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Everything posted by 45catfan

  1. With or without cleats on? Young isn't 5'10" barefoot.
  2. On a per game average: 2 solo tackles, 1 TFL and 0.5 sack. Yup, that's totally worth backing up the Brink's truck to BOA over.
  3. Let him go. I'd prefer the trade route, but if not, at lest we get a comp pick in 2025 for him.
  4. Everyone but Hekker, Pineiro, Luvu and Brown. Everyone else needs to be assessed.
  5. Reich knew what he was doing. Brown, maybe not as much. Bryce just doesn't have it man. Too short, too light, small hands, horrible footwork, noodle arm, no internal clock and not threat to run the ball on designed plays. In other words, too many red flags.
  6. Even though we only won one game in '01, we were competitive in just about every contest. Despite the losses, most of the games were close and entertaining. We somehow managed to lose every close game though.
  7. Tepper is going to have a hard time getting rid of his boot-licking yes-man.
  8. Not updated yet, but don't worry, Bryce shouldn't fall lower than Zack Wilson for dead last in QBR. The guys ahead of Bryce though, lol.
  9. Tepper wasn't lying when he said he wouldn't settle for mediocrity. WE SUCK!
  10. Bryce's usual sub-100 yard passing through three quarters. Will he pad his stats in the 4th quarter this week?
  11. Hmmm, what team won the division and who was the QB?
  12. No, because only his good plays count. Have you not figured this out yet? Young has unlimited mulligans. So he has good plays and then plays that don't matter.
  13. Possibly, but we'd have more than two wins for sure.
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