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Everything posted by 45catfan

  1. Only started more than 10 games once and only one 500+ yard season. Going into year six and already on his 4th team. Only target more than 40 times in two seasons; the other three seasons averaged two targets per game. What part of any of that screams #1 TE? It's sad that our TE room is so bad people think Hurst is a legit #1 TE. I mean, he's definitely the #1 TE on our team, but that's like saying a person with the highest grade in remedial studies is actually smart.
  2. The talent at TE was better than WR this draft. Desperate for a DJ replacement, the brass made a rash decision. The WR class next year is looking good. Should have gone Edge and TE or vise versa.
  3. Fine...as in ok, mediocre, so-so? I couldn't agree more. Hurst is a #2 on most teams, Thomas will struggle to find work after the Panthers finally ditch him and Tremble is a #3. Lol, you mentioned Sullivan as if he mattered. Don't forget about Ricci!
  4. I've got to admit next year may be a my favorite since we don't have a first rounder. Once we we traded for the #1 pick this year, I basically tuned out the draft. I knew it would turn into a #1 pick circus...and it did. Next year's draft will back to the serious draft folks.
  5. End of August. June 1st cuts can happen anytime before that date. Random releases happen throughout the offseason.
  6. No TE drafted and, while some spots remaining, no UDFAs signed yet either. Are we really rolling with this TE group? If Hurst misses any time, we are screwed. That said, Hurst isn't exactly top-echelon among veteran TEs either. The Ian Thomas experiment has run it's course. Tremble is a H-back. Ricci and Sullivan are STs/practice squad guys. Outside of Thomas being too much of a cap casualty, I can't fathom why he's still here.
  7. Draft sites I visit had Robinson about the 5th best safety and we got him in round 5. Value pick and depth we needed!
  8. I like this pick up. Not the quickest dude, but a sure tackler.
  9. If I counted correctly, we still need 7 players to hit 90. I like the Bumper Pool and Nicko Bolton additions. Both are prolific tacklers.
  10. Love this pick! We needed IOL depth/fringe starter and that's what we got. Is it weird I'm more excited with the day 3 picks than the day 2 picks?
  11. A 7.5" turd and reported only took two wipes to get clean. His agent attributes it to a healthy diet of leafy greens and soy milk he bought Trader Joe's last Wednesday at 5:34pm.
  12. He'll get drafted. I seriously doubt he falls all the way out of the draft. Granted he's a late day 3 prospect, but dude is a baller who has good production, those guys usually don't go undrafted. If we trade back and get a 6th or 7th rounder, he's a guy to look out for.
  13. Wasn't sure, but thought this may need it's own thread: Bryce Young took a dump at 8:02am this morning after scratching his nuts upon waking up at 6:15am. Again, thought about a new thread, but thought it may be a bit overkill.
  14. Might as well jump on the QB frenzy bandwagon: Ugh, the freaking draft can't get here soon enough, and not for the right reasons......
  15. YGM misplaced in this defense, maybe he can be part of a trade package? Either that or he's going to have to put on about 30 pounds and play the run on early downs.
  16. As long as it's not us. If I have to read 5,302.5 thread titles that revolves around the same damn thing again I'll jump off a bridge.
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