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Everything posted by 45catfan

  1. Sounds about right. Tepper hired Reich to hire a competent staff...now he needs to stop micromanaging. He's the owner and will have input, but that input should not deter the staff from the players they want.
  2. I think it's a smoke screen where we can move back, potentially, if we know another team is in love with AR. Even if we move back to #4 and QBs go 1,2,3,4, we still get a QB.
  3. Eh, Purdy didn't take over until about 3/4 of the way through the season after Jimmy G. did all the heavy lifting. He would get an asterisk from me. Wilson has been such a tool lately, I totally blocked him out, lol! Wilson, Big Ben and Purdy*. Looooong list indeed.
  4. No backpedaling. We have one team to beat and they have a complete roster, we don't. Could it happen? Sure, but HIGHLY unlikely. About as high as Nuke being the FA savior of the offense.
  5. Yup, because a rookie QB is a rookie QB. He's going to make mistakes. Unless the Saints take a face plant, they should win the division. We will probably come in second. It's like you just stated watching the NFL recently or something.
  6. Yup and I thought Tom Brady too, but he took over for an injured Drew Bledsoe in his second year. The only other one I can think off without getting into the weeds is Dan Marino all the way back in the 80's.
  7. Would you be if we'd signed Carr or Rodgers? My feeling is if that would have happened, you would have moved on.
  8. I do go to church, but not because I'm scared....irrelevant to the conversation. Anyway, if we DO happen to win the division it's for the simple fact it's the weakest division in the NFL. We have the Saints to beat, that's all. The Bucs and Falcons are in worse shape than we are.
  9. Name rookie QBs that have won their division. I'll wait. That's a lot of research for such a small list....if you can call it a list. Let's not go back to the before the 90's, just the past 30-ish years to save you some time.
  10. I like it, another Jericho Cotchery type. The price has to be right though. He's solid, but not worth breaking the bank to acquire.
  11. Rookie QBs don't win divisions and we are not a #1 WR away because the rest of the room stinks. Plus, Nuke is washed. That's why that statement was nuts.
  12. Too many TEs to choose from, so I'll take a stab just say OJ Howard. T.Y. Hilton for a WR , Jabrill Peppers S and Solomon Thomas IDL.
  13. Who are we talking to? Let's get some names before noon folks. We can make this interesting for bragging rights (that means absolutely nothing).
  14. A veteran TE is a rookie QBs best friend. It would be malpractice to draft a QB and give him our current QB room and/or a rookie TE. I agree, we need to draft a TE, but that doesn't mean we stay away from the position in FA. Stating the obvious, FA comes before the draft and we can't risk not being in the right spot to draft a TE and miss out entirely. We don't need to blow a ton of money, a middling guy would suffice.
  15. I actually like the one you did just before this one better. Both are really good though.
  16. No, but the Jets do have a ring. Point being just because an organization has a ring doesn't mean they beyond ridicule. Two-years ago or 50-years ago, it doesn't matter. There is only one current champion and right now it's KC. They actually shipped off one of their best players and still won. They did it the right way and have two rings in the last few years and could stand to win one or more in the foreseeable future. That's admirable and enviable at the same time. So yes, I still think the Rams blowing up their entire roster is still funny as hell. McVey had to be talked of the cliff of stepping away, even being one of the youngest coaches in the NFL. Dude had to really think twice about overseeing this blow up and rebuild.
  17. The Jets have a ring too, I guess I can't mock them about something or is just a recency thing? I'd rather build a dynasty or at least a mini-one over a hired one-year or bust roster. Heck, in a few years most of the Rams fan base won't even remember who the hell was largely on that SB roster.
  18. Correct. I'm not shocked how selling out is a somehow a good look, alas, it's sadly expected.
  19. Damn our fan base has hit a new low. Desperation is a foul smell. Each year 31 other teams have to "get'em next year"
  20. The Rams are screwed for a while, not just a few years. Their first SB win was not done this way. They built that team. The Bucs sucked before and surely will after the TB12 rental. Kinda showing your stripes there guy.
  21. Years of irrelevancy incoming. I guess you are coming from the players standpoint, which unless you are a player is a weird viewpoint. As a fan, players come and go. LA is a weak football market anyhow and that nice new stadium is going to be largely empty for the foreseeable future.
  22. All 100 of them, sure. The rest were just there to be seen. Curious to see attendance numbers next season. I bet those 'fans' are going to stick by their team, lol!
  23. Eh, it's a rental ring/hired mercenary ring. Would I take it? Sure, but it hits different when an organization builds the roster the right. Given the choice, I think most fans would like to see a ring won as the fruition of team building the correct way. This is the NFL, not the NBA...screw creating 'super rosters' of temporary hit-men.
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