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Everything posted by 45catfan

  1. Yep, no more defending Fitterer for me. I was still 50/50 on him entering the season, but he continues to make poor choices. Dude is bent on recreating a team in Seattle's image a decade ago over creating the best version of this Panthers' roster. He's still tainted from Rhule. When I say tainted, scarred. I think that's the reason we jumped up to #1 this year knowing all the QBs had question marks. Stroud probably had the least questions and we passed him up. Having PTSD from Rhule's poor choices for veteran QBs gave Scott a knee-jerk reaction to a 'must have' rookie QB this season. It was obvious--painfully obvious-- to me that putting a rookie QB out there with a bunch of JAGS on offense wasn't going to bode well. To my astonishment, it has been even a worse disaster than I had envisioned. Bryce may be a one-and-done, but that only happens if a new GM is here. If Scott some how kisses Tepper's ass and still retains his job, then Bryce will absolutely be our starting QB next season whether he deserves to be or not.
  2. I about threw up in my mouth when I found out he got an extension. I was calling for us to CUT the dude because he sucked, but no, we rewarded his shoddy play with a sparkling new deal. We could cut him next year, but with a near $4M cap hit. Heck, I'd rather him ride the bench then collect $4M to do nothing. Watch, he will have a few more catches with maybe a TD by the season's end and we will extend him again. It's the Panthers way.
  3. I remember and I literally said the same thing two post up from yours.
  4. Club level may be different. I literally paid the PSL fee along with the cost of tickets that first year. I don't recall paying PSL fees in multiple years, but could have. The agreement stated that the rights to the seats would be forfeited for failure to purchase season tickets. That much was spelled out clearly. This is pushing 20 years ago, so I might be foggy on those details. Are you on a payment plan for your PSLs? I mean, if you are penalized, if the fee is cheaper than the tickets and you really don't want to go, then perhaps pay the penalty. Plus add in the cost of game day itself, it might be worth crunching the numbers to see if it makes financial sense.
  5. ^^^This x1000. I bet Tepper said to Frank, 'you bench Bryce, better pack your bags.' Dalton, while not a word beater, is still probably a top 20-25 QB in this League. Frank knows this and for some reason is reluctant to pull the plug. Morale has got to be slipping and trotting the little tyke out there the rest of the season isn't going to do anything other than further erode his confidence and alienate the rest of the locker room towards the coaching staff.
  6. No we could not. This is not about winning as much as giving mini-me every chance in the world to succeed in spite of himself. If this was about winning, Dalton would have been starting for a while now.
  7. Contract? It's a yearly renewal with season ticket purchase. You own the rights to your seat(s)--the license--as long as you keep buying the tickets. I chose to stop buying season tickets and forfeited my rights to those seats. Yes, I tried to sell them, but I wasn't getting any bites even at a few hundred dollars each. I chose to walk away than sell them for a few bucks. That would have been insult to injury.
  8. Unfortunately, that's not the only example. I think I'd rather have Bruce as our QB.
  9. If Tepper still wanted Bryce, then there would be little difference if Wilks was our coach. Sure, we may have run the ball heavily for another win or two this season, but this kid isn't NFL material.
  10. I bet they have Bezos on speed dial. Word was the League was prodding him to gauge his interest in the buying the Washington team.
  11. Fewer people in an exclusive group is all it boils down to. Logic says if 5 persons pooled their money together and was going to buy something from me at a higher price, I could care less if only one person was willing to pay nearly that much. The Washington team was just bought by a billionaire. As time goes on, it's going to be a tighter knit, fewer hands in the pot League. I bet Green Bay drives this elitist League crazy.
  12. Navarro actually was going to pay more. Tepper made his bid and didn't budge. Weird how Richardson, who was obviously in a pickle, took a lower bid? Why? The whole thing stunk. It still stinks to this day. I've got a nose for BS and that entire take down of Richardson and billionaire NFL minority owner wanting his own team waiting in the wings was just TOO convenient for me.
  13. I don't agree with Tre Boston often, but he's 100% spot on here.
  14. If I were Frank and not fired this week, I would absolutely bench Bryce next week and start Dalton to show that the coaches can do their jobs when not dependent on a QB not cut out for the NFL. If we win with Dalton, that would be the biggest F.U. to Tepper.
  15. I bought and paid off a car in that time with a 60 month note, lol!
  16. Fitterer should be the first to go. It should be in order of the fug ups. Fitterer created the roster and the coaches have to deal with it. It's a bit awkward to fire the person who dinner sucks when given Spam, anchovies, horseradish and cabbage as ingredients to work with. The person who shopped for the product should be held responsible.
  17. Wow. I chuckled at first, then was like--this could actually happen. Tepper is oblivious that he's the problem just like Jerry Jones.
  18. Me too, for a good laugh. I'm pretty much done with yard work for the rest of the year, so why not have some comic relief on Sunday afternoons? If it gets too unbearable, I may pick up a rake. I HATE raking leaves, FYI.
  19. Not one bit. I do miss tailgating some, but my crew had dwindled over the years as guys got married and had kids--we all were getting older too. Those first several years of being a PSL owner were a blast though when it was a bunch of single dudes throwing caution to the wind. Oh, we actually had a product to cheer for and be proud of back then. Winning contributes to the enjoyment of the fan experience. I remember actually being pissed after a loss in those days. Now I just shake my head, give a long sigh and chalk it up to being the modern day version of being the Cleveland Jets. Yeah, I know...that's not a typo.
  20. I had my PSLs for 16 years and gave mine up prior to last season. I refused to sink my hard earned money into this train wreck any longer. My wife had begged me for several years prior to give them up as we were going to fewer and fewer games, but I was stubborn. Finally enough was enough and I didn't renew when Tepper brought back Rhule after two horrible seasons.
  21. Yeah, pretty sure it was Tepper who told Frank to hand over the play calling duties. I don't think Frank just did that to shake things up.
  22. ^^^What Tepper thinks of himself. ^^^ What everyone else sees in Tepper as a football owner.
  23. Exactly ONE game under .500 in 23 seasons. Heck, Tepper hasn't had one .500+ season YET!
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