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  1. It has always been my suspicion that Bryce was, “Thrown into the deep end of the pool and expected to sink or swim.” This year he has experience and less stress.
  2. If Bryce Young was so bad, how was the mistake made to actually draft him?
  3. One thing to remember is the armchair quarterback rule. It is fun to speculate, but, keep in mind. We did not have this knowledge back then. I think this depends upon how you bench young. Does he get benched but continue to learn and develop under a veteran quarterback or does he get benched with the decision to cut him next season? My thought on any new quarterback is to have him play behind a veteran quarterback for the first season. If you play the rookie quarterback immediately, it would be like throwing the non-swimmer into the swimming pool to see if he/she will sink or swim. in this case, I actually think it was a blessing to play young through the whole season. Here is why: I am personally concerned about young’s physical ability. Size, etc. If the physical ability is a problem, it’s best to find out now rather than during the second season. Having young play through this entire first season also allowed young to become experienced. Obviously he is not a bad quarterback yet, but he is no longer a rookie quarterback and he now has experience. I think the real question here is how long do you play young this season before you drop him altogether? By the way, I have a different opinion regarding Tepper throwing water on a fan. How do we know if the fan was possibly cheering an injury? What I heard was a fan was cheering an injury to a Panther player. I am not saying that what Tepper did is acceptable but I am saying it was understandable. It is human nature, the person who retaliates always gets noticed and suffers the consequences.
  4. Lol. Saints fans always feared Playing the Panthers. The Panthers, led by QB Cam Newton, always had the Saints number. However, the Saints always had Atlanta’s number.
  5. Cam Newton discusses Kirk Cousins As a Saints fan, I was always afraid to play against Cam. Today, I think he is one of the greatest QBs the Panthers ever had.
  6. I would agree. Tell him, you have 17 games up front. (This will take some of the stress out of the equation.)
  7. No Question! Draft until it feels good. Tom Brady was what? A sixth round draft choice. we might draft the next GOAT. my concern is too many people think that: you must have the First pick in the draft to get a GOAT. We forget that a mediocre college football player might excel in the NFL.
  8. Happy days are here again. The sky above is clear again. Happy days are here again!! Atlanta Fan Version Krappy days are back here again. The Falcons are cursed again! Krappy days are back here again!!!!
  9. My biggest pet peeve is this belief that tanking to get a better 1st round pick, is 100% effective. I believe this thought has hurt really badly.
  10. To me, the Falcons and the Eagles have the worst fan base in the NFL. You don’t see other fan bases, burning down buildings after their team wins the Super Bowl.
  11. Just because your arch enemy adopts an idea, doesn’t mean you should not consider it. If it is a good idea, then I would use it as quickly as possible. Don’t throw away a good idea just because you’re hated rival uses it.
  12. Would sending him a chocolate cake with a metal file help him to break out of Seattle? . I do agree that he would be a good Mentor.
  13. Prior to the start of the 2023 season, I had concerns about Bryce Young. I thought he was the best pick in the draft. However, I did not think it was a good idea to throw him in as the starter immediately. Most NFL franchises would start their shiny new quarterback behind the wise veteran. The shiny new quarterback would get the start after one maybe two seasons. To me, starting Bryce Young in the first season, was like throwing somebody into the deep end of the swimming pool, and watching them either sink or swim. meanwhile, the news media didn’t help much. The news media wanted to convey the narrative that Bryce Young was too small to play. They kept showing him in pictures that emphasize how small he was compared to other people. I can only imagine what that does to somebody’s self-confidence. The good news is that this year Bryce Young is a veteran. I think the key will be what kind of team the new coaches put together.
  14. I was thinking that we need a good back up quarterback. As a Saints fan, I was never sold on Andy Dalton. To me, he is just a standard quarterback. I was thinking about picking up a good back up quarterback in free agency. However, the idea of drafting another quarterback to me, seems to be a better plan.
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