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Everything posted by 45catfan

  1. Who needs emotion when you got analytics. With solid analytics, a team of zombies could win...or so Tepper and Rule would have us think.
  2. No, this time Newton will say the chant is "re-hire Rhule." The fans wants him to get a contract extension!
  3. Had some of those critters take up residence in my back yard. Spent a small fortune to have them trapped and removed.
  4. All of our other HCs won more than 5 games in their first two seasons, two of them went deep in the playoffs in just their second year. The biggest difference? None of them were college coaches. So no it doesn't take an several years to rebuild a team. It can be done with the right individuals in a short amount of time.
  5. Just like and unlike last year, the first quarter of the schedule was the easiest, but we were 3-1 then with no chance of that now.
  6. Have you looked at his stats? Very impressive! You know pundits are going to poo his conference and the competition, but that's cool, that means he should be there in the 2nd round.
  7. Oh and you were inside the organization? Pretty sure a racist wouldn't have a black players over at his house from time to time. If you are old enough to remember, Jerry would invite players over. Smitty was over there several times. Again Jeans Friday is like a cop finding a roach in the car ashtray. Technically wrong? Yes, but come the fug on man. At best it's creepy, but dude was like 80 and had a heart transplant and couldn't stay awake before halftime of a football game. Was he really that big of a threat? Hell, I bet you were a Watson supporter up until like the 23rd accuser. That was the biggest kick I got out of the Watson saga was the hypocrites that drug Jerry through the mud were champions of a REAL sexual predator, not least of whom was our current owner who stood on some faux moral high ground talking about the dignity and respect of his new ownership after taking over for Jerry Richardson. As soon as a QB was available with Jack the Ripper like predatory behavior, morality-smorality, who gives a flying fug. He's a QB!!!! Again, Jerry wasn't perfect, but I think it was a hit job within the organization to move ownership.
  8. Here's hoping. But I think Tepper gives him until playoff elimination. That means Rhule could still be fired in-season.
  9. So probably 6 more losses until eliminated. Could be in as many weeks. Wow, I remember when I couldn't wait for football season to get here, now I'm hoping it hurries along so Rhule is fired. Sad times...
  10. He's a rookie and averaging about 2 breakdowns a game at the toughest spot to play on the OL. Give him time.
  11. Correct. First round Micheal Mayer. Round 2, McCall. Now if we suck bad enough to be a top 10 pick, but not top 3, trade back. Lord knows we are in a pick deficit next draft and could use the extra selections..
  12. Mistake #1. Having Chubba on returns. That's not hindsight...actually foresight. I called that one. The reason he rarely sees the field is because he has hands of stone, but then he's the backup return guy?????? That set the tone right out of the gate. Once Hubbard fumbled it was like the team collectively was like, 'oh crap, here we go again.' It's a mindset now, the team is just waiting for the shoe to drop each and every game. The current coaching staff can't fix that. Only a new voice with a new vision and renewed belief is going to steer this team in the right direction. I'm not in the locker room, but from the outside it appears Rhule's messaging has grown stale with these players.
  13. You can't lose these many games in such crap-tasitc fashion and say it's the players and not the coaches. Also, who makes the roster? Oh yeah, THE COACHES. Yes, players can blow games here and there, but when they can't seal the deal EVERY...FREAKING....WEEK, that's on the coaches.
  14. The problem is Rhule would still have his minions on this coaching staff. I would say McAdoo or Wilks. Nixon and Snow should be black-balled from consideration if not canned with his butt.
  15. You got Jerry Richardson and Deshaun Watson mixed up. Big difference in commenting on the attractiveness of ladies wearing jeans in the workplace than demanding a handy underneath the massage table.
  16. I got called out at a kid's birthday party during the game. Everyone there knew I was a Panthers fan. Late in the 4th quarter amid my grumblings a guy was like "are you pulling for the Giants now???" I said, yep, we aren't going to pull this game out so 'go Giants' and hopefully Rhule is fired tomorrow. He was shocked I said that.
  17. I can honestly say out of the list of the final 6 coaching candidates for the job to replace Rivera, Matt Rhule was guy #6! So no, I've NEVER been in this dudes corner. I'll go as far as to tell on myself and say Mike McCarthy was my top choice. Yes, I know that would have probably been a train wreck too, but at least I'll admit that.
  18. Richardson was a decent owner and should have went out on his own terms. Yes, yes, he wasn't FORCED to sell the team, but the pressure was there...real or perceived. I've said it several times, I think it was a hit job. Was the dude, perfect? No, but as we have seen there are owners FAR worse still in the League. I think had he weathered the storm, Richardson would have eventually sold to a football guy. Maybe not an ex-player, but someone that at least had a background in the League. Tepper is balls. I didn't like the sell to him, I didn't like the Rhule hire and the franchise has been in free fall every since the dude got handed the keys to this organization. At this point his only redeeming value would be to fire Rhule, select a hiring committee of NFL knowledgeable people to select the next HC and then stay out of the freaking way. Dude may know hedge funds, but he's an idiot when it comes to running a NFL franchise.
  19. Yes. He's flying under the radar because he's in the Sunbelt conference playing at CCU and I'm completely okay with that.
  20. I've said it before, 5 mediocre LBs is less than adequate to have for a top-notch NFL defense. But hey, as long as we are 10 deep are extremely talented in the DB room, that would more than compensate for the nearly nonexistent LBs, right?
  21. "-Carlos Dunlap WANTED to come to Carolina but Scott Fitterer had his hands tied. Matt Rhule was making everyone earn their position so therefore, Scott could not guarantee Carlos what position he would be playing, or starter money, so Carlos chose the Chiefs" This is the very reason I am giving Fitts the benefit of a doubt. Some people here are assuming Rhule and he are connected at the hip. If this info is true, it shows that not all personnel decisions are from the GM down or a joint GM/HC effort. Some Huddle folks want Fitts discarded when Rhule finally gets kicked to the curb. I say not so fast, that at lest some of these decisions are out of Fitts hands and he can't be blamed for every dumb decision the front office has made over the past 2+ years. I'm not holding him totally blameless, but I think Tepper should give him at least the amount of latitude that he was willing to give Rhule.
  22. Honestly, and this is bad to say, but if a loss today is the beginning of the end for Rhule as our HC, I won't be mad with the 'L.'
  23. I've been saying LBs were a problem and this DB driven defense is the freaking moronic.
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