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Everything posted by 45catfan

  1. The last CB spot goes to the winner of STO and Taylor. We don't keep both. Henderson is a lock, I think and as long as he's not a starter due to an injury, I'm okay with that. For what he is, a back up in spot duty role, is fine.
  2. NT's are hard to find. Watch McCall ball out in New England. I have a hard time believing our 300 pound DTs masquerading as NTs will fair very well against 320-300 pound guards.
  3. It seems odd that we may not end up 'needing' a traditional NT, but they sure did give it a look, didn't they? Adjusting the scheme to the personnel at this point, I bet. Was it we didn't need a hoss at NT all along or we couldn't find one worth keeping and are scheming accordingly? I think it was the later.
  4. I know he was undrafted, but so is the dude that's supposedly taking his spot. I hope our 'scheme' isn't to give up chunks of yards up the gut all season.
  5. R. Williams is in the driver's seat for the spot apparently and listed at 305.
  6. Reich stated to reporters and I'm paraphrasing: 'he's going to catch on to a team that utilizes a true NT.' That tells me the team is comfortable without a wide-bodied NT. Personally, I don't understand it.
  7. No way we go into the season without picking up a big body. Ends look solid, but he middle is scary. A big body is essential to a 3-4 scheme take up two blockers and freeing up a LB.
  8. So we are going to have some 300 pounder playing NT? Brown is the only one that could fit the billing, but he's at end. Our guards are all heavier than our DL except DB.
  9. Something is up. I wonder what it is? I know there had to be a corresponding move for the Hill signing, but we have dudes much less valuable still on the roster. Has to be an off the field issue.
  10. Got it, but I don't want Corral to make it. The only way he does is due to his draft status, which is dumb. The reason he's getting so much playing time is a) to see what Matt actually has and b) if we part ways possibly a trade to get something out of him rather that an outright cut. Even if he makes it through waivers, PS guys can get signed away at any time. I honestly don't think the staff wants to carry 3 QBs, but giving up on a 3rd round pick in year two without any compensation kinda sucks too.
  11. Mays, Erving and McCray all can play center. Zavala has dabbled there too. Teck is expendable and can be stashed on the PS. Nobody will be claiming him. Rhule may want him on his Nebraska staff though. With the injury to Byrd, Shi smith got a lifeline. We carry six WRs. Ricci can be stashed on the PS. FB/HB/TEs are not hot commodities. We will keep an extra CB. With the emphasis on subpackages and the inability for our secondary to stay healthy, it would be foolish not to.
  12. Nine is bare minimum, especially how dinged up they have been all camp and preseason. This after, two-a-days have been done away with and shorter camps than in the past. I remember years when we carried 10 OL on the 53 man roster. If they can't stay healthy in shorts and limited contact, we better have some depth.
  13. I agree with his QB (no Corral) RB, TE (no Ricci), WR (including Shi Smith) ILB, OLB (with Barno) and S assessments. I think we carry more DL (one after McCall), two OL (Jensen AND McCray--one gets cut when Corbett comes back) and one more CB, possibly STO.
  14. Hah! I'll see your Jordan quip and raise you: Cam Erving validates his first round selection status by solidifying Panthers O-line.
  15. I'm still dumbfounded why the Ravens aren't back-to-back-to-back-to-back-to-back-to back Super Bowl Champions since they have been undefeated in preseason since 2016.
  16. The Chiefs, Eagles, Bengals, 49ers, Dolphins all suck, ya know, because they lost too.
  17. Jensen may stick over some of the vets we signed/re-signed in the off season. Definitely Jordan and possibly McCray. Erving stays if we can't find an upgrade at swing tackle. Ideally I'd like a true guard to beat out BC and then Brady becomes the swing tackle making Erving expendable. If Zavala can stay off the ouchy list, then that would make the best sense at LG beside his old teammate.
  18. I swear I wasn't tipped off, lol! I posted this in the DJ Johnson thread yesterday morning.
  19. The defense always seems to have the early edge every camp. So that's not shocking. If the trend continues after the next couple of weeks, then sound the alarm bells. Reich even said yesterday that the offense is still doing installs. I'll wait to see how the offense looks once the entire playbook has been implemented before getting too concerned.
  20. Whether the rookie will be a bust is yet to be seen, but one thing is clear, he's not ready now. That's why we need to sign a stop gap like Justin Houston. Yes, he's 34, but as a rotational guy, that's completely okay. We did the same with Jared Allen and worked out fine. Haynes is too iffy for me. He's stays dinged up and is undersized that results in him being unable to shed blocks. He should thrive in this system, but HAS to stay clean. That's where a proven vet can come in on a 1-2 year deal and give us the time to find/develop that guy opposite Burns.
  21. Camp closing due to Covid broke my Camp Wofford steak of at 17 years. I went to one camp practice during the Rhule era and it was the most uninspired practice I ever saw out this organization. Thought about going this year, but ultimately the schedule didn't line up with mine and with the streak broken, no urgency on my part to "have to" make a practice.
  22. This is why Ian is still here. Another lingering kick in the nads by Rhule. Dude is the 12th highest paid guy on the team and not even the starter at his position. Getting paid more than Hurst this year who took his spot, smh.
  23. Didn't like the draft pick, didn't like the new contract so I think the experiment is about to run it's course. Average TE and when your blocking is better than your catching in today's NFL, you are not in high demand.
  24. I hope he turns out better than just about every other ex-Falcon player we've sign. They pretty much all have sucked for us.
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