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Everything posted by 45catfan

  1. And this is why I left the wonderful metropolis that has become the modern Charlotte. Increased taxes, traffic and crime. What's not to love about that?
  2. Heard immunity was the only way to realistically get past this. Social distancing by largely confining everyone to their home was never going to work...not to the extent the government wanted us to believe. All that did was postpone people without the antibodies to get infected at a later time. The main goal of social distancing was so the hospital system would not get overwhelmed when this virus first broke out in America. It never did, not even in NYC. Hunkering down until a vaccine or a cure was found was never realistic. That doesn't mean we still don't do our part about sanitation to at least somewhat slow the spread with some of these measures, but being mindful about somewhat limiting the spread and trying to isolate the entire country are two separate things. Protect the most vulnerable the best we can (elderly and pre-existing conditions) and let the rest of us get on with our lives. A vaccine could be a year away before it's tested, approved, manufactured and widely available. A vaccine, BTW, is an exposure to a disease so the immune system can build up antibodies. Many people now already have the antibodies through casual exposure. This is how human existence got through previous pandemics prior to medical vaccines. To that end even modern times, most pandemics have largely run their course before a vaccine is developed. So the vaccine helps with future outbreaks in the years to come, but does nothing for the current outbreak.
  3. There is speculation the bad 'flu' bug that went around in December was the first wave of COVID-19. It was probably here a month earlier than we realize and the deadly 'second wave' everyone is dreading is actually what we are working our way though now. If this is like previous pandemics, the first and third waves are milder in terms or deaths. There's hope by next spring after enduring the 3rd wave that most of the populace has created the antibodies to fight of the worst effects of this virus. The key is getting the economy back open, exposing folks in the summer while the virus is at it's weakest, getting 'herd' antibodies build up before winter arrives.
  4. Dude, I literally was about to post the same article! A vaccine is the best hope for people too afraid to leave their house. No cure for the common cold, but now we need a cure for this? The Hong Kong flu is still around by the way, it's influenza 'A'.
  5. Still amazed at the passes some folks get on this board given 99% of the other posters said similar things, a mod would be all over it.
  6. My point exactly! Thank you unwittingly doing so. Have fun. /out
  7. It okay to point out flaws, because we aren't perfect...nothing/nobody is, but the passive part is insinuating living in other countries is so much better. It's a typical tactic for those with gripes in our country to cherry pick certain things from other countries to push an agenda.
  8. I wasn't referring to you, but I guess you felt some kind of way about it.
  9. Thanks man. I just love how the passive anti-American sh*t gets such an easy pass around here. So yeah, that was my contribution.
  10. We are way more hygienic too. Europeans accuse us of Americans of being germaphobes. I had a really close friend in college that was a French foreign exchange student. Great guy, but showered maybe 1-2x a week and frequently smelled of BO, especially on hot days. He would tell me how crazy Americans were constantly freaking out about germs claiming Europeans were less sick from building up immunity because they weren't hand washing/showering all the time.
  11. Sorry, not reading through 26 pages, but have you guys seen/heard where China is attempting to blame the US for this? Their leaders say a contingent of US officials were in Wuhan province-China is September and brought it with them. If you read between the lines, not accidentally, but as a direct act of bio-terrorism. Hey China, how about put some restrictions/regulations (ex: health codes) on your wet markets and this crap will be cut down dramatically.
  12. Back Street Boys, get your facts straight! Seriously, it was Adam Sandler. Supposedly only postponed, but it wouldn't shock me if it's eventually cancelled .
  13. Affects the elderly the most, especially in terms of death rate. Not to say young/young(ish) folks shouldn't be cautious, but recovery rates are very high in non-eldery adults.
  14. Yeah, I had a concert the wife and I were going to next week cancelled. I was really looking forward to it.
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