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Everything posted by 45catfan

  1. Crazy to say, but with Sam over PJ we might mess up and win a few games.
  2. If Sam stays healthy after his return, then there is zero reason to rush Baker back for at least the next 4 games or so. Sam can tank commander for us. If we continue to trot PJ out there, it's too obvious what's going on.
  3. So PJ was a neck issue not a concussion? At least he doesn't have to clear a protocol.
  4. Fitterer can redeem himself once again if he can ship off CJ Henderson once Horn is back healthy. Also that would tip off fans as to who was actually pulling the strings on these trades and new contracts.
  5. Hubbard. Dead weight and Mrs. Rhule's favorite.
  6. Speaking of Shenault, when he comes back healthy, I think he should get a shot at WR2. Smith and Marshall aren't ready.
  7. Yep, we recouped the Shenault pick in 2024.
  8. Next year's only, we are on the hook for this year.
  9. The money this season is only dead because he's no longer on the team. Dude was nearly non-existent on the field, so his money was 'dead' anyway even with him on our roster. Now we just don't have the headache of him being on the team. I'm sure another WR can drop a few balls to make up for Robbie's absence.
  10. The money is spent this year, so you can't look at it like that. The key is we get ~$13M in relief for next year and we are actually back in positive cap territory for next season.
  11. It shows he wasn't as married to Robbie as everyone thought. Rumors were Robbie was already on the market before the blow up on the sidelines yesterday. Fitterer was already trying to send him packing. Either he has egg all over his face with that contract extension OR he really didn't think Robbie was a core player for this team and the moment Rhule got fired, Fitterer saw his opportunity to jettison Robbie and that deal.
  12. I'm happy about all three. Fitts fixed an error that shouldn't ever had happened with that contract extension. The team should have let him test FA after that season. Outside of the dead money next season, Robbie is no longer an issue for this team.
  13. I would assume anyone with this hair style is a moron.
  14. And dress like you left Jr high school. I mean the dude is a freaking millionaire and dresses like he's going to a k-pop concert.t.
  15. At this point it looks like a 5th (torn ligaments in Baker's ankle) and we got a 5th back in the Daley trade.
  16. Sunken costs. We can't gut this roster mid-season and the lost picks in next draft are just that...lost. The new staff can purge nearly all of Rhule's boys in the offseason, but it will take at least one additional offseason to get Rhule's stank completely off this team.
  17. As of now the only pick we are missing in 2024 is a 7th. Already recouped the Baker and Shenault trades with Daley and Robbie. It sucks, but we can't expcect to wipe our @sses from Rhule in only one offseason.
  18. The fact we got anything for him after yesterday's debacle is amazing. Yes, late rounders nearly ever pan out, but at least we got something!
  19. Heck, most of them are backup players here. No way more than 1-2 stick with a new staff next year.
  20. Rhule had 100% of roster control at this point. Fitts could have pushed back, but who is going to win that argument? Now, I will agree the extension was bloated. The years wasn't necessarily the problem (2 more years), but the money was too much. Marshall was a rookie. Unless you have a high first round pick at WR, you don't pencil them in as starters. As shown, Marshall was always going to be a project.
  21. The same can be said for a HC, with exception to the cup of coffee Rhule had as the assistant LBs coach a season with the Giants.
  22. The model isn't broken, it's who made the call for it to happen. Did Fetterer do this on his own or did Rhule say make it happen? HCs don't draw up contracts. Again, who was the point man in saying: 'lock Robbie up before he hits FA after the season?' Was it Rhule or was it Fitterer? I will eat crow if you can prove that Fitts did this largely on his own and Rhule wasn't the driving force behind Robbie staying in Carolina.
  23. Watched the entire video and he didn't actually praise Robbie until the very last question. He repeated it that is was Robbie's time based on which of our WRs was next up for a new/extended contract--at least 4 times through multiple questions. It was about process. He made that abundantly clear.
  24. I bet he does. He seems like a smart dude that has the CYA receipts. Remember, until this past offseason, Rhule had 100% control over the roster. He reluctantly gave up some of that control and hired coaches outside of his neighborhood (Baylor/Temple) as a means to keep his job after meeting with Tepper regarding his future.
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