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Everything posted by CPsinceDay1

  1. You are correct sir, Anyone know the starting 5 o-line today?
  2. Does having Darnold at the QB position guarantee more wins/losses....???
  3. Yeah, I forgot to buy my new Chinn's jersey th I wasn't trying to bring PJ into the Convo..but I sure would buy his before Darnold's... I was just making a observation that I haven't even seen a Darnold's jersey worn by a fan yet..I mean I saw a Colts fan with a Wentz jersey yesterday...and today at our team's practice there's no support for our own QB .. that's really telling and needs to be addressed.
  4. Very informative...but a team that has a hard time selling their starting QB jersey says alot about fan support...which translates to ticket sells, etc...
  5. Hey you can't blame them for supporting a true No.1 QB...sure wish we could... Oh btw https://www.nflshop.com/mens_carolina_panthers_sam_darnold_nike_blue_game_player_jersey/t-47045779+o-9105+d-017155676+f-4884689+z-9-967344646?utm_medium=cse&_s=ak1944nfl-pla&sku=15546144&targetid=targetid&targetid=pla-338671078465&gclid=EAIaIQobChMIgdi0pM268gIV-BitBh25hQn8EAQYASABEgJrgvD_BwE
  6. No you claim my belief in PJ was, therefore, wait for it, your assessment would also imply to the people pulling for Darnold.
  7. So it doesn't matter an NFL team can't sell the QB1 jerseys....Tepper on line 1
  8. The 49ers post n Rapport tweet proves Carolina was the only ones to think of Daronld as some type of savior for a team...
  9. Your position was... people believing what others can't right... https://www.google.com/amp/s/ninerswire.usatoday.com/2021/04/05/panthers-jets-sam-darnold-trade-49ers/amp/ https://twitter.com/RapSheet/status/1379162104079474697?s=20 Basically same thing could be said about Darnold...seeing no one else wanted him but US
  10. No, I read it, but flipped it, I guess u don't understand the irony...not shocked at all
  11. Has anyone seen a fan in Darnold's Carolina jersey...???? Are they even selling????
  12. As our QB room sits, yes, I think PJ is the best choice to succeed.
  13. Yea, it's not Darnold's fault he sucks...the powers that be never gave him a chance...huh
  14. Last time we were seated....but that was bc of the COVID arrangements..I guess
  15. My wife got them for me round Xmas, she said she's waiting on a response from Molly Kenny... who's helped us last when our seats changed.
  16. Dm me...I won't mind an extra two...plus this my first year being a PSL owner..saw the last game....n for some reason ours ain't shown up in the app yet....but a chance to see Grier...i can't missed out on that....
  17. No, I'm saying that's where Sam should've started his revival...
  18. PJ proved he was the best player in the XFL...beat scrubs to show you are not a scrub Darnold wouldn't even crack the top 5 QBs in the XFL...a scrub amongst scrubs. I mean with the coaches, skill positions, and scheme, ya know, the circumstances or excuses, as why Darnold wouldn't even make it in the XFL. PJ has the "IT" Factor..."IT can turn everyone around IT, better" Darnold ain't "IT"...He needs "IT to be a perfect scenario"
  19. What's the biggest assumption about Darnold that he brings different from Teddy... His ability to throw down field correct.... I mean if u still talking about the Darnold from USC... But I found something of note, you know the NFL changes people, especially after a couple of years... Darnold has become so gunshy against pressure that his poor footwork is now working even into clean throwing platforms, where he has room to step up and throw. Darnold got the worst ball placement score among 22 charted quarterbacks when throwing from a clean platform last year despite throwing generally catchable footballs, indicating that he’s failing to slot the ball relative to coverage or maximize YAC. A passer without pinpoint accuracy begins to lose his danger as a dink-and-dunk distributor .....and that became a new problem for him before the Jets dump him off on us. oh, it wasn't until round Dec..in Gase's first year with him, Darnold finally started learning the basics of the playbook...Does he have a learning disability???? I mean can he not fully understanding the playbook right now be the reason Rhule wants to make sure he doesn't get on the field until he's absolutely ready...will he ever be....???...or fake an injury until he does.... maybe he catches mono again
  20. When the XFL opens back up, Darnold will be looking for employment... And I'm sure he'll look like he belongs there
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