023 QB crop is going to be stout.
  10. The 2023 QB class WILL be better than this one. Sure, some guys will rise and other will falter some, but the pure talent and production is already there. Also, you do have to plan for the future. Planning just for the current season is not the way to build a successful team long term...as we've seen Rhule try to duct tape a 'win now' roster together for the past two seasons.
  11. I get why, he has the highest ceiling and it's becoming more obvious that a QB isn't going ahead of us. It could be something there or it could be simply a smokescreen. If Neal and Ekwonu are gone, trading back may be an option. Cross should be there a few picks later.
  12. At least for this year, Darnold is the better option for Rhule to keep his job. None of these rookie QB can outplay Darnold in 2022. The 2023 QB class is shaping up to be very good. However, as much as I want Rhule gone, squandering a first round pick on one of these QBs to help usher out the Rhule era isn't the correct move.
  13. Sam staying QB1 this season is the first step in a multi-year plan to get this franchise going in the right direction. No, not because he's good just, precisely the opposite. I'm counting on Sam playing mediocre-to-bad and that starts the wheels in motion. The only step I'm uncertain of is Tepper having the supposed 'brass balls' to fire Rhule after another disappointing season. That's the key element to the entire plan.
  14. You have a lot of time on your hands, bud. I've got one, Rodger Goodell, and that name is only one that really matters. I used to wonder why the dude is so hated and booed all the time. I guess you win since I came up short 4 names of your arbitrary gotcha post. It must difficult going through life as a sucker. Have a wonderful evening!
  15. And what part did you not catch that they were aware of the story before it went to print? He could of put the team up then. The League took over the investigation on the 17th, the same date, no? The organization launched the internal just a few days prior. Why did the League feel the need to get involved so early? Supposedly the Panthers asked for the League's 'help' although they already hired an independent investigation team that had literally just got started. If they only learned of this when the SI article went to print, what in the world were they investigating? Oh yeah, THEY ALREADY KNEW as I said. Again, If Jerry wanted to cut and run, possibly saving his 'good' name in the process, he would have put the team up for sell sooner.
  16. The League officials pick the winners and losers, not the owners. C'mon man. Yes, other owners liked Jerry, but Jerry Jones wasn't the once launching the investigation. Think man, think.
  17. The published date of the article was about a week before he said he was going to sell in mid-December of 2017. However, the organization knew of this was before going to print; this story wasn't out of left field. Again, Jerry was initially going to do what he need to to to keep the team, but once the League office got involved, he changed his mind. Coincidence? Sure....
  18. I mean, no scandals occurred during those years, right? Also press secretaries are renown for their 100% honesty. I'm the delusional one though, lol! Gullible must be your middle name. Look, Jerry may have had a sudden change of heart, but I don't buy it. I'm not sure when you started to follow the Panthers, but I have from the very beginning. The man was all Panthers all the time. He literally lived for this team. Just because he had some non-disclosure settlements come to light wasn't enough for him to sell the team. Again, the details were already leaked. If he was so embarrassed by the media report, why didn't he sell right away? Why did he try to fix the situation internally? Once the League stepped in, why the sudden change of heart to cut and run instead of fight for beloved organization. The NFL isn't run by a troop of boy scouts. Dan Snyder and Jerry Jones have plenty of dirt out there. Some owners they will go to bat for, and others, not so much.
  19. Mr. Lockhart's resume is impeccable (includes 2+ years as White House Press Secretary for President Clinton) and his integrity is beyond reproach. This is hilarious!!!!!! Anyway, I know what the 'official narrative' was. Richardson resigned in shame and the NFL graciously excepted his resignation. Remember, Jerry was doing what all NFL owners do when under the spotlight, they launch an internal investigation. There was no mention of Jerry selling the team up to the point the League stepped in. In a stunning turn of events, once the League stepped in, Jerry suddenly felt compelled to sell the team. Jerry loved this organization and it would have taken more than public scrutiny for him to suddenly let go. The misdeeds had already been leaked to the media, so the airing of the dirty laundry wasn't the reason for the sudden urge to sell. I bet you think Tom Brady coming back had nothing to do Bruce Arians stepping away too. You know the official narrative out of the Bucs organization is Bruce decided it was time to hand over the reins to someone else. The timing of Bruce stepping aside and Tom un-retiring was purely coincidence.
  20. Lol, you believe everything the media says. In a related story, Jeffery Epstein killed himself and OJ Simpson is innocent.
  21. JR had his faults, but I still believe that Richardson was forced out more so than he bowed out completely of his own willingness. I was nearly certain other NFL owners had some dirt on them too (boy, do they EVER) but the moral outrage over the--while wrong-- minor transgressions seemed too much like a witch hunt to me. While I agree it was about time to Jerry to turn over the keys to someone else, the way it went down was dubious at best. Where would we be today if Jerry wasn't nudged out the door? Who knows, but honestly could it be much worse? Jerry's true handpicked choice in successor couldn't have been much worse than David Tepper. Tepper has been an absolute disaster since the NFL chose him...ooops um, since he had the winning bid to buy the Panthers.
  22. No matter the hype, centers are not worthy of top 20 picks, so this was predictable. Back end of round one is their starting point. That's when some guys here were saying early in the offseason we should take Linderbaum at #6 or trade back a few picks and take him them, I was saying the value isn't there that early.
  23. Fix everything else and get our QB in 2023. Best strategy for this team, meaning...it will never happen.
  24. I was listening to sports talk radio last night on the way home from work and heard the most depressing statement any Panthers fan could bare to hear, with Arains stepping away from coaching "Matt Rhule is the longest tenured coach in the NFCS." I didn't know weather to cry or run somebody else off the road.
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