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  1. Yeah not sure where I got Jarod from. Guess I was thinking of the Patriots ex-HC…oye!
  2. You’re right….my bad! 🫢 (talk about feeling old, does anyone say ‘my bad’ anymore???)
  3. https://sports.yahoo.com/article/former-panthers-lb-announces-retirement-015017119.html
  4. Agreed. Hate that we passed up Zach Frazier in last year’s draft. Imagine him between Hunt and Lewis. What might have been. That said, I’m glad they’re holding on to Mays.
  5. ^this and I’m not sure how Allen would fit in our 3-4 scheme. He’s played most of his career as a 4-3 DT.
  6. Not again! Didn’t we learn anything last time?
  7. Don’t know about this. Brandon Ayuik would’ve been a better acquisition but at least we don’t have to worry about any Deebo-to-Carolina discussions.
  8. I wouldn’t dismiss this as a possibility. Jeanty is going to be a special one and if he’s BPA at #8, in a deep defensive draft and multiple picks in the later rounds, I think this is an option they’d have to consider at least.
  9. Everyone except Miles B seems to have mailed it in.
  10. Hope so. Pineiro was a disappointment last season. We need consistency and the cap space.
  11. Thanks MM for being the sound of the Panthers these past 14 seasons and best wishes on your next chapter. KEEP POUNDING!
  12. You said it. The most inappropriate song for a football game and has NOTHING to do with the Carolinas.
  13. Didn’t see this coming. Looks like the Panthers are methodically purging the staff to bring in new blood. Jonathan Cooley wasn’t selected for the Jags’ DC position, and this move + potential hiring of Renaldo Hill shows we’re shaking things up on the defensive staff.
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