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Everything posted by 45catfan

  1. Nope. Again, it was a calculated risk and a short-term one. The only dumb move would to been to get him here, rework his rookie deal and actually extend him. The 1-year flier on picking up the option is not a deal breaker to me. Also, there are not a BUNCH of holes to fill. This team with a few roster moves in the offseason and competent coaching would be a winner. This teams record is not indicative of it's talent level. Your sarcasm isn't amusing either. No Cam should not get $20M next year. Cam should be happy for a job back in the NFL this year. His contract to finish out half a season for a dude on his couch could be considered in the same capacity as Sam's 5th-year option.
  2. Joe Brady to Independence High school.
  3. Only 1-year when we have PLENTY of cap room in hopes to boost the guys confidence keep him around if he actually balled, sure. A good backup QB will command about $10M, so if Darnold is our backup next year he's overpaid by like $9M. Kinda sucks, but isn't doing any long term damage. Anderson's deal hurts a heck of a lot more.
  4. Sam I didn't mind, he had success until the offense had a rash of injuries and teams figured out Brady's offense. Is he broken now? Perhaps, but some of that was his limitations and most of it was this staff. You did witness Cam's 5.8 QBR yesterday, correct? It's safe to say that most QBS would struggle here. The Henderson move was the one of those I didn't agree with. Dude had red flags everywhere and we still made the move. How much of that was the coaching staff in utter panic when Horn got injured and how much was that was on Fitts? I'm not sure, but no font office is going to bat .1000. I do pin the Anderson contract on Fitts, but again, I'll chalk one bad contract up as a loss as long as it isn't a trend, a la Marty Hurney.
  5. I would not have given Anderson his deal and would not have traded for Henderson. The Gilmore pick up was nice, taking a flyer on Darnold I didn't mind. You almost had to do the 5th year option to signify you have the guy's back. It's one year. Even bringing back Cam to patch things up even it's in the short-term I thought was an positive move. Again, Fitts/Morgan keep giving Rhule the tools to succeed. Rhule & staff are just out of their depth and seemingly are content on using a pipe wrench to tighten a lose screw.
  6. This is a purely a coaching issue and not so much a talent/scouting/roster issue. Fitts and Morgan should stay. Rhule's entire coaching staff needs to be run out of town. Fitts has made a few mistakes, but overall he has put players on this team in an effort to win. This roster is not void of talent. GMs bring in the talent and the COACHES figure out the best way to use those players, motivate those players and improve those players. That's called coaching.
  7. So we come out of the bye beating a horrible Falcons team and get bludgeoned in horrific fashion by the Bills and Bucs just so Rhule can show progress on last year's record (by 1 game) citing this as improvement.
  8. I have zero faith in this staff making a significant step forward next year. If you lose a team halfway through a season, then you are a garbage staff. Rhule has lost this team. He might win one more game and technically improve upon last year's record, but is that really improvement? I was WAY more optimistic about last year's 5 win team than I am about this year's 5 win team. That's regression and in no way gives me hope for this squad under Rhule's watch next year.
  9. They tried the college route too. It JUST DOESN'T WORK! Then they went out and finally got one of those boring NFL "re-treads" with Bruce Arians. That hasn't worked out too badly for them, has it?
  10. If I counted correctly, Cam was 1-8 on 3rd down passes today. The one was the 64-yard pass to Moore who was wide open on a blown assignment. Also, one miss was an INT. You can't be that off on 3rd down.
  11. No, no, it's going to get better because his contract is 7 years. I mean things can't get worse in year 3, right?
  12. Capers--> NFC Championship year 2 Fox--> Super Bowl year 2 Rivera--> 7-9 year 2, but was 5-3 in the back half of the season with a 4 game win streak to close it out to warrant a 3rd year . Year 3 we were in the playoffs. Rhule has lost this team. Outside of the Falcons and perhaps the Saints, we aren't winning another game. Set aside 3-0 start, this team has been in obvious decline as the season wears on.
  13. Rhule's 7-year contract means diddly to Tepper in terms of money. So money isn't the reason why he would hang onto him. Pride is the only thing holding Tepper back by giving an unproven NFL HC such a lucrative deal. Firing Rhule would show what an idiotic move that was. Right now, if money was spread evenly over the life of the deal, Tepper would be out of $43 million. That's play money to this dude. He's trying to keep egg off his face, but he's going to have to swallow that bitter pill sooner rather than later. If this team only wins one or two more games this season, is that enough to warrant another year of this mediocrity?
  14. So if Rhule is a program builder, why do we get worse as the season goes on? As mentioned Rivera was 7-9 in 2nd season, but that team went 5-1 in the last six games was competitive in all but 2 games all season. THAT team was building towards something. THIS team has ZERO identity and is only getting WORSE.
  15. ONE drive today, just ONE. That ONE had a busted coverage that got the offense deep enough to do finish off the drive. Other than that, the offense couldn't hardly get a first down.
  16. Can we officially put the the playoff talk to rest, PLEASE? Mathematically still likely some remote probability, but come on, anyone still clinging to that fantasy after watching this game is 100% delusional.
  17. I will start planning activities on Sunday afternoons rather than wasting it watching this flaming pile of poo.
  18. I attribute it to him being over-rated. Again, dude has done NOTHING since he got figured out around game 4 of last season. What did we do? Paid the man like a top-tier WR.
  19. I'm rooting for Tepper to find his brass balls and fire Rhule and his staff. We honestly could not do any worse next season with a brand new staff.
  20. If I'm Tepper, I allow college teams to interview Rhule without a second thought.
  21. Sure wish Brady would have gotten one the the HC jobs he interviewed for this offseason. Now he's exposed won't get another sniff. We are stuck with him unless he quits or gets fired.
  22. Hmmm, could we look much worse than this version of the Matt Rhule Panthers with McCarthy? 99% sure the answer would be absolutely not.
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