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Everything posted by CPsinceDay1

  1. former XFL player....BALLHAWK! he got hurt in preseason so he slipped thru...now that was the chess move Rhule was hoping for..
  2. Hence....THE QB CONTROVERSY of 2021....we are now left with no choice but PJ ...you kno, in case, Sam Darnold doesn't pan out
  3. The Patriots.... He knew Brady was a Buc, that move made sense to hurt us twice, very petty, I liked that type of ish too... I would have loved for Cam to win a Superbowl with the Steelers but the Patriots... that's all I'm saying...that like if Jordan came back to the Lakers
  4. Really thought you'd be gone when Will left
  5. This thread starting to remind me of the Jets thread unfortunately...smh I liked Cam...but once he signed with the Patriots he lost all respect, Smitty(tied for best panther ever, might I add he and Olsen should call our games), didn't even do that
  6. When Darnold gets benched, are you still going to be here???
  7. Carolina All Day... Clearly there's something in the air against PJ, who's a member of the Carolina Panthers...I mean so many threads concerned with the backup QB, why, because it shows the lack of faith in Sam Darnold...once again passing on Fields, and now releasing Will, let's me know how much faith it is they have in PJ vs. how much they in Sam Darnold...like @CRA has stated they're not bringing in any QB, and it's because they don't want any real competition for PJ Walker. Darnold is a bargain chip...he was meant for insurance always...a decent backup..or trade bait should a certain QB legal problems disappear...had it been Fields,Darnold,PJ...there would be no Horn...and PJ possesses the same skill set as Fields so the understanding if Darnold sucks, homerun with PJ... Phillip went undrafted...off and on the colts...PJ is a baller from the XFL...who knows what it takes to fight to get where you are... So as a Panthers fan for 6
  8. For this a response is deserved.... First, he did play very well in week 1, so much as so, that eyes started to wonder...fitterer for example...now let's assume PJ was told to tone it down... He does good y'all say preseason...okay can't argue there... Will does ok...look at all the hype...hmmm, but Darnold was still a question mark... Darnold does well against 2s n 3s... Same praise... So why talk about stats after preseason week 1....or performance for that matter...the biggest negative thing against PJ was turnovers, so as long as he didn't throw a pick, he was all good. Now, the real season starts.... I was going to the Steelers game, but since I was taking my daughter she thought it best to debut her PJ sign when it counts...it's funny because once she found out Darnold was just playing the 2s n 3s she said she didn't want any scrubs... See I lost hope for the season when we traded for Darnold...then again when we didn't draft Fields...but I've regained hope in knowing PJ is going start sometime this season.
  9. I think Joe and Sean felt like... He moves the team...knows the offense..makes the checks...MAKES OFF SCHEDULE PLAYS..pushes the ball downfield...can be EXPLOSIVE...n so far this preseason...the MAIN GOAL was for him TO TAKE CARE OF THE FOOTBALL(NO TURNOVERS)...was the main thing he had to work on...hmm u know u asked earlier...who going be what number? who's going go?...so many things can change in the next day or so, that's why i'm hestiate to say SOMEONE IS THIS...but in terms if he played today he would be our number 2 QB- Coach Rhule 8/31/2021
  10. They just mad they were wrong...so they trying to find any answer.
  11. CAM > SAM let's bring our boy home....
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