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Everything posted by 45catfan

  1. 37 points given up and 8 false starts. Dalton wasn't the problem that game.
  2. Look, we need to sit him for a while before moral goes totally in the toilet. I'm not talking about a permanent benching, but at least a few games and let's get a win or two under our belts, then ease the rookie back in. I'm still pissed we missed that opprtunity last week versus a VERY beatable Vikings team. If Dalton starts that game, we got our first 'W' of the year.
  3. But Andy had to ask for those plays!!!!!!! Yeah and Andy got them and executed them.
  4. But the coaching staff is supposed to take all the heat for his play? Bryce is gonna get some people fired.
  5. I want to know if any routes beyond 15 yards are being presented outside the the numbers.
  6. Frank didn't game plan or anything on that staff? Cool, I want a job where I get a nifty title and my boss does all the work!
  7. People are knocking the short game, but I *gasp* watched it again and only 2-3 of them were negative or no gains--one of which TMJ got tripped up by the turf. This is a WCO and short passes take place of the run and the way our rushing attack sucks right now, passes of 3,4 or 5 yards is at least getting something. Do I want longer passes? SURE, but if it isn't in the middle of the field, it ain't happening right now beyond 15 yards for Bryce. Nearly all his longer passes are in breaking routes. I think it is just a preference, but that tendency will get snuffed out quickly in the NFL. I think it already has.
  8. I know 2017 was like so yesterday, like stone ages ago, but I'm pretty sure Frank was the OC for the Super Bowl Champions. Carson Wentz was looking like the League MVP before he got injured and then some journeyman backup ended up winning the title. Neither did crap when they left. But yeah, it's all the coach. Hell, I mean we could still have Rhule and be throwing the rookie under the bus every week. At least Frank is deflecting blame from the rookie and putting it on himself. Do you think Rhule would have accepted blame for a personnel botch on a play. Frank didn't have to disclose that level of detail, but he did in order to take heat off the rookie who had been struggling to get plays off in time.
  9. So every play beyond 20 yards was put into the playbook just for the Seattle game? Cool, let me know how this weeks meetings go at the stadium since you are there.
  10. The bubble screens are generally more successful than our rushing attack right now. As far as Bryce being gun shy on passes beyond 15+ yards and those outside the hashes, your guess is as good as mine as to why. Again, Seattle was different, but there was also a different QB in that game.
  11. The options are there, he's just not taking them. Just because of what Young is taking, doesn't mean the play calling doesn't offer other options. In the same offense, Dalton threw 13 passes beyond 10 yards outside of the hashes.
  12. Absolutely will not throw outside the hashes down field. I'm not rewatching it again, but I counted one from the pocket and it was more/less a throw away. So basically opposing defenses have to cover the middle of the field and the flats.
  13. Funny he did a sack dance thinking he got half credit for YGM's sack. Nope! The only thing he did all day as far as I could tell.
  14. WR, TE, edge, corner, RB, NT and DE. That's a laundry list right there. Starters to boot, I wasn't even taking about depth. That opens up another slew of positions.
  15. And still had the best offensive output all season. That's putrid for Zavala, but you can't overlook one rookies mistakes and bash another; especially one that missed most of camp AND switched positions. Hopefully he'll get better.
  16. Doubling down on a bad idea...well, is a bad idea. If the opportunity presents itself again and the price is right (we're not giving Burns away cheaply) then a trade should be done this time around. It's apparent the staff is buckling down for a long season, so planning for the long term future is for the best. Burns' excessive cap busting contract wish and periodic disappearing acts can go elsewhere.
  17. Let's throw him to the wolves too and start making phone call about Burns. If we are about letting the draft picks play, then it should be all of them, especially a 3rd rounder.
  18. Comparing the two pass charts, one would think the two were in totally different offenses. Why is Andy's pas chart so much fuller? Why is Bryce's so condensed? Did someone kidnap Frank in Seattle and put in a body double? Why did Andy have success in one of the toughest NFL stadiums in the entire League? Had the OL not laid an egg and the defense held up better, that would have been a win. Pre-snap penalties and the inability to stop Seattle's offense was the issue.
  19. Too bad no Tarhole players are on the team, right? BTW, Ickey graded out as the top O-lineman for us yesterday. Nerve grating, right?
  20. Hey, at least we were smart enough not to draft Kenny Pickett!!!!
  21. Wide open on the 7 yard line coming across the middle of the field. The defenders are guarding the goal line against the vertical options. It may not have been a TD, but certainly knocking at the doorstep and opened up several options for 3rd down.
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