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Everything posted by 45catfan

  1. You need to specify Mr. Scott...Panthers slightly north, or Panthers way up north. Ron is doing his best Bills imitation.
  2. But not having back-to-back winning seasons under Richardson was such an egregious sin. How the bar of success has fallen....
  3. Even if Olsen is knocked down to Fos'x #2 team in 2023, his family will still be set for life. Let's stop acting like the difference in MILLIONS of dollars is a matter of life and death here. Kick me a 1/2 million and I could retire.
  4. According to Tepper, post-Rhule might still be a few years off regardless of results (don't look at the Charlotte FC thread, its non-related). You know, because he dresses sloppy and was a short order cook. If those were the lone qualifications, I'd be a shoo-in for the Panthers HC spot! I might submit my resume' tomorrow!
  5. The track record and expectations are so low now it's laughable. Improving on 5 wins and finishing higher than the second worst rated O-Line. If we finish with 6 wins and say 25th ranked O-line, It'd be like 'pop the bubbly fellas!'
  6. It's not hard to find the 8 O-linemen that will stay. The 9th OL guy is up for debate. Brown is probably the best bet now, but he couldn't make the roster last year. Daley, Jordan, Tecklenburg, Horton, Pleasants are on one-year/expiring deals with Daley the only one carrying dead cap (only ($735k). I haven't seen Miller's contract and I doubt it's of consequence.
  7. Starting LG is the only 'problem' spot. If someone can take command of that position, the OL will be solid. As I have said about LG earlier, I'd prefer a salty veteran next to Ickey. I'm not sure he's on this roster. I'd be content to wait to roster cut downs at the end of camp to maybe find this guy. Unlike center and tackle, guards are the easiest position to pick up quickly on the OL. I wouldn't be worried about the late arrival as much as I am concerned about getting the right guy in that spot.
  8. I said that the day he was signed. I don't know how well he "excells", but I do think he makes the 53-man roster. Our TE room is weak.
  9. There's a reason all these great athletes "fell" to us on day 3. Not all great athletes make great football players. You have to have drive, competitiveness, football IQ, toughness and dedication to the sport to be great in the NFL, not merely having a near-perfect RAS score.
  10. Mays might develop into a starter, not this year and Smith will hang on as a depth LB and a STs player. The Baylor kid will hang around on STs or on the PS as long as Rhule is here.
  11. You can't un-structure a restructure. It' not like the front office can say...'well, we didn't get our guy (Watson) so we are going tear up this new deal and just use the old one instead.' Cutting them doubles down on stupid. At this point the damage is done, don't make it any worse. Again, rolling over the available cap to 2023 is the most fiscal responsible thing possible to do at this point. We are -$30 million towards the cap in 2023. Even if we roll over 100% of our available cap now, the team is still $5 million in the red.
  12. I agree, Elf is a better center than guard. I know we signed Bozeman to be a center, but you play people to their strengths. If that means sliding Bozeman to LG to start, or even play the entire season there, then so be it. I'm not sure we want a rookie or second year player next to Ickey. He needs a rock next to him until he gets his feet wet and not another dude that's still trying to figure out how to play in this League.
  13. Look at next year's cap number and you will understand why. We freed it up for Watson, but lost out. We need to roll over as much of that cap space as possible to dig out of hole created by restructuring all the contracts to pursue Watson.
  14. That's the reason I specifically bought in an older neighborhood to avoid HOA's. They are such BS. Nobody is going to let their grass grow knee high and put an old car on cinder blocks in the front yard in this day and time. I live in an extremely large older neighborhood now and maybe one or two homes need to be reminded...subtly... that they need to keep their yards up better. Yet, compared to my old neighborhood which was MUCH, M-U-C-H smaller, I get to keep $700 dollars a year in HOA fees, plus without all the hassle.
  15. So, let me fill you in on this dude. There is a subforum called the 'tender box' where about a handful of posters go. It's an EXTREME left-wing forum and it's where this dude lives. So if you don't subscribe to communism, socialism...anything short of complete anarchy then you are some right-wing homaphobe, Islamaphobe, Transphobe, xenaphobe, anything short of a complete and utter "phobe". For the life of me I don't understand why the subforum is even around, but yet it exists. Don't go in with a differing opinion than the approximately dozen (yes, it's really just a few left-wing zealots that frequent there) that pose as the gatekeepers to that forum. What that has to do with a sports message board is beyond me? But somehow it is allowed to exist here. If Zod were to do away with it , he'd lose about 10 posters, but this place would be such a better community without it.
  16. Down playing anyone in comparison to Smitty is a low-key insult. There is only ONE Steve Smith. Smitty was a once in-a-lifetime player...period. Saying that someone has to be Steve Smith-like to be successful is pretty laughable. There's plenty of successful WRs that don't/didn't have the tenacity of Smitty that ended up have decent of successful;NFL careers,
  17. Perhaps, but between the refs, our RT getting killed by Miller, our staff's unwillingness to roll him help and the League wanting Manning to get his second ring (see refs), that game was a steep uphill climb when it should not have been. Bad WR play, or should I say, better WR play would not have been the difference maker in that game. Keeping Miller off Cam and consistent, FAIR calls by the refs and the outcome probably would have been different.
  18. Yes, KB was ultimately responsible for his own mistakes, but you cannot rule out his surroundings. Look at how many promising careers have hit the skids going to unstable franchises. On the flip side, Adams is the highest paid WR in the League. Do you think that would have been possible if we drafted him?
  19. Yep, Brees' arm has lost something over the past few seasons. Not sure it would be worth anything other than a) not having Darnold start and b) giving Corrral one of the best mentors he could possibly wish for. For a season or two I wouldn't hate the idea if the money wasn't ridiculous. The down side is having Brees would definitely make us good enough for Rhule to keep his job. Still probably not a playoff team, but probably on the cusp. A solid 4 more wins than Darnold.
  20. Lol, your dumd @ss woke self don't even see how stupidly ridiculous your post is. The Panthers have never been close to the Packers organization, so of course players tend to have better careers there. Back to the pit where the 10 or so of you stroke each other off.
  21. His life is better off for it. The Panthers would have screwed up his career. In Green Bay he had a future HOFer throwing to him, competent coaching staffs and a solid front office. Imagine if KB went to the Packers? Heck, he may not be washed up like he is right now and further more, be having a decent career.
  22. Yeah, I was wanting to cut him last season and Rhule turns around a gives the man a brand new contract.
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