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Everything posted by 45catfan

  1. Yup, but at some point he's going to have acknowledge the insanity of the situation. Can't keep doing the same thing and expecting a different outcome. The only thing I can think of if either Scott or Frank, likely both, got assurances from Tepper that no matter how ugly this thing got--knowing it was going to be tough sledding--that they would be safe as long as they stayed committed to the rookie. Otherwise, keeping Young out there is making less and less sense.
  2. In principle I agree with occasional throws on 1st down, but when averaging about 3 yards a pass--even if completed, then it has the same effect as a run.
  3. Losing and seeing little progress in Young is worse in my mind than sitting Bryce and winning with the backup. Tepper probably doesn't see it that way though. He wants his shiny new toy out there. Frank and Scott have to know some W's are going to be required, and SOON, before their job security starts to come into question. Heck, Huddlers want one or both of them gone NOW.
  4. I honestly think Jesse Bates seriously scarred Bryce. He has been timid as hell throwing the ball vertically since that two pick performance. Leave it to the Falcons.
  5. Wait, I have been assured on good authority by Huddlers that Frank's playbook only has plays under 10 yards. Maybe Bryce was confused why AT was so far down the field. Dude must have went rouge on that play.
  6. Frank need to switch strategies and stop putting Dalton in versus tougher opponents and get a couple of Ws in winnable games. That ankle should have been a little tender yesterday during warmups if you catch my drift.
  7. Should have started Dalton from the outset and eased Young in. We'd have a win or two already. Ride with the rookie out of the gate, prepare for the consequences.
  8. Can we bring Wormley up from the PS? Outside of Tuttle and Brown, our DL sucks.
  9. Oh look, our TEs are at the bottom of the list again. Let me show you my surprised face.
  10. Since moving to the left side. His opening game at RG wasn't too bad. It's crazy, but the left side is his natural spot. It may be he's a better fit at RG in the NFL.
  11. Which is why Dalton should have started yesterday. 1-whatever is better than 0-holding your breath for the first win. Bryce is going to have WAY more teachable moments than he'd probably care for over the course of this season, but yesterday was a chance to at least get of the snide with Dalton.
  12. If he keeps it up we can trade Burns and not see much of a drop off in production. Not to mention a much more palatable contract.
  13. That is a sad commentary, but also very true. When Chuba is your best RB, there is something wrong.
  14. Has anyone noticed he does a hop when handed the ball? I noticed that few times yesterday. Probably a stutter step waiting for daylight to appear, but you have to hit the hole. if there's any daylight, it's gonna be sooner rather than later.
  15. And occasionally jump one for a pick 6 which has been conveniently ignored about yesterday. There's a reason defensive players don't play WR. That Vikings player dropped a gimme pick 6 yesterday, which would have only had added fuel to today's discussions.
  16. Are you seriously suggesting we run the read option with Bryce? You did see the fumble yesterday with the arm tap, correct? When he scrambles on a protection breakdown, he doesn't look half bad, but to suggest he should run right into the teeth of the defense is mind blowing. I agree, there could be some pre-snap motion. It's not been absent, but nearly so.
  17. Yes, because they Jets TRULY WERE a player away. That's exactly why they went out and got Rogers and basically told Wilson to kick rocks.
  18. Yup, that's UGLY. Air yards under 3 and intended air yards a hair over 5. Sure Young's got a high completion rate, but is there any question as to why? Again, Franks playbook has route over 5 yards. I can't 100% confirm that, but it's just a hunch.
  19. Okay, how about criminally ill-informed? Is that better? You shouldn't be doing sports analysis, especially for the local team if you cant take a basic lay of landscape. I can get Suzie housewife that may go to one Panthers game a year maybe being that gullible, but any self-respecting fan (real fan) knows that was and is a complete BS statement about a player away.
  20. "for a team that was only one player away." Anyone who believed that is freaking moron.
  21. I stopped listening at 3:46. If they honestly thought this team was the 49ers of last year or the Steelers when they drafted Big Ben, then they need to stop doing commentary.
  22. Analytics...remember, Tepper bought into this hook, line and sinker. Stocks and bonds don't have intangibles like humans. You can't manage athletes like stock portfolio.
  23. Tepper is scared to make the same mistake twice, so he keeps grasping at straws because he has no freaking clue what he is doing. Just because someone makes a lot of money in one field does not make them a genius in all aspects. Dude needs to stick to hedge funds and let the football people do their jobs.
  24. If we didn't give anything up for the #1 pick, sure, but if Young does not pan out then it was a bust of a trade package. I wasn't aware we gave up a first round veteran and and first round pick for Darnold.
  25. ^^^Our franchise since Tepper took over. Those nuggets represent our hopes and dreams for this organization under his ownership.
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