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Everything posted by 45catfan

  1. That's how you hit a hole, attack it, don't tippy-toe into it.
  2. Oh, people have fumbled before, but I thought is was laughable that people were ready to crown the kid after a couple of very mediocre outings. Dude is garbage between the tackles. Exhibit #1 was on full display.
  3. "Cuba Hubbard is an NFL Starter" I remember that thread well...
  4. I mean the quality of massage parlors in Miami compared to Charlotte, can you blame the man?
  5. I listen to 104.9 in the morning on the way into work. I catch "Two Pros And A Cup Of Joe" with Brady Quinn, Lavar Arrington and Jonas Knox from 7-8am. Brady and Lavar are actually funny dudes. Jonas Knox can be a bit annoying though. What is the time slot?
  6. I wasn't a fan of extending Robby in the first place, sure as hell not for what we ended up actually giving him and now he's laughing all the way to the bank.
  7. You have to wonder if his quick drops has anything to do with our OL sucking and he's just ready to get rid of the damn ball before being planted in the turf?
  8. Exactly how long have you followed the Panthers?
  9. Bingo! Darnold thinks he has a deep shot for a TD or a check down that's likely to get dropped. I'd bet you he'd still pass up Hubbard 9-out-of-10 times given the chance.
  10. I really wish some team would have hired this offensive prodigy back in the offseason. Oh, is he not an offensive prodigy anymore? I bet dude is having wet dreams about coaching back in college at this point.
  11. '97, '03, '05, '08 and '18 were pretty good overall units based off those stats. Again, '03, 05 and '08 were when Gross was a young stud. Outside of that, it's like we lucked into a couple of good units...literally TWO.
  12. Robby appears to be open inside the hash; the DB bailed and was respecting his speed while protecting the sideline. What you can't see is where that safety on that side of the field is until the ball is already in the air. If anything, if the pass went to Robby (and he held onto the ball) it would have moved the sticks, but it's not like there was a TD pass to be had. Also 5 Giants defenders in on that play. That shouldn't happen unless two receivers end up in the same location and that's not by design.
  13. Thompson 82 and Thomas 80 end up within one yard of one another as the pick occurred. Again, not defending the decision of Darnold or the wounded duck throw, but two receivers ending up in the exact same area is going to draw more defenders.
  14. Let me introduce you this team. They are called the Carolina Panthers and historically could give a rat's @ss about fixing an OL. Been this way the better part of 25-years. Sure, the one draft we lucked up and got Jordan Gross because the Vikings could get their card turned in on time we fielded some decent OLs with him here. Besides that, it's always been a patchwork band of misfits. Some units less embarrassing than others, but this team has NEVER been known for investing in the OL and fielding an elite unit.
  15. That's a busted play. There's no way both TEs should be in the same area like that. The pick was horrible, but someone ran the wrong route.
  16. It depends on the player and the organization. The NFL plays favorites for sure. Do they want Watson in the League for the next 10-15 years? Sure, but I think they want him going place that hasn't had their share of issues with this sort of thing in the past. Our organization is the poster-child for sexual exploitation/abuse of women in the League. Probably not the best look for Watson or the League.
  17. Dillard's problem is better strength. He has really good technique, but was 'doughy' coming out of college. I think he's bulked up some since being in Philly, but probably still has some more iron to pump to get where he needs to be.
  18. Thanks for a legit source, but I have to wonder out of 10 business targeted, why Kraft went unscathed. It could be the ladies were prostitutes of their own free will, or it could be money and power made it seem so?
  19. Nope, we have already spent a wad this year that wasn't necessary. We would be mid-pack next year cap-wise, but cap rich teams could give bigger deals to any top O-linemen in FA. If we were contenders we could maybe lure guys here on slightly cheaper deals, but with this train wreck, we are going to have to be top bidders to sign any top FA O-linemen. Again, trading for Watson would screw up our drafts for the next 3-to-4 years.
  20. Riddle me this, unless Fitts can low-ball the heck out of Houston, where are we going to have the draft picks to fix the OL? What, you think we get Watson AND get to keep our top draft picks??? Delusional doesn't even to begin to describe some of you. These same fans probably think onions only have 1 layer.
  21. Yup, oddly enough the first year or two under Seifert, the defense was the weak, not the offense. Crazy, I know, considering we are talking about the Panthers. Actually Siefert's first domino to fall in his epic and rapid demise is when he chose to move on from Beuerlein in favor of Jeff Lewis. Things spiraled downward quickly.
  22. Rolling Stone as a legit news source, lol. The entire article was slanted to sex-worker's rights. Hell, Kraft was almost lost in the entire piece. Did it say weather these women were forced into this or not as part of a larger sex-trafficking sting? Nope, just that pro sex-workers say some immigrant women choose to do this work as a broad generalizing statement. When faced with starvation and finding a roof to sleep under, I guess prostitution isn't a hard choice for some of them.
  23. Really? This could be the 'take the cake' take of the day. In the 90's social media was in it's infancy and women wearing jeans to work on Friday's was acceptable. Now calling a dude in a dress sir can get you fired from your job, de-platformed and could have possible criminal charges pressed in certain areas. But yeah, things are waaaaay more chill and care-free now than in the 90's.
  24. Hmmm, not sure you know the entire story, the ethnic workers at that "spa" were supposedly human trafficed. Again, not his fault, but he should not have put himself in that situation especially given his status. Regardless if YOU think it should be legal or not, where it took place, it WAS illegal. He should have went to Nevada if he wanted to get his freak on with 'immigrant spa workers' legally. Then again, the arrogant bastard didn't think he's get caught either, until he did.
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