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Everything posted by 45catfan

  1. Fair enough, however I'm not worked up, lol. I am not a fan of Darnold. He's clearly a career backup from this point forward, but cutting a backup just because the fan base doesn't like him is kinda futile, especially given his cap hit. Rhule has given every indication Corral is being red shirted, so he is about the future, not the present. Again, once camp is over, Mayfield is going to gobble up nearly all, if not all, of the 1's reps. So the idea of Darnold retarding Corral's growth with the nearly non-existent in-season backup reps is pretty moot.
  2. That is some really strong hope there my friend. I think you are looking at it form the wrong point of view though. The PANTHERS were not willing to take on more than $5M of Baker's salary and the Browns were not eating over $10M. That was the major sticking point. Baker had to eat $3.5M himself (could be made up in incentives) to make the trade work. So if we weren't willing to take on more than $5M to acquire Baker, what makes you think we are going to eat ANY of Darnold's contract just to be rid of him. Also, anything higher than a 6th is a pipe dream.
  3. I get it, but until Rhule is fired we all have to deal with these decisions. In the immediate future we are dealing with Baker as the eventual #1 and Darnold being the veteran QB as the #2 and the rookie getting red shirted as the #3. My gripe, as with everyone, is Baker has already separated himself from Sam enough to be named the #1.
  4. We were (possibly Seattle?) the only ones to bite on Baker's 5th year option and yet some team out there is going to pick up Sam's? LOl!
  5. Call Rhule and tell him that then. Just because you think Corral should be the #2 doesn't mean Rhule does. Rhule has said Corral is being brought along slowly. Why do yo think Mayfield is here in the first place? If the staff thought Corral could push for the #1 or was good enough just to be handed the #2 spot then the wouldn't have seeking an upgrade even after drafting Corral. Just admit to hating Darnold. One-year deals are one-year deals, dude. No twisting of the facts can change that. Will Bozeman get another deal with us? Who knows? He's a FA just like Darnold after the season. What would be freaking hilarious (just to see the Huddle completely melt down) is Darnold signs another short-term deal after the season to compete with Corral as the #2.
  6. Wow, the Darnold hate is strong here. I plainly said Baker should be getting the bulk of the snaps with the 1's and Darnold should be getting the backup scraps. However, I can't put this any more plain...Corral ISN'T PLAYING THIS YEAR, so Matt is not getting snaps 'stolen' from him by Darnold. The hate for Darnold is so bad that ANY reason is reason enough to cut him, even as the #2 QB. So folks on one-year deals are little benefit because they have no future here? I guess Bozeman and several others should clean out their lockers too.
  7. Eh, okay, Darnold understands it best as he's been here all offseason and has taken the bulk of the offseason reps leading into camp. But sure, let's cut him just because 99.9% of the Huddle gets triggered by him simply being on this roster.
  8. Darnold is already here getting paid and knows the system. Corral is sitting this year, period. I guess we could keep Walker as the primary backup over Darnold. Just for cap purposes alone that makes zero sense. Hopefully Baker is healthy all year and whomever is the backup is holding a clipboard until the end of the season.
  9. Yup, those were the fun days. They actually hit too...after the first few practices, obviously. Fans could also get right up to the practice field, especially the lower one by the woods. Back then, the pads would really pop and the defense would get geeked after a big hit. Now, they get cut or have to run gassers for too big of a hit in practice. It wouldn't shock me if camp goes completely tackle free in the near future.
  10. I thought about heading up for today's practice, but decided just to stay home. I went last year and it was the most boring practice I had attended, this dating back nearly 20 years. I guess I'll just check back with this thread to see what I missed or didn't miss.
  11. Agreed on the first point. The second point is hating too much on Sam. There's 18M reasons why he should at least be on the roster as the backup. The money is already spent. If Baker gets hurt, Sam's at least a serviceable replacement. The starter gets nearly all the snaps in practice one the season starts anyhow, so having Sam as the #2 isn't hurting Corral's development. Rhule has indicated Corral is getting red shirted this season no matter what. Baker should be getting nearly all the snaps with the 1's now though. That much nearly everyone agrees on.
