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Everything posted by 45catfan

  1. Considering his age and contract figure...small, microscopic even. I'm not against putting feelers out there, but the best case scenario is trading to a team that loses a slot WR in camp or early in the year to a significant injury. Given the draft and FA, his market will be virtually non-existent for a trade.
  2. Brown is the only priority, everyone else is negotiable. At this point you have to tag and trade Burns. Dudes normally show out in contract years and he simply did not. We've seen him in a 3-4 and 4-3 and he produces the same results. His 2022 season was his best, but still not superstar quality. Luvu should sign a reasonable deal. No issues there. Jackson can renegotiate his contract be traded or cut, I really don't care. We draft a couple of WRs and sign a decent FA TE. The OL, if healthy, should be given one more chance with a new scheme and OL coach. The starters are still all under contract, I believe. No need to bust the cap with big name FAs for competition sake.
  3. They aren't trading Young's security blanket. Could you imagine how much worse Bryce would have looked without Thielen? Woof!
  4. If 'fixed' means becoming mediocre, then sure Byrce can be fixed. However, it's going to take the entire roster being fixed too. This has been stated time again that Bryce doesn't have the physical talent to put a lacking team on his back. In an ideal situation, Young can be an average game manager QB. We are no where close to an ideal situation.
  5. Avatar bet. Let's get through the combine and his pro day. If he simply doesn't lay a dud in either of those, there's no way he lasts until the 3rd round. Yes, Penix has an injury history, but he's healthy now and should pass his medical exam. It's not like Hooker last year who actually was mending from an ACL injury. No, Bo Nix will not be a bust. Superstar? Not likely, but neither a bust. It's so ironic that we should be in a position to get a QB, that in a weaker class would be a top 10 pick, but we're willing to effort a square peg in a round hole with Bryce just to give us a high pick in said weaker class in 2025. The Panthers will Panther until either Tepper moves the team or sells.
  6. Assuming he doesn't get medically red flagged at the combine, want to wager that he lasts to the 3rd round?
  7. Dalton is better, but point being we are still stuck with Young. "Fixing" him will pretty much take the entire season and if, BIG IF, Tepper finally allows the plug to be pulled, the season will be down the crapper already. And no, I'm not a fan of the 2025 QB class, at least for franchise QBs. So the notion of Young leading us to our next rookie QB after next year is not a palatable proposition for me.
  8. Eh, you don't know my background on this subject. I was advocating for a FA QB this year foregoing the 2023 QB class and waiting until the loaded 2024 class at QB.
  9. And no, taking a QB at #33 is not dumb, it's actually the correct move assuming Penix or Nix is there. That being said, there's no way Tepper would allow it.
  10. A season late. Signing one of those guys should have been the solution this year. But the whole impatient owner thing got in the way.
  11. So you think things have actually changed? New faces, except the one that matters. Figure it out.
  12. Tepper apparently can and he's the owner over the GM. I think whomever is the new HC, benching Bryce will have to be run up the chain. You disagree? I don't think Tepper has stepped away from the meddling. Remember, Fitterer threw Reich under the bus for not 'fixing' Bryce quick enough. Unfortunately until Tepper is no longer the owner, things like benching the #1 overall pick will not be just the HCs call. Not in in this micromanaged organization.
  13. Yup, but they aren't better than a QB we could get at #33 this year and that's my entire point. Penix and Nix would be higher than either Sanders or Ewers if they could have returned for one more year.
  14. I'm cautiously optimistic about this move. Dude has been in football his entire adolescent and adult life. I think he may do well if he can keep Tepper in check.
  15. At least Morgan worked his way up through the ranks of scouting. We shall see if he really has an eye talent. I'm telling y'all if he pulls the trigger on a QB at #33 (Penix or Nix) I'll be a huge fan.
  16. If he benches Bryce after a bad start to the season, we will know who is--truly--running the show.
  17. Yup, he brought pizza to one of the tailgates (maybe more) but at least one I attended. He was a cool dude.
  18. I'm good. If I happen to be wrong about the 2024 and 2025 QB classes, I'll own up to it. No, it's not too early for receipts, BTW. Our season is over so 2024 draft talk/speculation is totally fair game.
  19. Yup, but I also said if we did take a QB, he'd be the one I'd take....reluctantly. I'd still rather had all our picks last year and be set up to take a top 10 QB this year. But no, everyone had their panties in a wad because of Mayfield and Darnold. Patience is a virtue and outside of Rhule, Tepper has had none. Don't worry, I'm very confident this QB class will produce 2-3 solid QBs. Stroud may be the only one from last year and if so, I was correct. Granted he did a lot better than I expected, but Young looks bad, Levis looks like I expected and Richardson relied on his legs too often because he's so inaccurate resulting in the predictable injury.
  20. I would hold a clipboard and collect millions just to watch a dumpster fire.
  21. I'm going to be completely honest, I don't have an inkling and don't care. Tepper is gonna Tepper, so dude will be behind the 8-ball from the rip whoever he is. This is the most disengaged I've been in any coaching search in this team's history. Tepper has sucked about 90% of my fandom for this team out of me.
  22. No, but he's older and an alpha. Tepper can't have an ego to match his. Belichick is older, even keeled AND an alpha--so you know he had no shot to come here.
  23. Whew, that '25 QB class better show out this fall, that's all I've got to say. If we only had our first rounder this year...
  24. Tepper wants a young and energetic coach. Apparently part of Reich's demise was not being an emotional or rah-rah type of coach; so being older and even keeled isn't the combination Dave is seeking.
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