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Everything posted by 45catfan

  1. Would you take Andy Reid if he got fired tomorrow? Old white guy about to turn 66-years old...just curious.
  2. Okay, show me a significant difference. One thing, can't blame the organization. This is purely on coaching.
  3. I've already said it in another post in this thread. Frank was dealt a pretty crappy hand and he's having to make the best of it. He's not blameless, but the scouting department, GM and owner has given him one hell of a mountain to climb. Wilks wasn't a bad interim coach, but I don't think he's a great HC. He's best as a coordinator. Say what you will at his gig for the Cardinals, but if you think he failed because of his surroundings, then it would be ignorant not to give Frank a pass given very similar circumstances.
  4. Furthermore was it Tepper that nixed Carr? I was well in the minority wanting a bridge QB and waiting to the 2024 draft for a QB. I bet Tepper told Fitterer he had better get a QB this draft or else....that he was done with FA QBs.
  5. My gut feeling is Tepper either said or implied he wanted Bryce and that influenced the decision making of everyone else. Yes, everyone EVENTUALLY came to an agreement on drafting Young, but I doubt that agreement came purely organically from each individual below Tepper.
  6. I think it is time for Fitterer to get let go. I feel bad to an extent because of a meddling owner. That said, I think Morgan has the cajones to stand up to Tepper. It's either gonna go one of two ways if Morgan is Fitterer's successor, either Dan will hold the GM title a very short time due to insubordination or Tepper will actually respect someone that pushes back on his BS.
  7. I'm still defending Reich, but have thrown the towel in on Fitterer. He had one last chance to fix some of his prior goofs by dealing Burns. He stood firm, which means he's all in on this season of which to any other onlooker is a rolling dumpster fire on a collision course with a gas station pump. Had he invested into the future by getting capital and admitting this season is toast, at least it would have shown ownership of said past errors. Frank inherited this mess. He's not totally blameless, but he's a lot further down the totem pole in the blame game than the scouts, Fitterer and the Teppers.
  8. The Chargers gave up on Brees because he had a very significant shoulder injury, throwing arm no less. He was also a free agent and they happened to draft Phillip Rivers the year prior. This comparison couldn't be more off other than they both lack ideal height. If the implication is Brees didn't light it up early on, that could be said of most rookies, but the tools were there for Drew. Bryce is lacking the physical tools, being short is only one of his limitations.
  9. I say under because the transplant curiosity seekers in Charlotte will buy tickets too. Then you have the corporate seats and the too expensive seats. Cowboy fans won't quite take up 80% of the stadium, but it will be close.
  10. I didn't get any return on my PSLs when I let them go, but at least I'm not wasting money anymore. It's nice not having to get up and rush to get to the tailgate while spending money on gas, tailgate food, beer, parking and a few overpriced items inside the stadium only to come home more times than not pissed off only to begin a new work week the next morning. Yep, I don't miss that at all.
  11. We have one game to the contrary and it was the one that Bryce was hurt. Outside of the pre-snap penalties that stymied drives, the offense was able to move the ball.
  12. Take an average team like say our divison rival Saints and they had a stretch of games ex: Home: Texans, Colts Away: Bears--in the three consecutive games, they are thinking 'we probably get all 3 of these games.' Point being it looks like we can't take advantage of a soft spot in the schedule.
  13. We might win this game in a battle of field goals. I've been saying that this 3 game stretch of winnable games was the low hanging fruit portion of the schedule and we could/should win at least two of them. That said, if we lose this one with the teams we have left on the schedule, then that's a wrap. We are looking at a 1--at most, 2 win season. The only caveat being if Bryce gets benched at some point. Dalton will squeeze out another win or two.
  14. I never liked the guy as our owner, but the NFL wanted him in their club because of the deep pockets Tepper has. Never can have enough billionaires in their little circle, apparently. I wanted the local guy out of Charleston, but he wasn't as rich as Tepper, so the NFL would have none of that. Is there any wonder that the Waltons won the bid for the Broncos? Maybe Warren Buffet will want a team or Jeff Bezos. The NFL would be licking their chops then!
  15. Will we 'Josh Rosen'' Bryce? Tepper will clean house before he owns up to this epic blunder even if Bryce ends up being as bad as Rosen. Rosen was averaging just under a TD a game he started while averaging a pick per game. He went into a tailspin and was playing worse by the end of his rookie season, not better. Keeping rookie QBs out there--so they can grow through adversity, can be detrimental rather than beneficial. Bryce is right there, just slightly better than Rosen, with roughly a TD and pick per game average.
  16. I think the only offensive coach I can think of that hasn't defended the Young draft pick publicly recently is Josh McCown. He gave Bryce praise early on, like in OTAs and camp, but has been quiet since. I think Stroud was his guy. I think Stroud was Frank's guy. Bryce was Tepper's guy as soon as he laid eyes on those S2 exam results. Fitts was in arse saving mode and wanted what his boss wanted.
  17. Dalton was/is an average starter. At this point he's not a long term answer for any team, not even us. However, could he come in and give us a few wins this season if the staff would just bench Bryce. Absolutely.
  18. A timeline of Tepper's tenure as team owner:
  19. It doesn't matter because Young STILL would have been the QB becasue it was Tepper's S2 test crush. The folly here is people keep assuming it's Frank/Frank's system that is holding Young back.
  20. 5-3 at WORST and be tied with the Saints for wins right now. I'm thinking we still drop one or more to either the Seahawks, Lions or Dolphins. All the rest we win with even above average QB play.
  21. It ain't the playcaller or the playbook bro. I was preaching this all the way back when people were b*cthing about Reich calling plays and "his playbook." Frank was making Bryce look bad they said. There's a reason why QB in the NFL is the most important position in all of pro sports. I'm not calling Bryce a bust yet, but at this point, he's hurting the team. If I was a reporter, I would ask Frank if Byrce gives his team the best chance to win. Frank's a honest man, so he'll either dodge the question or be truthful and say the obvious...'no.'
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