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Everything posted by 45catfan

  1. Knowing Tepper, he'd fire Reich who has to coach Fitterer's roster. Huddlers poo all over this roster, but Frank is the main culprit for our futility. Makes sense and probably the same logic Dave would use as well.
  2. Anyone with half a brain could have figured this out. Frank constantly got grilled leading up to the draft if a small dude like Bryce was a consideration being that he's preferred the 6'5-6'6" QBs alllllll throughout his history. While he brushed away those questions time and time again, I could tell he wasn't exactly comfortable answering them.
  3. Beeeeeeeeeen barking up this tree. If Bryce continues to start while losing and Frank keeps his job, this says all you need to know. If Dalton starts, Frank is outta here, even if it's win.
  4. People lament about Bryce getting the short end of the stick with the shortcomings of this team. If Young's criticism has the affect of Teflon, then Franks criticism is a sh*t magnet.
  5. Lol, appeasing a fan base of a team that's got 1 win. We have one win and no head coach, Yay!!!!!!!
  6. You underestimate the power of a victory then. I was on some bad teams when I played sports as a young man. Those few wins made us feel really damn good about ourselves even if we knew deep down we were still a bad squad.
  7. I agree with your post. Young got dealt a bad hand with everything that has gone on this season. For that very reason, he should be put on the shelf. Nothing good could come out of keeping him in there. Reps for the sake of getting reps is not always a positive learning experience. Demoralization and potential injury is what he has to look forward to if he continues to start these last several games.
  8. You are baffling me today Mr. Scott. Frank might as well tell the entire coaching staff to have a good Christmas because they are all likely getting fired as there's no interest in winning--unless Bryce is the QB.
  9. All Young's fault? No. But he's clearly hit his ceiling this season and I don't see the benefit of trotting him out there each week with the same results. Is his psyche so fragile that taking a few games off is worse than regressing on the field? It's like some of you are such entrenched Young supporters that benching him is WAY worse that losing out the rest of the season. Lord forbid we win a game with Bryce on the bench...we can't have that! Luton is back on the practice squad, FYI.
  10. We will get there too because Bryce will not get benched. Crazy thing is the little guy is surprising resilient amid all the hits. Nothing serious, but Young could stub his toe for and miss a game or two. I'd be happy to see Dalton get some starts. This offense would actually be watchable.
  11. Wow, I'm not even sure how to even respond to that. I mean if this was a 8-year old girls soccer team, I guess losing is okay as long as they get pizza party and participation ribbon at the end of the season.
  12. Elite? Nah. I do remember three attempts he tried to bounce pass to the WRs. I guess he's been told he's a point guard, but someone should remind him those passes aren't allowed in the NFL.
  13. I got it and for the long term, I 100% agree. However, this team and fan base are STARVED for some wins. Merely staying out of the record books avoiding 0-17 isn't good enough. Even if Dalton delivers 2 or 3 wins if named the starter for the remainder of the season is something to feel good about. This season is toast, so I'm not sure how much more learning Bryce can do at this point. Continued losing can actually be detrimental to both Young and the team. Losing breeds resentment. I was as the Patriots game, the last game of the season in 2001, and it was crystal clear that team had fully given up. Do we want to get to the point were the team just quits? I think we are not far from it.
  14. I saw one elite NFL caliber throw today, ONE...Chark down the left hand sideline. The rest were throws backup QBs could made routinely.
  15. Becoming predictable my man figuring you would pick the Dallas game last week, so I had this teed up for you. Pass defenses: Texans: 25th, Bears, 26th and Bucs 31st. Nothing special is faaaaaarrrrr better than what we are seeing with wee-little-man.
  16. All plays could be a TD if everything goes to plan. I still would love to know the original play design.
  17. So Bryce has faced all the best defenses? The Titans pass defense is on par with the Seahawks and crowd noise wasn't an issue AT ALL today.
  18. Just saying. This *scheme* nearly produced a 400 yard passer in one of the toughest stadiums to play in the NFL.
  19. Slants are wonderful pressure beaters. If it's a jailhouse break you don't even have to really worry about getting past the sticks because the void immediately behind the DL. Probably have at most one man to beat.
  20. I wonder if a reporter will have the balls to ask Frank what Bryce was signaling and if in fact he did change the play. if so what was the designed call for the intended play?
  21. Bryce was signaling something at the line. I'm not sure if it was a hot route, protection or play change, but he changed something.
  22. Yup, this team is making you look bad Tepper. Actually, doing that all by yourself.
  23. Special? No. He didn't have to because all he needed to do was to be a game manager. The only way to lose to the Panthers is beat yourself. The ultimate sign of disrespect--mockery actually, was when the Titans had zero reservations about going for it on 4th down in the first quarter deep in their own territory. Basically saying, 'if we don't get it, it's not like you can score a touchdown.' NFL coaches have zero respect for this Bryce Young led offense.
  24. Tepper is about $$$$$. He thought without a franchise QB, this team wouldn't be marketable. Oh, the irony, lol!!!!!!
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