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Everything posted by 45catfan

  1. Bingo! Rules for thee, but not for me. So as long as his accusers got paid, the penalty was less severe. If only Watson could have upped the sum enough to make this go away sooner, hell, he could have been starting week 1.
  2. Yep, the NFL wants to set a hard line on gambling. It will not be tolerated. Rape? Well, we (the NFL) will sit you in time out for a few games and then let you get back at it champ.
  3. That was between him and the Texans last year. Should have been suspended a year, anything less than double digit games suspended is a mockery. He gets six games, thus mockery.
  4. I sold my tickets because the product on the field has sucked for a while. I'd rather spend my money on home grilled burgers and reasonably priced beer. Then I could watch the game on my comfy cough and not have to wait in a line to take a piss. After the foregone conclusion of a predictable loss, I could then spend the rest of my Sunday doing whatever I please instead of a miserable 2.5 hour drive home in traffic.
  5. Freeze the video at 4 seconds. The ball is out of Baker's hand and the WR is making his break. He undoubtedly saw the safety and breaks off the route. Had he continued the route, it was a very catchable ball. However, a major decleater of a hit was awaiting him. Again, the WR made a business decision. I'm sure he didn't think his QB would get injured on the play, BUT that's why you can't play this game timid.
  6. WR made a career choice. It very well could have been a hospital ball. Dude, without a doubt, checked up. Instead of going after the ball and taking the contact, he decided otherwise and his QB got hurt. At least Baker tried to make the tackle.
  7. I doubt we are good enough to be lower than mid-round in the first. ON PAPER, this 2023 QB class is loaded. As they say, that's why they play the games. If this class lives up to it's billing, we may not have to move up to get a quality guy. Deep QB classes have guys "fall" to the mid-round. Mac Jones is the latest example.
  8. Unless Corral looks like a can't miss prospect, I am for drafting a QB in next years draft to keep all options open. I'm tired of getting pigeon-holed into a last gasp solution at QB. Darnold is gone after this season, I have no doubts. If Baker flops or wants a long-term, big money deal after anything less than a MVP-esque season...let him walk too. Remember, Corral is the only QB inked beyond this season for the Panthers. In that scenario at least we would have another open competition and not be stuck with an unproven Corral as our only option.
  9. Who's going commando? Oops, I meant, who's going to the game versus the Cammandos?
  10. Heck, I remember hanging out at Eastland mall as a kid. I practically grew up in that mall arcade in my pre-teen/early teen years. When Eastland went down hill, it went down hill FAST.
  11. At most Baker may hit the completion percentage ($300k) and points scored NFC/NFL ($300k)...as long as CMC stays healthy all year. It didn't say Baker had to be responsible for all the points. So he gets $0.6M of the $3.5 million back.
  12. I like the black ones, but the mock-ups of the blue ones I liked better.
  13. One line hit the nail on the head. Baker never had to deal with losing and how he would handle that adversity was an unknown; then that portion of the article goes on to cite Ryan Leaf. Leaf admitted the losing ruined his career; that he couldn't handle those rigors mentally. Pressures from the coaching staff, teammates, fans and media scrutiny...particularly media scrutiny, plagued his mind. Prolonged losing does screw with people's heads and some people, especially if that is something they never had to deal with, scars them permanently. Let's hope Baker chalks his time as a Brown to being in the wrong place...Cleveland and he rebounds nicely.
  14. This would be a perfect scenario, IMO. Mind you, I don't wish injury on anyone, but if it happens...it happens. Baker starts the season, but ends up getting hurt giving way to Sam. Darnold takes over and proves who we all think he is. Darnold gets benched in favor of Corral the last few games. Corral show promise but still needs time. We let Darnold walk in FA, Baker can't get any traction in FA and we re-sign him on like a 2-3 year deal (3rd year voidable) on the cheap (for a starter) and draft a potential QB1 in the 2023 draft. In two years we let Baker walk if he is indeed a JAG and we have two guys waiting in the wings learning from the sideline soaking up the nuances of the game at the NFL level. Best case scenario is we have not 1, not 2, but potentially 3 guys that can be QB1s. At that point the team holds many favorable cards and can retain, trade or get comp picks in FA later down the road. My point, there would actually be options in this scenario and none of them are bad.
  15. I think Baker will play decent this year, decent enough that it will yet again make our offseason QB circus front and center. Darnold is history, that part is easy...he walks unless he's willing to take a huge pay cut and be a backup. Baker, Corral and a loaded 2023 QB class is what this team will be looking at. Unless Baker turns in a MVP type season, I don't think it's wise to hang on to him. In his mind he's still a #1 overall draft pick. Things will get sticky if he turns in an above average season and he's looking for a solid, long-term new deal. My trepidation is we would probably consider it.
  16. Didn't someone in the Texans organization book some of these women for Watson's massage sessions? If so, they were enabling his behavior. To the extent the organization knew how he conducting himself during these massages is the part they probably didn't want out in public. If, and this is a big IF, Watson had these scheduled for him and he was expecting certain things, then the Texans were definitely culpable...even if it was just a few people in the organization that knew.
  17. McCall we be there end of round 1 early round 2. We can get him if we chose to take another stab at QB.
  18. I have gone to camp Wofford for almost two decades, but I think I'll skip this year. I may have a change of heart, but not likely. I bet it pains Tepper to know that it's one of the last remaining strong bonds to Jerry Richardson. I went last year and it was honesty boring.
  19. Ever heard of the name Jeff George? Baker reminds me of him. Dude had tons of talent, but was just a headcase. He literally threw his career away because he couldn't learn to be an adult and a professional. Heck, there is even shades of our own Kerry Collins. I heard of stories of him out late on Saturday nights (early Sunday morning) clubbing in Charlotte before a 1:00 kickoff. If, and this is a BIG IF, Baker takes a long look in the mirror and realizes this season will likely be the make or break year for his NFL career then he should rebound nicely and I predict around .500 for our Panthers. If he insists on maintaining his status as Cleveland Baker, a couple more wins for us over last year, but we let him walk and take a QB in the 2023 draft. Baker ends up as back up at that point until he washes out of the League.
  20. And you all thought the Browns Week 1 match up was coincidence? The same with the Jets last year with Darnold. The schedule makers knew this deal was inevitable.
  21. And yes, the BBQ was off the freaking chain! Enough leftovers for more in a day or two.
  22. Speedy recovery my friend. If it makes you feel any better, my household had it over Christmas and couldn't visit with friends and family.
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