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Everything posted by 45catfan

  1. Depends who is remaining. Over Richardson, possibly, because he's so underdeveloped. No, I would not take Hooker at #9 even if they have him higher than AR. At #40, sure. He will not be ready until late camp despite hoping to be ready by camp open. When I say ready, meaning no restrictions. I doubt a medical team will fully clear him in the next four months.
  2. I'd take a flier on Hooker and stay at #9. I totally think that if Hendon didn't tear his ACL, he'd be right there in the conversation with the other four QBs. To clarify, that is take Hooker with one of the 2nd round picks, not at #9.
  3. That right there shows that you know it's a huge risk. Squander the next several drafts on such a move and the QB we went all-in on is anything less than a legit franchise QB seals Fitts fate here in Carolina. Again, moving up to the top 3 is a 'push all your chips to center table' move. Go big or go home--if that QB doesn't go big, Fitts will be going home.
  4. Anyone thinking the Bears dropping from #1 to #9 is ANYTHING less than 3 first rounders--bare minimum, is hooked up to the hopium tank. Probably a 2nd or 3rd thrown in there too.
  5. Lol, and us being the furthest back of the QB needy teams to move up would have to give up a TON to go to #1, but I'm getting flack for suggesting we stay put at #9. Some of you guys would give up your first born child to move to #1.
  6. The trap is moving up to #3 or #1. You just don't realize it. This is an average, thin and top heavy draft at QB. Thus the reason most is wanting to move up. If it were deeper at the top and throughout, the need to move up would be moot. It will be a bigger class next year and I predict more evenly distributed. We don't have to be bad or need to move up because the entire value of the class won't be concentrated in the top 5 picks.
  7. Can get him as a FA probably then. Usually 1 or 2 FBs get drafted every year. Namely because most teams don't use FBs anymore.
  8. Just as risky, yes, but a bigger class means missing won't hamstring us for nearly as long because the need to move up to the top 3 won't be necessary.
  9. Again, I am content on waiting one more year for the QB. Bigger class (will eventually get the hype too) and the staff will have a year to gel. I don't like this desperation being forced on this new staff. If and only IF they are sold on a guy, then I guess they can go get him. Not because a bunch of knuckleheads with zero stakes in the game are bloviating over the internet. Remember, Fitt's neck is on the line here. The rest of the brand new staff may get a pass on such a colossal miss (if the guy busts) but Scott is on a borrowed time from the Rhule regime. That's the reason...and the omission is quite obvious in posts, that "If you love a QB, you go and get him", but the second part of "BUT you had better be right" part is curiously left out most of the time.
  10. If you think that franchise QBs can only be had in the top 3 or 5 picks. Total fallacy.
  11. Chicago has all the leverage. Pretending us moving to #3 somehow puts them behind the 8ball is ridiculous. Did you happen to think at that point any team behind #3 will have to anti up more and they can take other trade offers and tell us to kick rocks?
  12. True and why giving up 3 chances at a home run in favor of 1 doesn't sit well with me.
  13. Opportunity costs. It's a real thing. Zach Wilson is one of many, many, many examples. Yes, it takes about 3 years to find out if the QB is a bust or not, in the mean time we are given up 1st round talent that's not a QB with the trade collateral. Franchise-type talent isn't only found in QBs and the type of talent we forfeit trading away with the next 3 years worth of first rounders.
  14. Funny, I think you want us being the Jets an Browns endlessly drafting QB busts.
  15. Gotta stop like us fans are making the calls. If dude bust, there is going to be a lot of "oh well, at least we gave it shot" comments. Why? Absolutely zero skin in the risk. It's easy to gamble with someone else's money.
  16. The circumstances/factors with other teams doesn't affect one iota if the QB will succeed or fail. I get while everyone is so gung-ho for this to happen now, but it doesn't change the fact that years of evidence shows the QB is much more likely to bust than be a superstar.
  17. Missing out on 3 cornerstone pieces isn't crippling? Wow! If the QB pans out, it still hurts, just much, much less. If dude flops, then yes, fugged doesn't even begin to describe the situation. The problem with the 'move up' crowd is they are so desperate for a QB, while many say they "understand" the consequences of said QB busting, honestly, they really don't.
  18. Sorry, I don't see an Elway, Aikman or Peyton Manning in this year's draft and those were the three. Peyton didn't even win his second ring with his draft team. Now we are down to Elway and Aikman. Elway didn't get his until seasons 15 and 16, which happened to be his last two. That kind of longevity with a single team is unheard of nowadays. That leaves Aikman as the only one to win multiple Championships early on with his draft team. Looks statistically sound choice to blow up our next three drafts to move up, right? Statistics could care less about a fans base's misery index.
  19. Speculation my dude. Which #1 overall picks as a QB has multiple Championships? I can think of 4 off the top of my head in the past 40 years. Actually 3* because even though Eli went #1 overall he actually got traded to a different team.
  20. In other words, If we move to #1 and the dude flops, we are hamstrung until 2026. Wonderful! I get the other end of the argument too, but the downside is much worse than the upside is great.
  21. I don't have the patience to watch the Combine, but some round 3 picks (where currently being mocked) are really intriguing to me. Brown, McBride and Spears are some guys I want to see their Combine results.
  22. I wish we had more picks because I would like to draft at least one OL for depth or if we can't work something out with Bozeman. With all the other holes with more priority, selecting an O-linman is a luxury pick.
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