  12. The NFL is putting up a front. I doubt anything changes or at most, they tack on a few games. They aren't stupid, they probably gathered that the general reaction to the 6-game suspension was one of utter shock and disbelief. So the wheels started in motion that they are "pushing" for a harsher punishment, but I doubt it leads to double digit games suspended or the entire season lost for Watson.
  13. Based on your statement, you are somebody that probably thinks they know more than they really do. Let me guess, a PhD or two? I guess you were late to the party, but I think Watson is more than guilty of what he's being accused of and he should have a lifetime ban. A year, at the very minimum. My statements about Richardson were a reflection of how in just a matter of a few short years he sold the Panthers over a few NDA's (inappropriate work place behavior--not sexual assault) and that being a drop in the bucket compared to what players and owners alike are being accused do currently. By all means though, continue on with your narrative...you are on a roll.
  14. You're correct, Richardson did something wrong. To what level we will never know. What got leaked was immoral by Jerry, but criminal. What's laughable is what gets passed off as morality just a few years later. However, I personally believe what he did was peanuts to what Dan Snyder, Bob Kraft and likely Jerry Jones have done. Still NFL owners. Richardson was old school enough that his family name means something. The likes of Snyder is a guy could care less what stench surrounds his name as long as he gets to keep his money and his team. Compared to Watson, although a player not an owner, not even in the same freaking universe and the dude gets 6 games on a heavily back-loaded deal buffering said suspension. So dude gets a mini vacation while keeping his job. Brutal! He still had to pay the women---you said admission of guilt, correct? His record setting deal barely will have a dent put in it by the time the payouts are complete. Also a a guy that has been in management for many, many, years, I can tell you it's not unlike someone to get their feelings hurt and start throwing around terms like hostile work environment, when 99% of the time it's their fault in the first place. Broken policy+discipline=butt hurt. So over the years, I could see Richardson may have made an enemy or two within the organization. Again the extent he told someone he allowed jeans Fridays because he like how women look in jeans is immoral, but not criminal.
  15. That's not Covid, that's Monkeypox.
  16. This guy was probably the lead dude with a pitchfork and torch when the mob came after Jerry Richardson though. You know, a few NDA's and promoted 'jeans Friday'. Hell, half this board couldn't run him out of BOA fast enough.
  17. Sometimes there's just not enough proof especially when it's only two people involved in an incident. Well, at lest Watson's fun spree is over with unwilling ladies. He can probably only get rub and tugs at the same ones truckers use now...you know, where happy endings are actually an above board thing.
  18. I doubt it was this particular lady's case. You know they cherry picked only a few cases to look into, correct?
  19. They looked into four accusers, not all 26. How and why did they pick those four? Who knows? I'd be wiling to bet it wasn't the more serious accuser's cases. Were some of them gold diggers? Probably, but I doubt all of them were and the couple of stories that did leak out was sexual assault, no doubt. Witnesses? How many people are in a room when a message session is happening? Of course it's a he said, she said thing. Remember, this was during Covid so these were set up a locations other than message businesses. Discrete locations were agreed upon and thus why video footage as lacking. Why 66 different women? Why not a dude? I mean, if he's just getting a sports message a dude could do it, correct? Male trainers work on athletes all the time. We all know why.
  20. I get weary of CB highlight videos that are lean on coverage footage. I saw six picks in total. Four were horrible passes that literally looked like Dawson was the intended target and two tip-drill INTs. The one thing I did like is he's not a scared tackler like so many corners *cough* D-Jax *cough*. He caused a couple strip fumbles too. Just off this highlight film alone, his game more favors a safety than a corner.
  21. They realistically can be 3-3 when Watson returns. The Browns are @ssholes for that contract which reset the QB market for a serial sex predator, but apparently they knew the suspension wouldn't be a year or more than half the season.
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