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Everything posted by 45catfan

  1. Serious question, if a rookie QB is struggling as is, would you go and change up everything that he's comfortable with? I mean, if he his performance looks this concerning doing the things he's in 'his zone' doing, could you imagine him having to think about not bouncing, proper drop backs, proper depths of his drop backs, correct feet alignment and getting set prior to identifying his targets? Dude would be sacked every passing down because his head would be swimming.
  2. Staff changes, no, there shouldn't be any at this time. But Frank's going to be unemployed sticking with Bryce unless it's Tepper who refuses to let his Golden Child be benched.
  3. D-none of the above. Fitterer should be shown the door first before tinkering with the coaching staff. It could be Tepper's way of saying, 'hey, I hear you fans and I am trying to fix it.' We have a structure that includes an assistant GM, so the position isn't vacant. Canning coaches midway though their first season accomplishes nothing other than showing other potential coaches down the road that this owner has zero patience and a hair trigger.
  4. Cheers to you for a timely "Space Balls" reference!
  5. Nah, either some under-the-table hush money or a binding NDA will keep that information from seeing the light of day.
  6. Ugh, the interior seems to be the major issue. I thought with Corbett back, things would solidify more inside. Something doesn't seem right though. How come Bozeman's pass pro grade is nearly identical to ickey's but the performance is much worse and Corbett's performance almost as bad, but graded significantly lower?
  7. Because there isn't a source or you can't out your source?
  8. Same thing here, a meddling owner. In Indy, one that kept fugging with the QB depth chart. Frank whiffed on bringing back Wentz, but beyond that Irsay saying which QB should be starting and who to bench is bull crap. That's straight up Jerry Jones level of meddling right there. I honestly don't think Frank had any idea how 'handsy' Tepper would be or he probably would have looked elsewhere after dealing with Irsay.
  9. Bryce is going to get him fired, not the playbook. Playing a wet nurse to a dude that's clearly not cut out for this League is the issue. If Tepper gives him an ultimatum to win some games or get canned, if I were Frank, I would be like: 'alright Dalton starts the rest of the season.'
  10. You missed the NO in front of it apparently. This team with merely a decent veteran QB would already have reached Rhule's annual threshold of 5 wins.
  11. Lying. Rhule wasn't a coach, he was a used car salesman. Rhule had the remnants of a once proud team. Frank got left Rhule's mess. Rhule had Teddy two-gloves who was actually a decent starter at one point in his career. Frank has a QB the size of an oompha loompha. Rhule never had to endure the growing pains of a rookie QB, Fanks does. Rhule had control of the roster so he could only look in the mirror for mistakes, Frank does not. Rhule tried to kill the Keep Pounding mantra, Frank embraces it. Frank played in the league, Rhule coached one season as an assistant positions coach for the Giants. Rhule tired to treat men like 18-year old kids, Frank does not. Rhule had Moore and CMC, Frank has Thielen and Sanders. I could probably think of more, but that list should suffice for now. So no, Rhule>Reich.
  12. Bryce's stature really hampers him at this level. His bad habits I think are a direct result of him trying to compensate for it. I know other QBs have bad habits too, but his is directly tied to him being a slight dude, IMHO. In other words, I'm not sure some of his issues can be fixed.
  13. Walk off FG too. We lose if Eddie missed it, so even that win was dicey.
  14. That would truly be a total reset. Maybe the Teppers can adopt Bryce and the three of them can live happily ever after running an European soccer club.
  15. Probably, people tend to keep bad habits as they get older rather that create new ones. This is why I am so weary of QBs from top, I should say elite, college programs. The amount talent around them is so damn good that it masks deficiencies.
  16. I didn't delve into Young's pre-draft criticism because I honestly didn't care to. Again, this is what I see with my own two eyes, NOW, not some scouting report from February.
  17. Suited his skills. The coaches tailored the playbook for their point guard and he still looks bad.
  18. Cam was a physical specimen and did well in spite of his QB mechanical flaws. When you are 6'5" 255 pounds and can flick a football 50 yards standing completely flat footed or falling backwards, yes, coaches will turn a blind eye/accept those issues if they can't be corrected. At 5'9" and >200 pounds with a slight frame, QB mechanics have to be good, REALLY good. I dare say excellent.
  19. Mr. Scot, apologies, but I don't feel like getting into a pissing match this morning. Here is what I see: -He's short--can't fix that -He's lite in the arse and can't generate NFL sufficient tork/velocity -He's inaccurate outside of the number beyond ~15yards. -He's not hitting tight windows -He has no internal clock/innate sense of where the danger is in the pocket -Despite his size, is not overly elusive -He has horrible mechanics --He throws with his feet not planted, usually on his the balls of his feet --His feet is not square --Has a long wind up --Has a shot put motion when generating more power for longer throws, creating an even longer wind up --Has some silly hop--not hitches--before some throws
  20. Eh, not so much that--where a guy goes to school-- as the NFL doesn't like to see their top *brand* guys flop. They rally around top draft picks not playing well, especially in year one.
  21. I mean, people in the media are still defending Fields. So...... Not dishonestly, but trying to deflect for the *golden boy* position.
  22. QB sticking up for another QB. Funny how he points THIS week's Houston game and our game. Context is everything. Why? Top 2 defense in the Cowboys (as you well know) versus a bottom 10 defense in the Cardinals whom the Texans played. So yes, Stroud had more time, but I would dare to say he was more accurate too. Stroud did throw picks, but he also won his game in spite of it.
  23. Yep, him too. Greg's a Great dude and identifies as a Panther for life, so he's not going to badmouth the QB. It's easier to scapegoat an entire unit than an individual. Granted the OL play has not been great, but that does NOT leave Bryce blameless. Actually I would say some of the OL woes is directly because of Bryce.
  24. He's missing open guys even when he has time! What is so hard to understand about this? If Bryce was getting pummeled every pass attempt, I could accept this narrative, but *shock* the OL occasionally does their job in pass pro and he STILL can't hit a WR more than 10 yards away consistently. I may call into Ellis' show this week. He's being a complete homer about this and should be called out on it.
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