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Everything posted by 45catfan

  1. Who would like to give Del Rio a shot? He wasn't horrible with Jacksonville and that was his first rodeo. Most HCs do better in their second gig. He has a connection here. While I would like an offensive-minded HC, not to many of them floating around besides Pederson. I do NOT want a first time HC. Let me just squash the name Jason Garrett before anyone mentions it.
  2. I'm not a tank-type of guy, but I will say if we lose out (or nearly) I won't be too mad if it means better draft position AND, most importantly, Rhule gets canned. Of the short list (I think there was 6) of HCs to replace Rivera, Rhule was literally dead last on my list.
  3. We will get a win versus the Saints and/or Falcons. Will it be enough to save Rhule's job? It depends on how bad the losses are I would imagine. If we eek out a win over the Falcons and get taken to the woodshed by the Bills and Bucs, that lone win won't matter.
  4. Also Rhule wouldn't hire someone more qualified than himself and ultimately his likely successor when he is fired.
  5. LOl, did you actually research the three degrees of separation from Rhule I mentioned earlier? If so, kudos to you my friend!
  6. That's the part Chase needs to be wary of. Blackburn is not a Rhule guy and thus expendable.
  7. I've heard coaches say all options are on the table without getting into specifics. Rhule? He denies, deflects and then ultimately contradicts himself, which makes him look even more inept in the end.
  8. I would want an offensive guy, period. We have never had a HC that was an offensive guru. It's always been from the defensive perspective. Even if we suck in year one, as long as those losses are shootouts, at least they will be entertaining. These low scoring losses suck all the way around.
  9. Correct, did not. Lying no, but potentially misleading for the sake of deflecting an uncomfortable question and moving on. Absolutely! Rhule likely knew another loss or two likely meant a shakeup before his own job was taken, but he wasn't going to give the media any red meat.
  10. Can we stop with trying to find the next boy wonder? The McVeys and Peytons of the NFL are EXTREMELY RARE. There's a reason only one comes around every decade or so. Think of how many prodigy whiffs occur before one actually succeeds. I mean, we just fired the guy who was deemed the hottest young offensive mind in college football not less than 2-years ago.
  11. It's hard to build a team when you are consistently making missteps. It's hard to say this team is any better than last year and it has CONSIDERABLY more talent. That is on the coaching staff, particularly the head coach...especially one with as much pull in personnel matters as Rhule has.
  12. How many degrees of separation is Pederson from either Baylor or Temple? Three or more, forget about it.
  13. Chase Blackburn had better watch out, Rhule needs a Bear-Owl to be the STs coach for the clean sweep.
  14. In his press conference a week or two ago Rhule stated that he did foresee making any coaching changes. Once again, he says one thing, then proceeds to directly contradict himself.
  15. No to Lovie Smith, he couldn't even turn around a college program! He's a very good DC, but an ineffective HC.
  16. McDaniels was my 2nd favorite last time. The popular belief is he's going to ride out his OC gig in NE until Bill retires. The only unknown is, how long is Bill planning on coaching? If Bill plans on coaching another 5-10 years, I doubt McDaniels waits around that long.
  17. Why, so he can win one more game than this season and point to a trend of success? This is not college, you don't have to compete for recruits against the blue-blood teams. That honestly does take a few years to sell your program and get kids to believe in the process, turning those 2-star commits, in year one, to 3-star the following year and so forth. The NFL has ONE draft that all teams are on equal footing on. You're not at a competitive disadvantage to say the Patriots. So saying it takes 5-years to build a winner in the NFL is either sandbagging or hedging their bets until most of that 7-year deal is collected.
  18. So if Rhule is canned in January, who's up for a NFL re-tread? I hope we've learned our lesson about over-rated college coaches.
  19. This buys Rhule at least to the end of the season. Tepper probably wanted a pound of flesh and let Rhule know it was his skin on the line unless something drastic happened. If we win only 2 games or less in this final stretch, the Brady move won't matter because Rhule will be sent packing right behind him.
  20. The offense has looked uninspired since the first quarter of the season. Once CMC went down in the Texans game it's like Brady, who apparently centered the entire offense AROUND CMC was at a loss of how to press on without him. It was also about the time other teams got enough film on our offense to figure out how to stop it. It was a doubled-edge sword for Brady and seemingly he was unable to adapt.
  21. Rhule is doing this now so when we beat the Falcons in a meaningless game next week that he can point to this as the crux of the problem all season. Problem being we'll still get waxed by the Bills an Bucs in the week's ahead, so it will be an abbreviated victory lap by Rhule.
  22. This is kinda buried in the link I posted earlier about drops: "In fact, their two top wideouts in Robby Anderson (seven) and DJ Moore (six) rank first and second in the category heading into Week 13."
  23. We could see as many as 4 OL go before we pick, even if we tank. There are some really bad OLs ahead of us in the draft. I wouldn't shock me to see a record amount of OL going in round 1 this year. The '08 draft had 7 tackles, and 1 OG selected in the first round. This year could rival that. The '20 draft had 6 tackles and 1 center taken on day 1.
  24. Putting a rookie QB behind this line next year would be the very definition of insanity. Somehow we need to get a 2nd or 3rd round pick back (preferably both) and spend those two picks on OL, period. Stop being cute (Marshall pick this year) and build the freaking OL.
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