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Everything posted by 45catfan

  1. That would take humility and I don't think Tepper knows what that is. If he gave Rhule, who obviously had no clue what he was doing, that amount of leash then Reich should at least get a second season. If coaches got routinely canned after a less than productive first season, the turnover in the NFL would be even higher than it is now.
  2. I relaxed, did some yard work work and enjoyed not being pissed off for 3 solid hours.
  3. How a bout GM? Fitterer needs to go before Frank. Frank inherited the bulk of the roster and is trying to make filet mignon out of gas station beef jerky.
  4. So we haven't been using bubble screens? What team have I been watching the past 9 weeks who uses a sh*t ton of bubble screens? RPOs only work if you have an effective running game. We do not. So what was the point of this article again? Oh yeah, we suck and no one is happy.
  5. If I'm Dalton, I'm like 'let the kid play' he's not going to learn getting benched--uh, twists and ankle, against good teams.
  6. Here's a link: https://gbnreport.com/2024-qb-ranking/ There's a lot of talent here. We'd be dumb not to take a stab.
  7. Tepper only has himself to blame. He wanted this: but got this:
  8. I've got a slate of things to do this afternoon, none of which involves watching football.
  9. Why don' they give the kid on the practice squad a try, Wright? Dude caught everything that was thrown his way in camp and preseason games.
  10. Weinke was a 4th rounder, Clausen a 2nd rounder and now the #1 overall pick. Bryce should be performing better.
  11. Bubble screens only work when you spread out the defense and they have to worry about the back end. No team respects Bryce's deep ball. NONE of them. Defenses know they can just worry about what's in front of them and that's why the bubble screens get smothered because they can play downhill.
  12. Nobody was going. We actually have a free Sunday not to have watch this train wreck. Why waste it? Also it didn't make sense to protest when literally none of the front office people are there. Did the organizers think that Tepper would fly in for the protest?
  13. The 2001 team was scrappy, but couldn't seal the deal at the end of games. They didn't look like a one win team until the last couple of games when they clearly packed it in. That '01 squad really could have been a 5 win team if they win several of the one score games that ended up as losses. It wasn't a horrible roster, but Seifert's decision to discard Steve Beuerlein in favor of a new QB was the deal breaker. If Steve was still the QB, I'm not saying playoffs, but at least a .500 team. The common thread in all three seasons, rookie QBs who look bad, REALLY bad.
  14. Hard to win when you QB averages 1 TD a game. Not too many games can be won with one TD per game and then leaning on your FG kicker to make up the difference while most key members of the defense are on IR.
  15. A failed 4th down ended the game anyway. It's not like if we got a 3 and out on defense we could march the ball down field in time even if we did get the ball back. Couldn't do it all night long with all the time in the world and time outs.
  16. Bingo. The problem wasn't the play caller as much as the players. OL penalties and allowing little time, sorry WRs (AT withstanding), lacking a power/bell cow back and no TE threat to speak of. Oh, did I mention a rookie QB who is playing very much like a rookie QB? I'm not sure what kind of fire power folks thought we had on that side of the ball, but it's clearly lacking.
  17. Bad? Yes. This bad with another QB? No. All you have to do is look at the QB we played tonight. Undrafted D-II kid. I dare say, he looked better than our #1 draft pick.
  18. If only he had gone with Stroud over Tepper's S2 crush.
  19. Frank needs to give up playcalling!!!! Wait.... Yep, that failed 2nd down pass attempt all but sealed the game. I knew it in my gut as soon as it happened. Chicago was letting us have the short stuff, but no, tried to take a shot when CLEARLY that's not our offenses *cough* Bryce's *cough* strong suit.
  20. Young's mechanics are very bad (footwork primarily) and he's too slight to overcome it lacking upper body strength. Really, really bad combination.
  21. Are they firing Bryce Young too? Crazy, but the QB usually is the catalyst for the offense and little man ain't getting it done with his tippy-toe hop throws. The more I watch him, the more I think we whiffed. People are pointing out that Eddy doesn't have the leg for a 59 yard kick on a cold outdoor night, but can't see a dude about as big as the average 16-year old high schooler can't thrown effectively-sh*tty mechanics to boot. Heck, I mean if he could just get his mechanics right he could get more mustard on the ball. Cam had bad mechanics too, but had a rifle for an arm to compensate for it.
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