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Sgt Schultz

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Everything posted by Sgt Schultz

  1. My guess is the Falcons. But the best I can do beyond a guess is anybody not named the Bucs.
  2. When you misfire in hiring a coach, there is a price to pay. When you hire a disaster as a head coach, that price goes up. When you hire a disaster as a head coach and then give him complete control, that price increases again, and it goes up a lot. We are lucky this thing isn't being torn down to the studs after doing the third. Wilks deserves a lot of credit for stabilizing things last year, and that is also because The Process was sent packing early in the year. But, the roster was already built by then, so even in the process of stabilizing things he was making lemonade.
  3. His statement is pretty much what I have expected all along. This is not a veteran team poised to bring home an Owl with just a change in coaches.
  4. Well, that gives me some faith that the man has a BS meter. In fairness to him when he hired The Process, he was in a room with two BS artists and the wife of one of them. He was surround by a woman who put together some mean meatballs and two guys who were basically con-men.
  5. Agree on all points. I've been chastised before for suggesting Tepper is patient, because he fired Rivera several games before the end the 2019 season. My response was that a lot of new owners and posters on this forum would have canned both Rivera and Hurney before the 2019 season began. Nearly everybody saw that was the inevitable outcome by the end of 2018. The only complaint I had (other than I thought they would both be axed prior to 2019) was that he should he canned Hurney first and let a new GM lead the HC search. Who knows, had he done that maybe we don't wind up hiring a buffoon because of a plate of meatballs?
  6. Corral was part of Rhule's second 7 year plan, unless PJ retired earlier.
  7. I doubt that it would have made any difference. . The Process would have "red shirted" Howell the same way he did Corral. He had a stable of three lousy QBs ahead of Corral or Howell, and the most vulnerable of those lousy QBs was his pet. He was betting his job on the newest lousy QB. Whoever they brought in, whether it was Corral, Howell, or Mahomes was not going to have an easy time of it, was going to get no coaching, and may have been stashed on IR hurt or not. We would not have known any more about Howell than we did Corral heading into the draft this year. In Rhule's world, freshman do not play on the varsity team.
  8. Add to that SOS does not necessarily tell us much when trying to evaluate or predict how an offense or defense will fare. It really boils down to the offense vs. defense match ups (both ways) each individual week, vs. overall wins and losses. For example, let's say a team in the top fourth of the league wins a lot of games, but struggles against the run. If they play five opponents below the Mason-Dixon line that can run the ball, the SOS is going to lead people in the wrong direction.
  9. We've had offenses that were so inept that keeping two punters would have been a good idea. In fact, devising and running the "twin punter formation" would have had its upside.
  10. Moving to the top five would be incredible. I'd be elated if we settled somewhere between 10 and 15. There are just too many unknowns to project much of anything. I have some confidence, but setting our hopes on #5 is setting ourselves up for failure.
  11. Ah, that will go over the heads of most of this board.
  12. They could be down to $100 by then, in 2023 dollars. Of course, that will be $1500 by then, given inflation.
  13. Patience, Grasshopper. I doubt these will sell like hotcakes. Once they realize that it will be a buyers market. Although, Cowboy fans are strange. I would not be surprised if they actually sold some of these in Cowboys' colors.
  14. If I tried to bring that into the house, my wife would probably send it and me packing......and with good reason. On the bright side, I don't think it is the ugliest thing I have seen. The NHL had some alternate sweaters that were so bad the coach would not allow his team to take the ice wearing them. Then again, I don't expect to see anybody wearing any of these any time soon.
  15. I can see this is going to be another one of those days.
  16. Instead, The Process classified him as a red-shirt freshman. Just another example of him not having any clue about what he was doing.
  17. Lance may well turn out to be the most overvalued player in NFL history before it is said and done. The 49ers grossly overdrafted him, and if things don't change dramatically, now the Cowboys overpaid for him in the trade. Nothing wrong with that from Lance's perspective. I would like to go down in history as the most overvalued person in what I do. Of course, if that were true I would be retired by now. And no, before anybody says it, I am not potentially the most overvalued fry cook at McDonald's.
  18. Nah, that's not the way Huddle logic goes. Lance was, and always will be, the #3 draft choice so therefore the Cowboys got a steal.
  19. Let me guess......he is going to revolutionize the position.
  20. Well, we have our share of addicts, it seems.
  21. Add stupidity to that list (and that is not a dig on Corral). But we see teams make moves out of insanity, stupidity, desperation, arrogance, or some combination on a pretty regular basis. Do I think anybody is going to offer us more than a seventh round pick for him, if even that? No? Would I be surprised if somebody did? Not really. The quote attributed to PT Barnum (probably falsely) is true. In fact, it may be optimistic. Unfortunately, too often that sucker or fool has been us.
  22. David Newton's reporting makes Juan's threads read like Carl Bernstein. It is hard to take anything he writes seriously. Newton that is, not Juan. Although......
  23. If David Newton is dependent on my click to eat tonight, he better get used to the idea of dieting. I'm not sure why people are so upset about him getting caught saying he was going to write an article trashing somebody to get clicks, and then doing it. Pretty much everything he writes falls into the category of click bait. Any resemblance between his work and sports journalism is a dirty shame.
  24. My rule for trading Corral right now is the same as my rule for selling my house. I'm not looking to do it, but if somebody rings the doorbell and offers me a huge price, sold. The goal for Corral is to replace Dalton in time. Any development he gets under this coaching staff is more than he got last year. If he does live up to being a solid #2, he will be worth more next year or the following than he is now, both to us and others. But, like I said, if somebody rings the doorbell and makes a deal too good to refuse.......
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