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Everything posted by 45catfan

  1. Yeah, that sucked, but a TD none-the-less. Also, if a new OC can scheme the WRs open, then the QB can find them. As of now, the WRs can't get open and McAdoo can't scheme them open, except running them all the way across the field through the zone hoping for a mismatch. I wonder how many more times that play will get dialed up.
  2. Yeah they ran a rub route with DJ across the field who got switched on a LB. FINALLY got open and Sam found him.
  3. For all the pissing and moaning about QB, there is nobody to throw to. I hope this rookie QB can throw to himself.
  4. Sam is playing ok. Our WRs literally cannot get open. The pick was frustration and trying to force something that wasn't there. Our WR room is straight garbage.
  5. Hmmm, crazy how an elite WR can make a secondary look like a joke and a game managing QB look stellar.
  6. I'm down--we should have already done this. At least two 1sts and call a moving company.
  7. Caldwell has always given my .500 vibes as a HC. He's not going to run a team into the ground, but he's not turning a team into perennial playoff contenders either.
  8. Either way I'd be happy. I think he did a admirable job in Indy with an inept GM and a drunken stooge of an owner.
  9. If McVay walks away, how attractive is that job besides location? Cap Hell, cornerstone players all about to retire and draft pick poor. Looks like he's leaving the franchise in cherry condition.
  10. I didn't hate the idea of Harbaugh here, but I didn't love it either. I think the dude has a few screws loose, but he knows how to coach a football team. Ultimately he would have been a short-term solution, IMO. I couldn't see him here more than a few year regardless of performance.
  11. I am too, but "he's a billionaire" straw man was brought up time and time again. Denver has TWO billionaire families in their ownership group. Dave wanted no part of that bidding war.
  12. I was told by the Huddle Tepper would not get outbid. Looks like he tapped out before the real bidding even began, lol!
  13. The draft you mean? Our FA purse is about as tapped out as someone returning from a Vegas gambling trip. After a few extensions, cuts and a restructure or two...we might be able to re-sign a couple key FAs to keep in house along with a few mid-tier guys from the outside. In other words, the Panthers FA will be about as exciting as watching Sir Purr play with a cat toy.
  14. McVay knew what he was doing. He straight up bought that SB win, future consequences be damned. Either he was egotistical enough to think he could somehow swim through the shark infested waters for the next few years that he created as the team retooled, while trying to get back into cap sanity OR he knew this thing was bound to blow up where he would just walk away. Neither of those situations are good. Dude's a brilliant coach, but also a franchise wrecker.
  15. I still prefer Frank Reich. What do I know, I only hated the Rule hire from the jump (literally ranked him #6 out of the 6 finalists) and while Mike McCarthy (my top choice at the time) isn't a 'sexy' HC, he's been solid in Dallas.
  16. Harbaugh told Tepper it wouldn't take 7 years to turn things around and Dave said he was lying...ended the call.
  17. Could, but will he? Tepper already shoveled out a poo ton to a failed head coach. Denver's new ownership is eager to throw money at someone, as reported, so money is no object. They want THE BEST guy (in their minds) for the job. They will not settle for the #2 guy. In other words, if it comes down to a bidding war between Denver's ownership and Tepper if they want the same guy, it could get VERY pricey.
  18. Tisk, tisk, tisk....we do not speak/type that name. It is forboden. There needs to be a filter that pops up used-car-saleman when that named is typed just like the filter when someone types a cuss word.
  19. I'm cool with the Saints losing, especially if we are the team that administers the beat down.
  20. Of course I will. I only chose not to watch earlier this year when 'used car salesman-Vito' was at the helm. That was a conscious protest though. Good thing he got fired when he did or I might not have seen a Panthers game all season!
  21. Yeah, as mentioned earlier, Harbaugh's likely to pull a Pete Carrol. If these investigations have any teeth, he's not going to stick around for any sanctions. Pete was like--'the NFL sounds really good about now' and dipped on USC as the program was about to get penalized. Hey, it worked out for the Seahawks. Maybe the formula of NFL--> College--> NFL could work again. Carrol was anything but successful in his first NFL coaching stint, but the second time seems to a charm for many coaches in the NFL.
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