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Everything posted by 45catfan

  1. Yup, generally the HC asks coordinators their input on major decisions such as this. It's even on video. You might want check next time before coming off as an @ss. https://www.panthers.com/video/chris-tabor-on-ihmir-smith-marsette-s-return-td
  2. One multi-touchdown game all season...against Detroit.
  3. Same old metric. Does the opponent score more than 17 points? if yes, there's a 99% chance of a Panthers loss. If the opponent is held to 17 points, about 33.3% shot of a Panthers win and the chances increase about 15% for every 3 points under that. I know that doesn't add up to 100%, but you get the idea.
  4. I'm fine with Tomlin as long as he doesn't bring a Matt Canada-like OC on board with him. I get loyalty, but man, waiting so long to ditch him probably cost them this season.
  5. LSU's Daniels just declared. There's your 3rd QB off the board.
  6. Seems about right. Crazy that every year there are approximately 8 HC openings.
  7. Did you click the link to Tabor's presser? By your comments I will assume no.
  8. Eddy supposedly hit from 60 yards that same direction in pregame and the reason the decision was green lighted.
  9. https://www.panthers.com/video/chris-tabor-on-ihmir-smith-marsette-s-return-td Who knows who was trying to cover for whom, but Frank apparently didn't go rogue against the rest of the coaching staff. I mean, one would think he consulted Tabor on such an important STs matter.
  10. I read it somewhere, I think the official site.
  11. The punt and KO ploys aside, the end of game is where I think he shined. I was thinking the same thing, we had the timeouts (they didn't) and enough downs to run the clock all the way down. Why give the ball back to them? There was a greater probability that they marched down the field after we scored a TD than Eddy missing a chip shot FG.
  12. Agreed. However, if an upgrade is available in the draft, say mid-round or FA at a decent cap figure, why not go that route? He's developed into a decent NFL RB. I mean Thielen was the other mention in this post, do we not upgrade if one is to be had? I get what you are saying though, we invest too much at RB in an attempt upgrade, but it doesn't have to be that way. We just have an incompetent GM that chooses to do it that way.
  13. Step #6 and nullifying step #1-5. And the cycle continues...
  14. I like him as a RB2. It's just a shame we got so much tied up in Sanders to get a RB1, a REAL RB1. That's a shot at Sanders, not Chuba.
  15. He our best RB now, to be sure, but I don't think he's a true RB1. Is he better than Sanders? Between the tackles, absolutely and maybe better overall.
  16. The reason were are #3 in yards and 29th in points is because of turnovers and losing the field position battle due to our offense's ineptitude...it's as simple as that. Basically, if the opposing teams have a short field and score, then it doesn't require racking up a lot of yardage in order to get that score. I would take those stats flip-flopped any day of the week, BTW.
  17. Passes of 18, 19 and 20. Correct like 60 yards, but it's a sad state of affairs when 15-20 yard passes are considered deep throws. Granted, they aren't check down throws, but Falcons got passive on their pressures on the last drive, so no need for dump offs to the hot read.
  18. I bet the entire team felt better yesterday. I'm happy for ALL of them. However as devoted fan, I can't simply take it game to game anymore. There has to be a long game here to end this cycle of misery. Excuse me if TD-less victory in what amounts to a meaningless season doesn't give me goosebumps and a warm fuzzy feeling. The path to the two victories this season are 100% unsustainable. It's crazy to think otherwise.
  19. So what you are saying is Young isn't totally deplete of weapons. Hmmm, I was assured that our skill positions were all arena league, XFL and CFL castoffs.
  20. A QBR a tic above Zack Wilson for last place. How many of those guys showed potential beyond year 1? Maybe Jones and Fields, but they still are struggling. Point being, people who have watched this game nearly their entire lives can see the potential in most players, especially at the QB position since it's so hyper-focused upon. People can say stats lie, and while true, generally those are cherry picked or flawed raw data. In this instance, QBR is applied to all qualifying QBs in the NFL. This is not a cherry picked stat and I'm nearly certain the raw data is solid.
  21. You know they all are taken? There may be 70,000 PSL seats, but that doesn't mean they all are being used/paid for. Actually I highly doubt it. I bet I can go on the Panthers website now and find thousands for sale and then go to the the PSL exchange where thousands more are for sale. Again, they are playing with the numbers.
  22. Same thing for the Texans game. Final drive, prevent defense and they give Bryce his underneath throws. We can't rely on a near perfect day for the defense and Eddy not to miss a kick for a victory every game. It just isn't realistic. Crazy thing is if Eddy had missed both the Texans' kick and the one yesterday, we'd 0-14 and he'd be 100% cut. Meanwhile, the hopium huffers are doing victory laps while crowning Young.
  23. If you want a comparison, Drew Brees ain't it, more like Doug Flutie.
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