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  1. https://twitter.com/nfltrade_rumors/status/1504173978935455746?ref_src=twsrc^tfw|twcamp^tweetembed|twterm^1504173978935455746|twgr^|twcon^s1_c10&ref_url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.cbssports.com%2Fnfl%2Fnews%2F2022-nfl-free-agency-tracker-live-updates-latest-rumors-and-signings-on-day-3-as-new-league-year-begins%2Flive%2F
  2. That is to much to give up for Vucevic. I dont see giving up on PJ right now. Zeller in a cap clearing move and the first should be more than enough.
  3. Im 37 and wear a cap everyday , mostly fitted but do have some flexfit that do fit but I have such a large melon they are not comfortable sometimes. I wear a hat so much that the few days after I get my haircut each month that people are always surprised and say well i thought you were bald.
  4. 1993 went with a mentor from my school he took me and another kid from school to a lot of games. I thought it was pretty cool he had a Mercedes convertible and going to those games really got me into the Hornets. My first game though was the all star game in 91 that was my first exposure to basketball won the tickets at school for perfect attendance.
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