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Everything posted by 45catfan

  1. And that's the exact reason we are looking at Mayfield. Despite Rhule's coachspeak on riding with Darnold, I don't think he's 100% sold on Tepper keeping his word about seeing this through until at least year five. Rhule knows he needs a winning season and Darnold most likely can't deliver that. Baker most likely will.
  2. Yeah, apparently we won't take more than $5million of Baker's contract. If the Browns want rid of Baker that badly, what's another $4M?
  3. Cleveland cuts Watson; Tepper and Rhule watching the waiver wire like
  4. Yeah, Teddy had like 100+ yards more passing than Baker in the 2020 season. Ouch you got me. How about TDs and INTs, you know what wins and loses games? Teddy was 15/11. Baker was 26/8. Baker's rating and QBR was better than Teddy's too. You cherry picked the stat that Teddy beat Baker in, BARELY... literally they were #17 and #18 respectively in yardage. For perspective Daronld was #28 and that's currently who's our #1, not Teddy, so....
  5. $5 million for a potential franchise QB is worth the risk over a pass rushing specialist, with limited snaps that's looking to cash in on probably his last contract. See the difference?
  6. He's the difference between Baker and Darnold. Darnold has a lot of the tools to be a good NFL QB, but hasn't shown it outside of flashes here and there. Baker has most of the tools a guy needs to be successful as a NFL QB, HAS shown it, proved it, but hasn't done it consistently.
  7. His 4 years have run hot and cold. Last year being a cold year and being the most recent, the one everyone looks at. He actually had good years in his first and third seasons. Put it together means he has the tools, BUT he needs a scheme that fits him, to be coached up more and lastly, grow up becoming a better professional. If he sucks, we don't resign him. If he does okay, we offer him a deal in FA at a reasonable price where he takes it or signs elsewhere. At that point he's not on our team any longer, we still look to the 2023 draft, which is exactly where we sit right now if Baker doesn't sign. Corral is a non-factor this season in any scenario, so I'm not factoring him into the situation. Darnold is toast, he's not here next year unless as a backup on a cheap deal.
  8. If, and this is a BIG IF, Baker can put it together here, a QB can turn the fortunes of a team. I think you knew that, but couldn't resist the snaky remark temptation. If it's only for the $5M (max) the Panthers said they would be willing to take on, it's worth the roll of the dice.
  9. For the right price, I wouldn't hate it. The right price being taking on $5M of Bakers salary straight up. No future draft picks involved.
  10. My strategy is to save cap money for 2023 when this team should be better and should compete for a playoff spot. That's when you add those last pieces to the puzzle late in FA; when the team is on the cusp. The 2022 Panthers aren't going anywhere and adding guys like this is just burning valuable cap room in the future...when we actually will need it.
  11. So adding any FAs this late in the offseason isn't about getting substantially better as a team, it's about moving the benchmark forward for Rhule, even if it's just a little. That's precisely what I thought.
  12. Don't tell that to the guys holding out hope for saviors in free agency.
  13. With Tepper basically giving him another mulligan year, why not? If we suck, he points to the QB situation. If we do better than expected, Rhule comes out on top. It's really a win-win for him.
  14. Yes, the Rams are in FULL win now mode. They hit their championship window precisely, which is VERY rare. They are in the red for the cap for the foreseeable future. Basically, they are living in the moment and the instant that magic falters, they will tear it all down. Until then, they have one Super Bowl and are hoping for at least one, if not two more, before inevitable occurs. The fact that you are putting us in the same breath as the Rams is dumbfounding.
  15. Let me break this down: Very reasonable, 'hometown' deal as a limited, situational player=good Overpaid guy gobbling up snaps from a dude in a make-or-break year=bad
  16. I said if he took a 'hometown' deal I'd be cool with it; end of story. The Saints STILL have no cap space and need a long term solution for a franchise QB along with a bunch of pricey veterans. That's the fuzzy math gimmicks you admire erstwhile keep kicking cap 'can' down the road? I guess digging out of cap hell every year is something to be admired? The difference? If Winston can stay healthy and avoid a ton of picks, the Saints are better situated for the wildcard than us. But hey, at least we can compete with their cap futility! Take that New Orleans!!!!
  17. Wow, understand something here....I TOTALLY GET why Rhule wants to blow money to improve the roster, but as a fan that understands the long game, it's NOT...going...to...matter! We will be a middling team in 2022, but end up with a 2023 cap hole of a top team competing for a Super Bowl. See the way the cap usually works is bad teams have cap sapce and good teams....with LOTS of good players, have very little cap space. So for us (bad team) to have little cap space (as if we were a really good team) makes no freaking sense. But yes, lets add these older FAs to save Rhule's @ss and still miss the playoffs. I couldn't think of a better scenario!
  18. I'm not doubting Dunlap still can get it done, my problem is it's a band aid on a gunshot wound. Yes, it will help somewhat in the short term, but what about down the road? This team is in a long term rebuild and these one or two-year deals with FAs isn't going to get it done. Hired mercenaries aren't in the long term interest of the organization. FYI, I almost stopped in at the Ingles in Powersville to see you last week on the way home from work, but I had a hot dinner waiting on me. If you are on location again around me, I'll pop in to say hi!
  19. Gifting a guy his last substantial payday to get Rhule over the 5-win hump is exactly what we need.
  20. You are funny. At BEST we will be on he outside looking in at a wildcard.
  21. FACT: Not winning the division, that would be the Brady and the Bucs. PROBABLE: Not getting a wildcard, that would be a NFC West team and Central/East team. So we are burning cap to get an extra win or two so Rhule can say there is progress. On to year four of Tepper/Rhule and more negative cap space. Yippy!!!!!!
  22. We are talking about another sh!t year, but go ahead and shoot for the stars bud.
  23. Bingo. But will he? Obviously if TGM is hurt or just ends up sucking, sure, give Dunlap the snaps. However, Rhule is looking at those sack numbers and probably envisioning Dunlap as a 3rd down specialist.
  24. Are all those money downs for Dunlap? I mean, I can't see us giving YGM a new contract as two down guy. I am not saying YGM needs 100% of the snaps and never did. I did say he needs to be the starter and given the the lion's share of the snaps. FYI--Lion's share does not mean all.
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